
The date

Brooks drove to the Golf and Stuff before parking the car. He turned the car off and looked at Tory. He leaned back and smiled as he said "I wanted to break into a race track and take you driving around there but I was told illegal activity on the first date was a no-no." Tory laughed and said "Keep that one in your back pocket. Let's go, Killer." Brooks got out of the car with Tory and locked the car before walking with her to the Golf hut.

Brooks bought both clubs and balls before taking Tory with him to the mini golf course. Tory teed up a ball and putted it as she said "Watch the pro work her magic." Brooks chuckled and said "What pro. More like a has been." Tory putted and shot a hole in one before smirking "Hole in one for the has been."

Brooks coughed and said "Lucky shot, Porky." he went to putt and missed the hole completely. Tory burst out laughing and Brooks turned green, he putt again and missed the hole again. At least he was closer this time. He putt again and the ball was going towards the hole before magically turning at the last moment.

Brooks was speechless and Tory was leaning on a rock, laughing with tears in her eyes. Brooks grumbled and grabbed the ball before dropping it in the hole and coughing as he said "Put me down for a birdie." Tory giggled and wiped her eyes as she said "Maybe a bogey."

Brooks clicked his tongue and grumbled as they went to the next hole.

A while later

Brooks brought the golf clubs back with a dark expression, Tory stood next to him and was biting her lips trying not to laugh. The cashier smiled and said "Did you have a good time?" Brooks said "Man, your golf club is broken. It couldn't even shoot straight." the cashier smiled wryly and said "Sir, maybe it wasn't the club..." Brook glared at the guy and said "You're saying it was me?"

The cashier shook his head with a smile and started to sweat. Brooks nodded and said "That's what I thought." Tory finally laughed and pulled him to the arcade saying "Alright, Tiger Woods. let's go somewhere else."

Brooks mumbled "Never playing mini golf again.." Tory giggled and hugged his arm as they made their way to the arcade section. Brook started playing a ton of games with Tory and having a great time. They brought their tickets to the counter and Tory pointed at a giant snake plushie, the cashier gave the plushie to Tory and took the tickets.

Brooks smiled and led Tory to the car before saying "I got one more thing in mind." Tory looked at Brooks with a smile as she hugged the snake plushie. Brooks grinned and opened the car for her before going into the driver's seat and starting it up. He drove across town and stopped at an ice cream shop.

Brooks bought her ice cream and drove off, he drove up a mountain and stopped before a gate. They got out of the car and Tory said "Where are we?" Brooks gave her a look and said "Are you scared? I'm actually a kidnapper." Tory rolled her eyes and licked her ice cream as she said "Big surprise. What do you want with a porker like me."

Brooks laughed and reached out his hand as he said "Come see something with me?" Tory looked at Brooks for a moment before smiling widely and taking his hand. Brooks smiled and dragged Tory over the 'Keep Out' gate and towards the edge of the mountain to a small stone bench.

Brooks sat on the bench and looked up at the sky with a happy expression. Tory was amazed and said "Beautiful!" Brooks smiled and said "Thanks, but I prefer handsome.." Tory giggled and slapped his shoulder as she said "Not you. The view." Brooks looked at her and said "Yeah, you're right about that."

Tory blushed under his gaze and swept her hair behind her ear. Brooks smiled lightly and reached out his hand, tucking her hair behind her ear for her and softly stroked her cheek. Tory leaned into his palm and looked into Brooks' eyes.

Brooks leaned in and kissed her softly, Tory wrapped his arms around his neck and Brooks closed his eyes before wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her tightly. They separated and Tory smiled happily, Brooks also had a small smile on his face. He opened his mouth to say something when Tory's phone rang.

She sighed and picked it up before saying "Yeah? What?! I'll be right there!" and hanging up. Brooks frowned and said "What happened?" Tory sighed and said "It's my mom.. She.. I just need to get home." Brooks nodded and said "Let's go." Tory nodded with a sad expression and followed him back to the car.

Brooks said "Buckle up, Porky." Tory said "Wh- Ahh!" Brooks looked behind him and slammed the pedal, spinning 180 degrees in reverse before shifting it forward before shooting off. Tory buckled up and held the handle above the door as she said "I want to make it there alive!" Brooks said seriously "Don't worry. You'll get there in one piece." he looked over and smiled slightly as he added "I promise."

Tory smiled a bit and nodded, Brooks grinned and said "You might be better at mini golf, but the road is my domain. Hehe" He changed gears and shot through the streets, burning stop signs and red lights at every intersection. He saw cars coming from both sides with a red and grinned like a madman.

Tory had a bad feeling and said "It's not that bad, Brooks! Just! Ahh!" Brooks laughed and burned the red before drifting around the first car and spinning past the second one in an 'S' pattern before continuing. Tory looked back and let out a breath before saying "That was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen."

Brooks smiled and looked in the rearview as he heard sirens. Tory smiled wryly and added "I don't think they thought the same." Brooks chuckled and said "Just a bunch of clowns." he drifted around a corner and reversed into an alley before turning the lights off.

Brooks snickered and Tory shook her head with a smile as the cops whizzed by. Brooks turned the lights back on before blowing out of the alley and escaping the police. Brooks finally stopped in front of Tory's apartment complex.

He got out of the car and walked her to the door. They stopped in front of the door and Tory hugged the snake plushie before saying "Brooks, I'm sorry about this. I just-" Brooks pressed a finger against her lips and smiled as he said "I know. You don't have to apologize. I know what it's like. Just know that I'll be here for you. Always."

Tory teared up and kissed him as she cried. Brooks wiped her tears with his finger as he snickered "Did I earn a second date?" Tory giggled and said "I don't know.. You're a pretty big softie.." Brooks smiled and Tory added "Plus a reckless driver, and you would be a bad influence on my serious studying time." as she flashed a smile.

Brooks laughed and faked a sad face as he sniffed and said "Studying is much better for a porker like you." Tory laughed and punched his chest playfully before pulling his collar and kissing him deeply. She separated from him and said "Did you like my answer?" Brooks grinned and said "I don't know, I couldn't quite understand."

Tory smirked and kissed him again and when she pulled away she bit his lip and winked at him. Brooks grinned and said "See you tomorrow, Porky." Tory smiled and said "Yeah. See you tomorrow, Killer." before going inside and closing the door.

Tory sat down, leaning her back on the door, as she buried her blushing face in the snake plushie. her heart was beating super fast.

Brooks looked at the door and laughed like a fool to himself before walking away humming to himself, the door opened and Tory peeked out, watching him with a smile.

Brooks got to the car and went behind, he crouched down and took off the black cloth over the license plate before getting in the driver's seat and driving off. Brooks lit a cigarette and listened to the old music Johnny had in his car, tapping the steering wheel and humming along as he drove leisurely.

Brooks stopped at the apartment complex and swung the key around his finger as he walked to the house. Miguel came out of his apartment and said "Well?" Brooks smirked and said "What do you think? Of course I nailed it!" Miguel laughed and high-fived Brooks, their laughter woke up some of the neighbors and Johnny.

One of the windows opened and a man said "Keep it down, punks." Brooks and Miguel looked up and Brooks said "Get back in your house, scumbag. I'll kick you through that window if you speak to me again." the man grumbled and closed his window.

Miguel laughed and Johnny opened the door saying "Shut up and get inside." Miguel and Brooks' laughter was cut short and they said "Yes, Sensei." before leaving to their houses. Johnny chuckled and shook his head.

Brooks walked inside and threw the keys on the table before grabbing a beer and sitting on the chair like a king. Johnny was amused and said "Go well?" Brooks chuckled and said "Of course, look at me." Johnny said "You look just like me, dude." Brooks scoffed and said "What? Are you crazy, man? I look better than you."

Johnny rolled his eyes and said "I'm not having this discussion with you, man. I already know I'm better looking." he shook his head and said "What a moron." before sitting on the couch. Brooks felt his eye twitch as he looked at his dad.

The next day

Brooks was sitting in science class at a table alone. Miguel was sitting with Dimitri at the table behind him. Brooks was leaning back in his chair and propped his feet up with his eyes closed and a Science textbook over his face. Miguel looked at Brooks and sighed as he said "I wish I could be so relaxed."

Dimitri said "Don't worry about it. Muscle brain will suffer by sleeping in class. You need to keep your brain active or else it gets weaker." Miguel gave Dimitri a look and chuckled before shaking his head.

Suddenly Sam walked into the class and some people started snickering. She ignored them and sat down in her seat before pulling a blowpop off her shoulder. She smiled and said "Thanks guys, I love blowpops."

Dimitri nudged Miguel and chuckled saying "Get it? Blowpop? Because she gives blowjobs." Miguel gave Dimitri a weird look and said "Yeah, I think I got that. Thanks." Brooks grunted and went back to sleep.

The teacher walked in and said "Hey everybody. Who let the pigs out?" the class was dead silent and the teacher said "I did, because I ordered the fetal pigs. But seriously, get in your groups." Samantha raised her hand and said "My partner is absent." The teacher pointed at Brooks and said "You can partner up with Mr. Lawrence. His partner is absent as well."

Sam groaned and sulked over before sitting next to Brooks. Miguel looked at Sam and then Brooks, before finally not doing anything. Brooks clicked his tongue and said "Blowjob Queen, congratulations! You've been crowned, how do you feel?" as he took the book off his face and yawned.

Sam frowned and said "It's not funny. Don't call me that." Brooks grinned and said "Don't like it do something about it. I told you he was bad news, but you didn't listen. Do you regret it now?" Sam was silent and Brooks said "I can't deal with you. I'm going to smash my head into the table. Beanpole, switch with the Queen."

Dimitri pointed at himself and Brooks rolled his eyes as he said "Do you see another beanpole in here? Hurry up." Brooks glanced at Miguel and smirked before mouthing 'Strike First'. Miguel grinned and nodded.

Brooks turned to Sam and leaned his head on his hand as he said "So, are you going to switch or are we going to continue to argue the entire time." Sam packed her things and said "You know, for your information. I didn't do anything he said I did. You're such an asshole."

Brooks chuckled and said "When did I say you did. I know you didn't. It makes me happy making fun of you, that's all. Don't think I don't know who you really are, Karate girl. I saw your stance before Migs made a move." Sam narrowed her eyes and said "So what?"

Brooks smiled and said "So nothing. Join Cobra Kai. You know the only way to shut them up is to act. Aisha is already a Cobra, she's a better friend than those two bimbos." Sam was silent for a moment before saying "How is Aisha." Brooks pointed at Miguel and said "Ask him. I'm waiting for you to walk through the doors and embrace your inner Cobra."

Brooks leaned in close and grinned as he said "If you want them to stop, you need to act." before leaning back and smiling harmlessly, but to Sam he looking like a coiled viper, preparing to strike. Brooks said "Beanpole, what are you waiting for. Are you really deaf?"

Dimitri looked at Miguel and said "If I die, tell my mother she can sell my Pokémon cards." Miguel nodded and saluted Dimitri as he said "Live well, my friend." Dimitri looked like he shed a tear as he sat down next to Brooks, switching seats with Sam.

Brooks wrapped his arm around Dimitri and said "Hey there partner! Which one of us is the butcher?" Dimitri groaned and felt like it was going to be a long class.

Sam Larusso- Cobra Kai???!?!?!

Who knows

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts