
The new girl

A while later

Brooks was lying down on the couch and watching a movie, snuggling with Tory. Brooks slipped his hands into her pants and slipped a finger inside her cave. Tory moaned and looked up with a seductive expression as she said "Bad boy.. On the couch?"

Brooks smirked and said "He's out with Miguel. We have time~" Tory bit her lips and kissed his neck while slipping her hand in his pants and stroking. Brooks pulled her up and kissed her lips as his fingers moved faster.

Suddenly the door was kicked open and Johnny said "Brooks! Valley fest! Now! Let- Oh dude! On the couch?" Brooks took his hand back and sighed "Really. Right now? You couldn't come back in like a few hours?"

Tory was so embarrassed she covered her face and buried into Brooks' arms. Miguel chuckled awkwardly and Johnny sighed as he said "Come with me and you have the house to yourself tonight." Brooks shot up and said "Where we going?" Johnny smirked and said "Crashing a Miyagi-Do party." Brooks smirked and said "I'm in."

A while later

Brooks and Miguel led a line of Cobra Kai students as they jogged to the main stage of the Valley fest show, chanting "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" They fanned out on the stage and did a synchronized demonstration, ending with a "Hiyah!"

Johnny shouted from the side "Cobras! Show them what real Karate looks like!" Brooks grinned and started fighting with the other students, eventually only leaving him and Miguel as they sparred a few rounds before Miguel got pushed back. Brooks bowed to the audience and stepped back.

Aisha broke boards blindfolded.

Hawk did a flying kick through a board and broke it.

Brooks and Tory did a joint fight against several others.

Johnny was standing in front of a stack of cement blocks as he said "Cobras! Light it up!" a few students poured lighter fluid and set it on fire before stepping back. Johnny punched right through it and broke all the cement blocks.

The crowd cheered and several students started throwing Cobra Kai merchandise into the crowd.

Johnny stood in the middle and the rest of the class stood on both of his sides. Brooks was to his left with Tory and a bunch of other students while Miguel was to Johnny's right with Hawk, Aisha, and the rest of the class. Miguel looked at the crowd chanting 'Cobra Kai' and said "You did it, Sensei!"

Johnny shook his head and smirked "No, WE did it!" Brooks just grinned. He had a good night that night.

A few days later

Brooks was stretching in the Dojo with Tory and Miguel as Hawk and Aisha were listening to war stories from Kreese. Brooks looked up at Kreese and said to Tory "What are you doing later?" Tory pointed at her chin and said "Aisha invited me to a country club, girls night." Brooks nodded and looked at Miguel, who said "Ah, nothing. Wanna do something?"

Brooks shrugged and said "We can go pick up chicks or something." Tory smirked and punched his shoulder, Brooks rubbed his shoulder and chuckled as he corrected himself "We can go and help Miguel pick up chicks." Tory squinted and said "Better." before punching him again.

Brooks had his mouth open and said "What?" Tory laughed and said "I just felt like punching you, that's all." Brooks chuckled and tackled Tory to the ground, pinning her arms as he said "Oh yeah?" Tory smiled and said slowly "Yeah~" Brooks smirked and Johnny kicked him to the side as he said "New recruits today! Knock it off!"

Brooks held his side and said "You could've just said something. What an as-" Johnny shouted "Fall in! In neat rows and lines." Brooks and the rest lined up. Johnny nodded and said "Time to see what you're made of." he walked through the lines and said "I thought my last group of recruits were pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance at becoming a fighter, but to do that you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?"

Johnny waited and heard nothing, he was about to say something when a feminine voice was heard "I'll take him on." Johnny and the rest turned to see a delicate blonde haired girl. She was slender, curvaceous, and had brown eyes. Her hair was curly and she had bangs.

Johnny looked at the girl and paused for a second before saying "Are you sure?" the girl nodded and looked at Brooks, who was looking at her with narrowed eyes. Johnny looked at the girl and said "Make room. Let's see what she's got."

Brooks stepped forward and Tory looked at him saying "Pretty?" Brooks shook his head with a frown and said "No. I can't put a finger on the feeling." Tory frowned and decided to ask later.

Brooks got into a fighting stance and said "Watch your face girl, I'm not Miguel." Miguel scratched his neck and mumbled "Dick..." Brooks chuckled and the girl moved forward, kicking her leg out. Brooks caught her leg and pulled her in before punching her in the gut.

The girl curled up and Brooks shot an elbow towards her face, the girl ducked down and did a handstand on the ground before locking her legs around Brooks' body. She twisted to the ground and sat on Brooks before punching to his head without hesitation.

Johnny's eyes widened and Kreese watched with interest.

Brooks tilted his head and dodged before grabbing her wrist, she punched with the other hand and Brooks caught that one too before pulling down and headbutting her in the mouth, rolling over and pinning her wrists with one hand. He cocked back a fist and shot it forward immediately.

Johnny shouted "Enough!" Brooks stopped an inch in front of the girl's face, she didn't even flinch and looked into his eyes. Brooks looked at her eyes and frowned before getting off her and going back to standing next to Tory with a serious expression.

Johnny clapped and said "Very good. What's your name." The girl stood up and said "Lily Mills. With a 'Y'." before going back in line. Johnny raised a brow, as did Brooks and Miguel, they looked at each other and nodded slightly.

A while later

Brooks was standing outside the Dojo, looking at Lily leaning on a pole. Tory nudged him and said "Like the view?" Brooks shook his head and said "Something's wrong." Tory was confused and said "What's wrong?" Brooks brought Tory to the side and said "My dad's old, old, old girlfriend was named Ali Mills."

Tory said "So?" Brooks said "Her name is Lily Mills. Maybe she's my dad's ex's daughter or something. Which means maybe my dad's ex is probably in town. Which means I might get a new mom!" Tory was following the conversation to the end before slapping her forehead and bursting out laughing, realizing that she was worrying about nothing.

Brooks was confused and Tory said "I thought you.." Brooks realized and caressed her cheek as he said "Replace my Porker with that bimbo? Not a chance, you're stuck with me. Blame your bad luck." Tory giggled and said "Actually, I think my luck is pretty good." Brooks leaned in and said "Oh yeah?"

Tory smiled and said "Yeah~" Brooks smiled and kissed her deeply. Tory wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Aisha walked over and coughed, Brooks and Tory looked over and Aisha said "If you're not busy, my dad's here." Tory nodded and said to Brooks "I'm going, Killer." Brooks kissed her and said "Have fun, Porky." Tory walked away and said "Without you? It'll be a blast!"

Brooks laughed and shook his head. Tory and Aisha left and Brooks looked at Lily for a moment before walking over, Lily shot him a glance and said "What's up, lover boy?" Brooks tilted his head and said "What are you supposed to be? Teen goth in rich girl clothes?" Lily smirked and said "You prefer black?"

Brooks leaned on the pole and crossed his arms as he quipped "Personally? I think you'd look better in pink, but then again who cares what I think. Chick's in a rebellious stage, so what happened? Dad hates you, Mom's given up?" Lily pursed her lips and said "Something like that. What about you? Tough on the outside, soft on the inside?"

Brooks slowly grinned and said "I think black is better for you actually." Lily smiled and said "And minding your own fucking business will let you live longer." Brooks' grin widened as he said "Come with me, Little Rebel." before walking away, Lily said "You think, I'm just gonna follow you?"

Brooks chuckled and kept walking, Lily grit her teeth and followed him.

Brooks stopped in front of Miguel and Hawk as he said "Hawk, we're going out to get Miguel a new chick. Wanna come with?" Hawk sighed and said "I'm doing something with Moon. Sorry guys." Brooks shrugged and said "No big deal, we'll see you tomorrow." Hawks fist bumped Brooks and Miguel before leaving towards Moon's car.

Miguel said "So it's just me and you?" Brooks smirked and said "Not quite. You gonna introduce yourself, Rebel?" Lily glared at Brooks and smiled towards Miguel saying "Lily Mills. Apparently, I'm man enough to join you in chasing girls."

Brooks looked at her and said "Let's hope you're not too manly, eh? That would be quite the shock to your future boyfriend." Lily kicked at Brooks and said "Shut up, asshole!" Brooks pushed her leg away and said "Cool it, Rebel. Who do you think I am?" Lily sneered and said in a baby voice "A big softie~"

Brooks felt his eye twitch and he said "Let's go." before walking to his car, swinging his keys on his finger. He sat in the driver's seat and Lily sat in the passenger seat. Brooks gave her a look and said "No, back seat Chica. Migs has front seat." Lily said "I'm already sitting here." Brooks gave her a look and she grumbled before climbing into the back and crossing her arms, muttering "Asshole."

Brooks chuckled and Miguel sat in the front before giving Lily an apologetic expression. Lily smiled slightly before looking another way. Brooks put his sunglasses on and lit a cigarette before putting in a cassette, blasting music.

Johnny walked out of the Dojo and saw Brooks pulling out. He walked over and said "Cool the music, man. Nice choice though, Speedwagon is great." Brooks turned down the music and said "I even have Guns N' Roses and Motley Crue. What's up?" Johnny said "I was- Wait really? Lend me the Motley Crue one." Brooks was bewildered and said "No way, man! Get your own, this is the deluxe edition!"

Johnny said "Man, just for a while. Come on, I'm your dad!" Brooks scoffed and said "So? Why should I give my precious cassettes to you?!" Miguel and Lily felt their lips twitch watching Brooks and Johnny argue over a cassette tape.

Johnny finally said "Fine. Forget about having the house to yourse-" before he finished the cassette was in front of his face. Brooks had a hateful expression and Johnny said "Yesss!" as he stuffed the cassette in his pocket. Miguel and Lily felt their eye's twitch.

Johnny coughed and said "Anyway, where are you going?" Brooks said "I don't know, probably Golf and Stuff, why?" Johnny said "Why are you going there?" Brooks said "Migs, needs to get over the Larusso princess so were going babe hunting."

Johnny deadpanned and said "Babe hunting? With a chick and a leashed kid?" Brooks was about to nod before he cursed "Who's leashed?! You're fucking leashed!" Johnny chuckled and said "I was gonna tell you to buy beer while you're out. Also do me a favor, you know." completely ignoring Brooks' previous outburst.

Brooks was confused and looked at Johnny who said "1984" Brooks and Miguel said in unison "Ohhhh." Brooks nodded and Miguel said "No problem, Sensei." Johnny smiled and patted the car door before walking away saying "Nice wheels by the way, mine are better."

Brooks shouted "Only because of the paintjob! I don't want to be a copy or else my wheels are better than yours!" Johnny gave him the finger and walked back into the Dojo. Brooks grinned and said "Prick." before turning up the volume and driving off.

Who is Lily Mills? Find out next Time!

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts