
Chapter 110: Shiki vs The Crew

Chapter 114:

Shiki vs. The Crew

"Waaahhh!" Billy cried, his flight coming to a sudden stop as he turned in midair, climbing higher.

"What's wrong?" Luffy demanded over Nami and Grace's screams. Billy quickly landed on a smaller piece of floating island, all but crashing as he wretched and panted. The riders dismounted, three of the four fretting about Billy.

"There's a village," Gin called to his companions worrying about the duck, unafraid to fall from such a height. "Looks like it's surrounded by a ring of trees."

"Those are the same type of trees Shiki has surrounding his palace," Nami noted. "I wonder if the smell keeps the animals out?"

"Is that it, Billy?" Luffy asked, the duck responding with a sad "Wah."

"Best thing we can do right now is plug his nose and keep going," Grace suggested. "It's strong, though. I can smell it from here." Shrugging, the pirate stuffed plugs into the duck's nose and mounted him once more, the gigafowl completing the last leg of the journey. Their landing was accented by a cry of "Nami-swan! Grace-chan!"

"Hey, Sanji!" Luffy laughed as the four set down just outside the village. The chef was not alone as Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Coby, and Merry watched.

"I'm so happy you're alive! I was so worried about you this past week that I couldn't even sleep!"

"No kidding," Usopp grumbled. "We got into a fight every hour because the moron wouldn't stop screaming your name."

"We're still missing Robin and Amy!" the chef gasped, ignoring the sniper.

"They're probably avoiding you!" Zoro groused.

"Oh?" Sanji muttered, glancing back at the swordsman. His ire rose, memories of Thriller Bark's dock coming to his mind. "Why aren't you looking for Robin so you can swoon over her? Afraid you'll get lost?" Zoro sputtered, unable to answer. The clapback received a round of laughter from Coby, Merry, Gin, and Nami. Grace slid from Billy's back and hurried to Coby, eager to tell him that she put his training to use.

"It's so great to see you all again!" Luffy smiled. "Oh! This is Billy, by the way!"

"Wah!" the duck saluted.

"Ah wonder where tha others 're," Gin thought aloud.

"They'll be fine," Zoro waved off. "The four of them are too strong for some stupid animals to beat them."

"Mom, there's a giant bird outside!" the little girl some of the pirates knew as Xiao gasped, turning the pirates' attentions to her in the doorway of her home. She quickly tensed, passing out and starting to fall backwards before her mother caught her.

"Oh my! You all have become quite the little party! Why don't you come inside and rest?"

"Most of us are good," Luffy shrugged. "You should go on in, Nami. After what Shiki put you through. I bet you could use some rest." His voice held a tinge of worry.

"I guess," she replied, kissing him before stepping into the house. The door closed, Nami just able to hear Sanji lamenting, again, at his "stolen Nami-swan" before Luffy punched him with a cry of "Mine!"

Laughter and yelling resounded through the bar as beer, rum, and other drinks emptied and refilled rapidly. Franky, Robin, and Brook, watched this from the second floor, casual but ready to fight or run should the need arise.

"I'm not seeing our crew," the cyborg frowned, "but what's with all the pirates? They've got enough cutthroats to start a super war or something."

"Each crew has their own Eternal Pose, so we can safely assume they're all supposed to be here," Robin noted, nodding to one of the many food-laden tables below them. Neither pirate answered, through Brook waylayed a passing barmaid, swapping out his empty teacup for a fresh one.

She stood about as tall as Amy with red hair tied up in a ponytail. Her clothing consisted of a purple and pink dress with a short skirt and small heels. Her arms bore pale pink feathers reaching up from her wrist and past her elbows.

"Pardon me, miss," he began, "but would you be so kind as to show me your panties?"

"No way, creep!" the barmaid answered, jumping higher than any normal person could. She raised one leg, giving Brook a single second of the vision he wished for before ax-kicking his skull into the floor.

"Excuse me," Robin said as she landed. "Are those feathers on your arms?"

"Oh, these? I don't know." She shrugged, looking at Robin with a pair of chocolate eyes. "I get the feeling we want to be birds."

"That doesn't make any sense," Franky responded, a bottle of Cola in hand. "I don't think you can turn into a bird just because you wanna."

"No' withou' a Bird Zoan er sommin," Amy slurred, stepping over with a bag of coins, her winnings from a drinking contest the others had tried to warn her away from. Tears streamed from her eyes, drawing Robin and Franky's concern.

"So about those panties-" Brook muttered, the barmaid stepping on him as she smiled and excused herself.

"Ms. Allsundaaayyyy," Amy cried, throwing herself over the other woman. "Ah don' know what ta dooooo!"

"I cannot believe you let yourself get drunk," Robin sighed.

"I'm rrruuuuiiiiiinnnneeddddd!"

"What do you mean, Ms. Valentine," Robin questioned.

"I... I..." The blonde hiccuped. "At tha' Blue I'land East place, Ah pra... por..." She struggled to find the word in her drunken state. "I don' know if ah wanna marry Gin!"

"Ow, what?!" Franky gasped, stumbling over the railing. The shipwright managed to catch himself and hauled himself back up. "Did he super propose or something?"

"I did on *hic* on accident!" Amy wailed, her tears suddenly drying as lament turned to anger. "How the Hell was I suppost ta know givin' a damn name was offer'n marryin'?! An' why the Hell hasn' 'e given me an answer?! Am I not good enough fer 'im?!" She shifted back into a blubbering mess. "Help meeeee!"

"He hasn't responded?" Robin asked as Brook pulled himself from the floor.

"Noooo, an' that makes its worst! I don' even know if 'e knows!"

"If he doesn't know, then what's the problem?" Franky cut in, Amy punching him over the railing for his stupidity.

"Bu' what if he does know! What if he doesn' like me like that? I like him. Like, a lot like, but do I, like, like-like him? Do I wanna? Do I want him ta like-like me? I don't know! Waaahhhh!"

"That's something ya don't see every day," a nearby pirate laughed, getting a better look at the group over his mug. "Hey, you're the Straw Hats, aren't ya? You don't seem like the type ta join Captain Shiki, but yer on the winning side now!"

"That's why we're here," Robin answered, rubbing soothing circles on Amy's back. "I'm a little confused, though. Do you know why he's forming this brotherhood of pirates?"

"Ya don't know why? Yer joking! Can't you read?" He rummaged in his coat before pulling out a paper. "It's right here in the news. Take a look."

"You mean...!" Robin gasped as Franky pulled himself back to the second floor. "Those meteors are Shiki's doing?"

"Captain Shiki's a clever bastard, ain't he?" the pirate from the bar laughed, Robin and Franky reading the newspaper he had offered. Amy rested as Robin's feet, starting to sleep off the alcohol in her system due to a Lullaby courtesy of Brook. "There's no way the Government can overlook this."

"I see," Robin nodded. "But what's his exact goal?"

"After he destroys the East Blue, he's going to conquer the whole stinkin' world!" the pirate waved off. "Not like there's anything there to miss, anyway. It all starts after the assembly tonight. First we have dinner, then he lets those monsters of his out on the East Blue."

"Those things are bad news," Franky shivered. "It'll be a slaughter if he does that."

"If you want an omelet," the pirate shrugged. "Like I said, not like there's much to miss in these eggs."

"I'm glad I'm on Shiki's side," one of the pirate's crewmates broke in.

"No kidding. To Captain Shiki!"

"To Shiki!" most of the bar roared.

"Y'all better get changed," the crewmate laughed. "Tonight is formal-wear only."

"So there's a dress code for the end of the world," Robin chuckled mirthlessly. "Good to know."

"I heard he's got a demonstration planned, a warm up before the East Blue or somethin'. See, there's a village on the island he's left alone just fer tonight. Watchin' those people scream is gonna be fun!"

"Wait," Franky blinked. "There are people here?!"

"Grandma! Mommy!" Xiao jumped over a sleeping Luffy as she hurried into her home after completing her errand, passing the other sleeping pirates. "Shiki's leaving!"

"Are you sure?" her mother gasped.

"Yeah! Everyone's coming back! I saw Shoo's daddy with my own eyes! He said everyone else will be back soon! Daddy and Sis should be back any time now!"

"After all this time?" Xiao's grandmother questioned, sitting up from her bed."It's like a dream."

The old woman had large, green splotches on the left side of her face, the results of a disease known as Daft. As they had explained to the pirates, Daft was caused by inhaling particles from the Daft Green trees that surrounded the village. The particles weren't dangerous in small amounts, but long-term exposure leads to the spots growing until they cover the entire body, paralyzing the victim. Xiao had met Zoro, Merry, and Chopper because she had been trying to find the cure, a small plant known as IQ, but one plant was not enough. That plant now sat in a small cup of water, taunting them but too valuable to throw out.

"I can hardly believe it," Xiao's mother cried, scooping her daughter into a hug and sitting on the bed. "After so long, that evil Shiki is finally going to leave. Then he'll be the East Blue's problem."

Nami frowned from her spot wrapped up in a blanket. 'They don't know,' she thought, wincing. One hand touched the gold bracelet she had received from her sister after Arlong's defeat so long ago. Carefully and with a hoarse whisper, she got to her feet.

"Luffy." Nami pushed her way out of the house, moving her way towards the back. "Luffy!"

"Stay back," the captain ordered, he and the other Straw Hats watching the sunset in a tense semicircle. Said sunset poured through an arch the pirate were sure was not there before, Shiki the Golden Lion standing atop it. "If you want to help, help Gin."

"Reunited at last, Babydoll."

"Stop calling her that!" Luffy yelled.

"That was cold of you to leave, Babydoll," the blond continued, ignoring the other captain. "You didn't even bother to say goodbye! You sure know how to hurt a guy's feelings."

"The only one who's feeling I'm worried about hurting are my husband's," Nami bit back. "We know about your scheme to destroy the East Blue."

"So? I think you know sinking ship when you see one. You know you're better off with me than with these lowlifes, Babydoll."

"Shut up!" Luffy demanded. "If you think you can get away with trying to steal one of my crew, my wife no less, you've got another thing coming, bastard!"

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it?"

"Break you in half! Let's go!"

As one, the nine pirates charged the elder outlaw, Luffy reaching him first with a Gum-Gum Rocket. Shiki shifted to the side, but was surprised to find one of Luffy's legs ready to catch him in the torso. Even as Shiki brought one sword-leg up to counter, and hopefully slice off a chunk of the offending party, Luffy's leg was already moving to dodge. The older pirate's eyes narrowed as he flew upward, unsure if his thoughts were right. Storm clouds he was sure we're not there a second ago rumbled above them, lightning striking somewhere nearby.

"72 Caliber Phoenix!" Zoro and Coby called in tandem, their flying slashes mixing on their course to Shiki. Scowling, the pirate kicked them away before having to dodge Usopp's Firebird Star.

"Power Ram Shoot!" Sanji yelled, launching Merry at their airborne foe.

"Gordian's Knot!" the klabautermann announced, twisting through the air. Shiki's frown deepened as one of his legs kicked upward to cut the ball of rope in half. Merry was just able to avoid death by catching the next sword on her horns, the force sending her plummeting.

"Adrenaline Amber!" Grace yelled after Coby took off running, catching the ship-girl in an adrenaline-boosted haze. Spinning her momentum away and releasing her, the rosette Shaved in front of Shiki, his Hybrid form already swinging.

"Unseen Disaster!"

"Arm Point: Cloven Hoof Sakura!" The Golden Lion was unable to avoid both attacks, his sword-legs blocking the Ancient Zoan as Chopper's hooves pounded into the pirate's back. Shiki grimaced as the attack left pick hoof-marks along his back, manipulating his Fruit to spin quickly. The force knocked Coby and Chopper backward, just in time for a bolt of electricity to fire at the man.

"10,000 Watt Lightning Shot!" Shiki dove out of the way, only to have his vision filled with Gin's angered expression, electricity flowing over his blurry form. "Spinning Death!" Shiki's arms shot up, both covered with a black substance that negated the lightning sparking from Gin's tonfa.

"To think you would make me use not only my arms, but my Haki as well. Your teamwork is truly-"


"Gum-Gum Rifle!"

Whatever Shiki was about to say died on his lips as Sanji and Luffy sandwiched him between their attacks, Sanji's steel-toed boots going through Gin. The Lion's strangled cry turned to rage, his fists and flight allowing him to punch those around him into the ground.

"It's about time you worms learned your place: in the dirt!" He raised one hand, gesturing upward. "Lion's Threat: Earthbind!"

"No!" Luffy yelled before the ground began to rupture around them. "Grace, give me something!"

"Observation Orange!" the painter answered, Luffy's world shifting. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as every one of Luffy's senses went into overdrive. Shiki floated above them, eight giant lions made of dirt rising out of the ground and closing in on the group. He could smell of the fear of his crewmates around him, their minds screaming for something they could do. Worst of all was Nami's cries, fear and worry overriding everything else in her mind.

"Get Captain Luffy out!" Coby's yell came at a snail's pace, one of his Sabaku no Kiba blades rising to point at the lion between them and Shiki. "Focus on that one!"

Luffy didn't like it, but the others seemed set on that plan and they didn't have time for a new one. Each pirate prepared their most powerful attacks, a Gum-Gum Cannon, Diable Jambe, 108 and 72 Caliber Phoenixes, 100,000 Watt Lightning Shot, Carving Hoof Sakura, Color Trap: Art is an Explosion, a dozen Exploding Stars, and Gordian's Knot smashed into and through the lion head, rendering it nothing but a memory and crippling its two neighbors. Not wasting any time, Coby grabbed Luffy and spun, using up the last of the Adrenaline Amber in throwing his captain at a considerable speed toward their foe.

"Gum-Gum Gatling!"

"Earth Wall!" As the name implied, a wall of dirt flew up between the two airborne enemies, but it seems so slow from Luffy's point of view.

"This is for my wife!" The East Blue native's fists met the wall at every one of its weak points, tiny bouts of black lightning erupting from each impact and destroying the defensive move. Luffy didn't stop there, continuing the attack to rain punches down on Shiki who frantically tried to block. Taking a risk, Luffy continued his attack with one hand while the other came up to his mouth. "Third Gear!"

Shiki's eyes widened as his opponent's arm swelled, flying away from the Gum-Gum Gatling. 'Maybe I underestimated these worms,' he thought, dodging and blocking lightning, flying slashes, and explosions. 'I better finish this.' The eye he kept on the captain widened as the air in the rubber-man's arm transferred to his leg.

"Gum-Gum-!" Though Luffy could see it coming, he was too slow to dodge the black-clad fist that punched him, driving him backward and scraping his shirt.

"You know, I lied to you before. I can't control the flight of creatures. Their stuff, though..." With a flick of his wrist, Shiki sent Luffy hurtling into the dirt next to his crew by his shirt, just in time for the Earthbind to reach them. Several tons of dirt came crashing down on the Straw Hats, twisting and pressing before condensing into a rising pillar that contracted. Strong the Straw Hats may be, but no Paradise-level pirate could resist that much earth and stay conscious unless they managed to avoid most of it.

"Luffy!" Nami screamed, dropping her Clima-Tact. "Guys!" The pillar finalized, the faces and some select limbs of her crewmates coming out of the dirt.

"Jiiihahaha," Shiki laughed, landing beside the young woman as she fell to her knees. "Your friends were stronger than I expected, Babydoll. I'll give you that much. You don't have to worry, though. They're still alive. Just... taking a dirt nap."

"You're going to attack the East Blue," Nami stated.

"Yeah. So what?"

"Don't you dare lay another finger on my friends or the East Blue!"

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Babydoll. I told you, I'm willing to do a favor or two for one of my own. Right now the only thing that threatens me are the cyclones of the Grand Line. Having a navigator that could predict them, well, there's not much I wouldn't exchange for that."

Nami's eyes shifted from Shiki to the pillar, one hand moving to the golden bangle she kept on her wrist.

"Keepsake of the dead?" Shiki questioned.

"Don't be stupid," Nami bit back instinctively before her voice lowered again. "I got it from my sister, back in the East Blue... If I did choose to join you, would you leave my friends and the East Blue alone?"

"Jiiihaha! Well, I couldn't promise the whole East Blue, but I'd be willing to leave your home alone. As for your friends, if they don't attack me, I wouldn't have a problem with that." Nami paused.

"Don't do it, Mrs. Nami!"

"Merry!" The navigator jerked at the voice, her eyes being dragged to Merry, her form cradled inside Usopp's within the pillar.

"Conscious?" Shiki muttered. "I'm surprised."

"Mrs. Nami, what would Captain Luffy say to something like this?"

"But Merry-"

"There's no buts about this! Captain Luffy would say 'go to He-'!"

"Insolent pest," Shiki frowned, the rock he had knocked Merry out with tumbling to the ground. A massive slice of earth floated over the pillar, easily meeting the size of the village. "What do you say, Babydoll?"

"...Fine," Nami gave in after several seconds and the lowering of the slab to the top of the pillar.

"Eh. Not good enough for me."

Slowly, Nami kneeled before the stronger pirate, tears in her eyes. "Please, Captain. If... If you'll spare any island with my... my former crew's jolly roger, I will join your crew as your chief navigator... Please."

"That's more like it!" Shiki grinned. "Welcome aboard! It's hard, learning that there are opponents you could never beat, but that's part of growing up. Jiiihahaha!" Reaching into his robe, Shiki withdrew the Tone Dial from when they'd first met. "I'm not some lowly kidnapper. For honor amongst pirates and all that, I'll let you leave a farewell message to them. Do make sure they don't come back, ok?"

Grabbing the conch shell with tears in her eyes, Nami pressed the apex and began her goodbye.

End of Chapter 114

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