
Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter

This fanfic has been dropped.

SmotheryGecko · Ti vi
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27 Chs

That was so much fun.

Here's the chapter with over 7,000 words.

I wanted to say a few things, related to the work.

First, Kai is a womanizer for now, and honestly I don't know if I'm going to change or not.

And second, Kai doesn't "care" about anything, basically he will never be surprised because he doesn't care about things. If he died now he wouldn't care, he was dead once, and now he's no longer afraid of the unknown.

But of course there are things that Kai cares about the main one is his Father John Kreese he is the most important person to Kai.

Well I already said too much stay with the chapter

This chapter is exactly 7.680 words


Even at 21 km/h Kai could see his way perfectly, so he ran quickly past the logs.

After a while Kai came to another fallen log, Kai didn't stop or slow down, and kept running.

Unlike the others, this place had no hole, instead there were logs in the middle of the path.

Kai kept dodging, jumping from one side to the other, until he found the other fallen log that symbolized the end of this small field of holes, but in this place there were no holes.

Kai then ran again and saw that he was almost at the end of the challenge.

And at the end there was another fallen log, and like the field behind there were also logs to dodge.

But unlike the other one all the ground was fake, it was impossible to pass without falling into the hole, well, for normal people.

And as we know Kai is not a normal person, when Kai arrived at the fallen log, he jumped on top of the log, straight into the false ground.

Or rather, he jumped right on a log, he knew that he couldn't stay too long on the log because they were too slippery.

So Kai used the log as a platform and jumped to another log, and went on like this, sometimes he held on to the log to keep from falling.

Kai continued, but it seemed that this was the end of the line for Kai.

In front of him there were two logs on both sides and a little behind another log that made it impossible to pass through the middle, Kai couldn't pass anywhere, and since he was a little short he couldn't hold on.

The only thing Kai could do now was fall.

Kai knew that choosing this path was a mistake, so Kai gave up and fell.

When Kai gave up, his body became transparent until it disappeared, and then we came back to the real Kai.

Yes, that was all more or less an illusion that happened after Kai used his ability to its fullest.

It was more or less an illusion because while that Kai was fake the scenario is real.

When Kai used his ability to the maximum, he came out of his body and created an avatar he felt he could do anything.

Unfortunately when Kai is in that state, he can't see all the possibilities of what can happen, because he is already living one of those realities.

So since Kai was thinking he was Superman, he chose a path that was humanly impossible to pass.

And this was the result of his pride, so after he gave up he went back to normal.

Then when he returned to his body Kai noticed that no seconds had passed since he had left his body.

A strange thing happened, Kai couldn't see the path straight but he was sure that all he saw was reality.

Kai also knew that if he wanted to, he could be in that moment with his real body.

If he wanted to do that, the following would happen, his body would make that same journey in seconds for him and he would be back to normal.

It was as if he was going to the future, well, Kai will find out if it was just in his mind or if it really happened when he is taking that route, and see the path.

Kai was still very excited about this, so the first thing he did when he got back, was to try to get back.

'Argh' Kai almost screamed in pain, he felt his loss of consciousness, he bit his tongue to keep from passing out.

'That one hurt it seems I can't get into that state too often' Kai at that moment was in his best mental state.

Literally, Kai was in his best mental state even though he had just gone through unprecedented pain.

This was something that Kai trained himself, his brain can sober up with the slightest of pain no matter what, even if he is passed out if he suffers a little pain, he will wake up even if it was something from chemicals.

Don't ask how he tested the chemical substances part.

So no matter what happens, as long as Kai suffers any pain, his brain will ignore any feelings or anything like that to let Kai think rationally.

So as long as Kai wants he can think rationally, and that's what he did by ignoring the incredible feeling he felt to think and find a solution without any distraction.

'I felt amazing in that state, but that feeling was false, I couldn't do half the things I thought I could, and that ended up making me overestimate my abilities' Kai finally thinking rationally, realized that what he felt was false.

Kai put it aside and went over the course, Kai jumped on a log and then using the momentum he jumped even higher, and spinning backwards he landed perfectly on top of the log that was standing.

This was the fastest way, not jumping from the sides, but from above.

So Kai was jumping from one log to the next, and after a long time he finished and jumped back to the ground.

Kai then reached the end of this stage, but he was not happy but serious.

He knew that this part was just the beginning, in other words the easiest part.

Once Kai had passed the first stage, he saw the second part.

And as he saw before there really was mud, and in front of him was a wooden wall for them to climb up with ropes, and the fourth group was passing by at this point.

Kai ran and when he got there he saw that there was an unoccupied rope.

He then climbed up, he didn't make a big deal of it and passed like everyone else, he held the rope and climbed up.

But halfway up Kai could hear some screams, and it seems he wasn't the only one, one of his competitors lost his composure and fell.

Kai kept climbing to see why they were shouting.

Kai went up and finally saw what was going on, because some people were shouting.

In front of him, as he expected, were people crawling in the mud.

But he never expected to see that, they were crawling under barbed wire, well, normal right? Yes, that was something Kai expected.

But there were two things different, the first was that there was a lot of mud compared to the other places, it looked like they had over-wet that part.

And the second was much worse, imagine a place full of mud that you can only crawl through because just above your head is barbed wire.

That barbed wire was electrified - that wire was giving you a shock.

Now, if you are thinking that this is too dangerous, you are right, I mean getting wet and then touching something made of iron with electricity running through it, is not very recommended.

Actually it all started as a joke, someone said it, and then they decided to do it, and at first they didn't know how much electricity to use, if you use too much you could kill somebody.

And if you used too little people wouldn't feel anything, so over the years they chose to go half and half, and now the electricity running through those wires is enough to make you faint no matter who you are, and Kai was sure that if he touched it he would faint normally.

I mean, there are many ways to stop yourself from fainting, Kai forced himself to see everything that would happen to him if he fainted with his ability.

Sometimes he could stop himself from fainting, but many times he wasn't fast enough, it's worth noting that Kai was concentrating, and all the visions he has are the ones where he touches the barbed wire.

After seeing all this, Kai finally chose the first way to prevent himself from fainting, by not leaning against the barbed wire with electricity.

At the sides of the path there were some nurses caring for the people who ended up fainting, checking to see if they had any problems because of the electricity.

Kai jumped back down to the ground to continue.

Just as he was about to reach the beginning of the new challenge, Kai saw something that made him want to laugh.

So in order for this not to happen to him, Kai before he started to crawl, went to a military man next to the start and was given a rifle.

He then bent down and started crawling through the mud, and went as fast as he could taking as little care as possible not to touch the electrified barbed wire.

When Kai was almost halfway through this part he saw someone coming back with a frown on his face.

And when he saw that Kai was carrying a rifle he sped up so as not to get too close to Kai.

Yes, that's what Kai saw in the second part there was someone who was telling the people who were without a rifle to go back to get a rifle at the beginning.

When he saw this Kai almost laughed out loud, but his attention was taken by the nurses.

Kai didn't think there were any women here, the last time he had been with a woman was just before he received his first promotion.

Then seeing a woman made his boundless lust awaken, Kai had long discovered that he is a womanizer and cannot see a single woman without wanting to hit on her.

So after making sure that this was true, Kai decided not to have any relationships.

Kai kept crawling until the end, and saw that all the people in the third group didn't get the rifle and had to go back.

But Kai didn't care anymore, he was going through everything on automatic, he was very happy that he had women here, he was even thinking of electrocuting himself so he could look at them closely.

In the end Kai decided to just ignore his instincts for the time being, I mean for sure there was something very wrong with his instincts, the only things he could think about it were 'I think I've gone too long without sex' and 'I'm addicted!

Kai finally reached the end at an incredible speed, of course without touching any electrified wires, because honestly if Kai didn't mind touching he could go even faster.

There are many reasons for Kai not to do this, first and foremost he would touch at least two wires, and he didn't want that, I mean who would want to get shocked and have their back scratched.

But mainly Kai didn't want to get to the end of the whole test all bruised, because what was at stake here was his leadership in the team.

As much as in the beginning he had no interest in becoming the leader, he always keeps his word, so even if he doesn't want to he will become the leader because of his word.

Kai reached the end, and as soon as he got up he continued running in the mud, in front of him was a fallen log with an upward arrow and Kai followed the instructions and jumped over it.

As he passed this log in front of him there was another log this time a little high, high enough for someone to crawl over, the problem is that the distance between the logs is very small and these logs are about a person's height.

If it wasn't for their circular shape Kai would think it was a wall.

When Kai saw this other log he almost jumped over it again, but as he had learned before and ingrained it in his soul he observed his surroundings before performing any action.

And Kai saw something that if he had jumped he wouldn't have noticed, in the corner of his vision near the ground there was an arrow pointing downwards just like the first one, only being much smaller.

Since Kai was so close to the log, he slid down bending backwards and passed it.

This log was a little smaller, making it easy to jump over it, it was a temptation, but Kai kept looking for the arrow.

These logs were positioned perfectly so that one side can't see anything but the sky on the other side, even with his height Kai couldn't see anything.

So the only thing Kai could do besides jumping into an unknown place was to look for the arrow, his ability wouldn't help him much here since his ability only works if he can visualize what he can do.

So at this point his ability is only for him to be able to slow down his perception of time.

And he can't visualize a place he has never seen or been, but Kai felt it wasn't a good idea to jump this log.

It took a little longer to find the arrow, but Kai found it, but it was pointing to the right.

He created this style because he also wanted to create a fighting style based on reptiles, because of Cobra Kai.

John didn't teach Kai the Cobra Kai style, according to his words it would take too long to learn, so it was better to teach it later.

Kai was sure he could learn very quickly, but he knew that was his father's way of saying, come back safe.

But Kai probably wouldn't use the Cobra Kai style much in the army, even though it was created from an army style.

So he created the Lizard style, well just for now when he comes back he will abandon that style and learn the Cobra Kai, but even though John didn't teach the Cobra Kai style to Kai he taught many other styles and Kai used them to create his.

Already his style makes him mimic the basic skills of a lizard, such as camouflage and unlike Cobra Kai which focuses on hitting first.

His style focuses on camouflaging himself and waiting for his opponent to get as close as possible, but its similarity to Cobra Kai is that like the aforementioned it is concerned with hitting hard, as hard as possible and more precisely in the vital areas, in fact this is a killing style focused on speed and strength.

Attack to kill, no matter what you do all that matters is winning, no! All that matters is to kill your opponent!

That was the kind of thinking Kai had when he created this style.

That would certainly be a dangerous thought for a child to have, but Kai is not a child, he has a lot of life experience even though he can't remember it.

And anyone who looks at him can see that, before he looked like a child only physically, and now he looks completely like an adult.

One thing that Kai realized was that even after people found out his real age they didn't treat him like a child.

After thinking for a while, Kai thought that that God did something, because no adult would like to be treated as a child.

Or maybe it had to do with the way he acts without ever letting anyone consider him a child, besides of course his father.

After Kai grew old enough to be considered an adult for his height, not even his father considered him a child anymore.

In fact, the fact that he after much insistence allowed Kai to join the army reinforces that he did not consider Kai a child.

If he considered Kai a child, even if Kai threatened to kill himself he wouldn't allow it and would say something like this "Since you are trying to kill yourself no matter what my answer is, it's better to die at home".

It would be very funny to see that scene, but it probably wouldn't happen like that, first after Kai wouldn't get his father's permission at all, he would give up and even if he did they would never accept him in the army.

He was literally a child, he couldn't even pretend to be an adult, not even the craziest person would let him in.

Kai of course realized that everyone no longer treated him like a child, so he decided not to act like a child anymore, which made him very happy since it is tiring to pretend to be a child, and it is much worse to be considered one.

So it's no wonder that Kai was happy to be treated like a man by the people who know his real age.

Kai went with great speed and then a short time, Kai passed the second group, they were so tired and with mud on their faces that they didn't see Kai passing them.

And Kai didn't do anything to be noticed either, and even if they did notice him they couldn't do anything.

Some could even try to imitate Kai, but it wasn't possible; they had to have a lot of strength in all four limbs or enough to be able to lift their bodies and stay in that shape.

Well, and even if you could, you had to have even more control in your strength to not hurt your back, and get electrocuted.

And it seems that people have learned to go through that part because he didn't hear any more screaming.

But that's normal, this is a very basic training method.

The only thing different from normal crawl training is that the barbed wire is electrified.

A few minutes later Kai could see a different wire, there was one on the ground, high enough for anyone to notice but you couldn't get under it, and on top like the rest of the way there was a barbed wire.

Getting through it was pretty easy, you just had to stop and step sideways, first your hand and a leg, and then the rest of your body.

It was also possible to normally pass both arms first and then the legs, but this is much more difficult.

At the speed Kai was going it would be difficult for him to stop and pass slowly, but since he was far away if he tries to stop now he is sure to be able to stop before he gets there.

But Kai wasn't in any mood and well, we can't say that the idea of stopping even crossed his mind.

Since with his ability, everything that has happened is happening and will happen is in his head, everything that could happen is being simulated in his head.

Kai increased his speed, and as he was passing he took his hands off the ground and using only his toes to walk.

And when half of his body passed over the wire, Kai finally put his hands on the ground, but only to take his feet off the ground and continue with the momentum to go forward.

The way he passed was impressive, and impressed the members of the first group, yes they were behind the wire on the ground thinking about how to pass, and seeing Kai pass in such an amazing way, they even forgot where they were.

They just stood there admiring Kai, his perfect muscles and his control over them was magical to say the least.

Even after Kai had already passed they still stood still for a few seconds recording that in his mind.

Kai thought a little tired, his endurance isn't his strong, but with only a few minutes he could get back to his normal state without getting tired.

Kai went through a few more wires like that, there was even one that the only way through was over the top and he had to be careful not to fall on the barbed wire on the other side.

But Kai finally got through this part, the good thing is that since he didn't have to work too hard on this part, he could rest for a while.

Once Kai came out of the electrified barbed wire field.

He saw the end of the whole course, at this part it was just a flat field with some holes.

Kai started to run, but as soon as he passed the third hole he heard a voice.

"Somebody help me! Please! There's someone there! Hey!" That voice was coming from a hole to his left.

Kai went over and saw a person inside the hole "Are you okay?" Kai asked, even though he didn't see any injuries the man could be hurt.

"Yes, I am fine, can you help me?" The man was visually happy to see someone.

Kai looked at him and held out his hand, while helping him out of the hole Kai asked a few questions.

"When did you fall in there?" from the clothes he was wearing and the mud stains, Kai knew that he was also participating in training.

Kai first thought he was part of this course as a hidden challenge, and he probably was, but when he saw him, he might be part of this course but didn't know it.

"While my group was going through this part, I was pushed and fell, I hurt my leg and couldn't get out" The man replied.

"No one from your group went to help you" Kai thought it was strange that he was knocked down and no one helped him.

After some thought Kai thought it was no big deal since many people didn't want to be here, and ended up forgetting their training because of nervousness.

This whole course was honestly easy to go through, but many people made mistakes, even if they had already done such training.

But still, that's no excuse, abandoning your companion is a horrible thing.

Kai remembered a story.


During a war, two friends ended up separated, and after a while one of them managed to leave with the rest of the team.

He wanted to go after his buddy, but the commander said "I've already lost one soldier! I'm not going to lose one more!" He thought that the soldier who stayed was a lost case.

But the soldier didn't accept it, disobeyed orders, and went back to the battlefield.

When he got there he found his friend was wounded, agonizing with pain, he picked up his friend, put him on his shoulder and went back to camp.

As he was returning he was hit with a shot, when he returned to camp with his friend dead on his back and wounded.

The commander got brave "Tell me soldier! Was it worth it! You coming back for a dead man."

"I had lost one! But now I've lost two! Tell me soldier! It was worth it!" The Commander shouted.

The Soldier against the Commander's expectations spoke "Worth it sir"

"But how?!" The Soldier continued "When I got there, he was still alive, and I could hear him say "I knew you were coming""


'As a soldier, you are trained not to leave a comrade behind, so when we go to war, we go prepared to die for two things, the fatherland, and the friend' Kai.

Kai then helped the man, his right leg was injured, but as said before, there were many nurses at the sides ready for any injury.

Kai took him there, on the way he met a few more people, many were just stuck and helped Kai to help the others.

Apparently they were stuck there for a while because they didn't care to finish even though the end of the trail was near.

And Kai didn't even realize it, but he wasn't caring anymore either, maybe that's his real desire to help someone.

Maybe he always wanted to help people in his last life, and it turned out that this desire was impregnated in his soul.

This actually makes a little sense, since one of the reasons for someone to be reincarnated is because he did something very good in his life, something good enough to be worthy of reincarnating.

Could this be why Kai was born into this world? Well, we will never know.


Kai and his friends finally helped everyone, there were many people trapped, it was not possible to hear them because they had already given up on being saved, and were not asking for help.

Of course, there were people who were there on purpose.

Kai after helping everybody, passed through that place and went towards the end.

And wow, Kai finally saw how good his vision is, the end was far away, but he could see the people at the end, actually he knew it was the end because that place was also the beginning.

'My vision is very good indeed, but with this disadvantage, it had to be something of this level' Kai thought and took a small tablet from his pocket.

It was a sugar wafer, if a normal person eats one, his glucose will spike a lot, but for Kai it was enough to go a few hours without sweets.

He did it for those places where he can't just eat take a candy out of his pocket.

'Horrible as always, when will I get to eat my little chocolate' Kai drooled as he imagined himself in a pool full of candy.

He didn't like that very much, because it had been months since he had been eating that for his candy addiction.

Even though he finds it horrible, it is actually a delicious taste to him, but after eating it for months Kai ended up getting a little sick of it.

But if his addiction could be endured just like this it would be a very easy thing, if Kai stops eating this for a few days he will eventually find the taste much better.

Kai has always worried about whether he had any problems with his body because of the amount of sugar he eats, but after making a few appointments, he found out that he had hypoglycemia.

But besides his blood sugar being low he didn't have any other problems, but Kai always took care of his health, he might already have problems today, but in the future who knows, he wants to be prepared.

So he took care of his teeth, and of course Kai didn't forget to always be carrying a lot of sugar in his body.

He was not in the mood to go into his Berserker state.

(I just reread the whole story, so I erased the content about his Berserker state, basically when Kai doesn't take too much candy, he doesn't get sick but gets crazy and very strong, that's why the mode is called Berserker)

(In the part of the story I deleted, he fights John and then runs out of sugar and gets very strong, acting impulsively, unfortunately his skill: Battle Instinct needs mostly his brain, not his instincts)

Kai couldn't see the ground from afar, but now he realized that that was the only place that had holes, so he decided to go with all speed.

Some time later Kai finished the course, and he was the first person.

The instructor looked at him and wrote something down on his clipboard and thought 'As expected you are the best.

Kai then went to rest and drink some water.

The people who saw that Kai arrived first, and the little time he took were impressed.

There weren't that many people here, compared to the time Kai went, as soon as Kai arrived he saw that another group was leaving.

When there were almost no people at the beginning, people started to finish the course, but unlike Kai who was only a little dirty, the others were almost completely muddy.

And they were very tired and you could tell just by looking at them, but not everyone was like this, some were much less tired or knew how to hide it.

A few hours passed and everyone arrived, Kai was surrounded by his friends, and that fat Captain was left completely alone.

But from his face he didn't want people around him, he had a gloomy look on his face.

When the Instructor saw that everyone had already arrived, he then shouted "Follow me!"

Everyone followed the Instructor marching, Kai remembered the path so unless they come into a fork in the road, they are heading back to the shooting range.

Kai thought this was normal, since it was the first place they had gone, and they hadn't practiced, so it's normal for them to go back.

And as Kai expected, they were heading towards the shooting range and they didn't take long to arrive.

When they arrived, the Instructor split up again and left the people who had arrived last and were the most tired in the final line.

And Kai was in the first line and along with him in the first line was also that idiot Captain.

They then received a pistol with 10 bullets, Kai was not nervous, everyone here had already received weapons training, and this training here was just to see the level of their aim.

And how they react to having guns firing next to them, yes, they will all fire together.

"Ready!" The Instructor shouted "When you start firing, don't stop keep firing."

Kai found this training kind of dumb, he found it dumb for the fact that they were given pistols and not bigger guns for them.

Since they are going to war, they won't use pistols as much, pistols are used more by 'normal' people since they are an easy weapon to conceal and are easy to use, compared to the others.

So Kai thought it was to see if they were good with an easy to use weapon, it makes sense since if someone isn't good with a pistol it's normal that he isn't good with the other more powerful weapons as well.

But there were problems, just because someone is not good with that kind of weapon doesn't mean that he is not good with the others.

But Kai put that aside, if they did that they had their reasons.

As soon as the Instructor said "Ready" everyone raised their weapons and aimed at the target.

The target was a white wall with a target circle on each side for each person, so it was easier to see if they missed.

Kai concentrated, his senses turned off and on stronger, he could hear someone's teeth chattering shakily, but he didn't care.

Kai aimed perfectly, and when he was sure he would hit using his skill, he looked at the others.

Actually the time he raised his gun, it was perfectly in the center, so he didn't need to aim, this was something he trained since in a war they won't give him a chance to aim.

Kai didn't move his head and just looked at the gun and the target of the others, he saw that some would hit, but it was only the first shot, he can't see into the future so he doesn't know

But he had one that was completely random and the gun was shaking, Kai sighed in disappointment that he had someone shaking here.

But he ignored this, and when the Instructor told everyone to shoot, Kai fired 10 shots one after the other, without stopping to aim and so hit the center on every shot.

To anyone watching Kai shoot it looked like he didn't aim, but in fact he did aim and only shot when he was sure he was going to hit.

Because of his great eyesight, Kai could see that he actually managed to hit the middle in all the shots, and then he looked at his companions' targets.

The more he saw the happier Kai became, because they hardly missed, and even if they missed the center they still hit the circle.

Kai frowned when he saw one person, this person had dropped his gun on the ground, and was trembling, and looking at the target he didn't even shoot.

It was the Captain, he was trembling almost crying 'I shouldn't be here, why did I agree to do this'.

As Kai thought he really didn't have the rank Captain, he is just a normal person who does jobs for people who thought doing it is boring, like standing in lines for days.

He eventually found a job that paid a million, just to come to this training camp in place of someone else, he wasn't going to take it until he saw that he was going to earn the rank of Captain.

He did a little research and saw that this rank had a lot of power in the army, and it really has a lot of power... in the army, but this is a training camp.

He then saw what the conditions were for taking this job, it didn't have many requirements, he ignored the requirement of knowing how to take orders, because he thought that almost no one would have more power here than him.

And he saw that the only requirement he didn't have was that he had to be physically fit, he decided to lose a little weight, but he knew he wouldn't be able to be physically fit.

But he didn't want someone to steal that job from him.

Little did he know, that unlike him the people who take these jobs are not idiots, and most of them do some jobs just to earn some extra money.

They are not idiots, because since childhood they were taught not to mess with the army and to respect the authorities, and the amount of money did not cloud their thinking.

They understood that there was a reason why this person didn't want to participate in this training.

But he didn't, he didn't want someone to steal his work, so he asked for help from a friend who had an acceptable physical form.

But he didn't explain why he thought his friend might want that job for him.

He just asked for help, and after he signed up for the job like his friend, he got the message that he would have to take a test.

After his friend agreed to take this test in exchange for some money, so as not to make his friend suspicious he asked what the test would be like.

And then he passed on the test to his friend, and amazingly enough, this test was just like the one they did, only much smaller.

His friend accepted, and he paid him after he had everything done, his friend did the test and finished very quickly, and he asked him to pick up a package for him, his friend was suspicious, and so he told him it had to do with the test.

After receiving the package, he paid his friend everything, and after he was alone, he opened the package.

Inside was a letter explaining what he had to do, and his Captain's brooch, there was also an outfit but he put it aside because this outfit was not his size, he bought one in his size, he just looked on the outfit for any serial numbers or things like that and then put on his new outfit.

He didn't tell his friend about his work, if he had, his friend would have realized that there was something strange about this work.

In the letter it was written at the end that no matter what the circumstance you cannot quit your job, even though he saw this he didn't find it strange, because he had no intention of doing this.

The day he was told that they would go to war, he didn't go because he didn't want to go, and since 'he' is a Captain, he thought he could do whatever he wanted.

The rest we already know, but now he finally realized that there was something wrong with it all.

Actually, noticing that there is something very wrong with what has happened to him is very easy, but greed ended up poisoning his heart and he ignored all the signs.

During his stay in this training camp, he heard many key words, but he decided to ignore them.

But today was like hell for him, at the beginning he took it well, thinking 'It's normal to work hard to get money'.

But as time went by he got worse, he got even worse when he saw Kai, a perfect person in his vision, he thought Kai was a spoiled child, who never needed to make much effort to get what he wanted.

But after a while, he noticed that he had thought wrong, but again he thought wrong, he now thought that Kai was a talented person.

And this he could put up with, since talent is not up for discussion, but again he was proven wrong.

Because even if Kai had talent, he certainly worked hard to get where he is.

If Kai knew that he was thinking that he had talent, he would laugh and say "Talent? Do you think I was born with talent? Everything I have achieved has been pure effort and training."

The only thing that helped Kai was his ability, and it only helped him to learn things, but if someone knows about his childhood they will surely think otherwise.

But they never saw the amount of movements he had to do to learn something, of course it all happened in his mind, but if you take his talent without his ability, he has as much talent as an ordinary person.

But thanks to his ability, he has a primitive instinct that makes him know what is the best thing to do.

Like when he broke his limiter, this is something possible, but only with a lot of training, and after studying his body a lot in order not to do something wrong.

An example of people who broke their limiter are the famous bodybuilders, they broke the limiter of their muscle mass, they are people who wanted to be very strong and ended up exaggerating in the training and got giant muscles.

At first it was an accident, but nowadays it is purposeful, Kai broke his body mass limiter which caused his body to have accelerated growth.

But back to the Captain, at this point he saw Kai as a spoiled teenager, because of the stress of realizing that he might end up in a war, he didn't take into account that someone spoiled would never be sent to war but would be in the comfort of his own home.

When he thought about this, he was blinded by envy, and made an unthinkable and idiotic move.

No, he did something completely idiotic.

Kai was talking to his friends, congratulating them, when he saw that it was that 'Captain' who had done, or rather who had not shot, he ignored him, to Kai this person meant nothing.

Before he did anything, Kai felt something was wrong, and then looked at him, and knew instinctively what he was going to do, but did nothing, just looked at him covertly with a smile.

He even thought of giving up and not doing it, but when he saw Kai talking with his friends, he became more envious, because he saw that they had no other intentions when they approached Kai, only the purest friendship.

Envy clouded his thoughts, he slowly approached the weapons, because he had such a mediocre performance no one wanted to be together with him, and no one was paying attention to him, of course except Kai.

He got in front of the guns, and looked for a moment, if you are wondering: why is this such a stupid idea, I mean he could never hit Kai, but for a normal person this is not such a bad idea.

And yes you are right, for a normal person to pick up a weapon to help defeat someone stronger than you is normal, but that's not the stupid idea, that's the next one.

He saw all the styles of weapons in front of him, he didn't know anything about weapons, so he was a little confused.

Since this is an army base, there is no one to guard these weapons and protect them.

Also because these guns don't have real bullets, no, that's not the stupid idea, because even fake guns if used right can kill someone.

He looked at all the guns before deciding, he looked at the biggest gun: an rpg (Rocket-propelled grenade).

He picked it up and went in front of Kai and pointed it at him, with a crazy look he yelled, "DEAD!!!" And he was about to pull the trigger.

Kai looked at him like he was looking at an idiot, no! Kai was looking at an idiot.

Kai held the gun and slammed it into his face, hard enough to break his nose, and then took it from his hands.

Before he could shoot.

You must have already figured out what the stupid idea was, I was going to explain, but our protagonist Kai had better teach us.

Kai looked at the "Captain" on the ground coldly and said "You're stupid! If you wanted to kill me you should have chosen another type of weapon, first of all this weapon doesn't work, if it did it certainly wouldn't be here."

If it doesn't work, why did Kai pick it up so quickly? Was he trying to show off? No, actually it was more of an altruistic act, even though this weapon doesn't work Kai doesn't know why it's not working, if it's a failure the weapon could end up exploding.

Kai saw this possibility in three out of ten visions, even with this small chance Kai didn't want to risk it, he could get away, but the same can't be said for the others.

Kai put the gun back and spoke, "Second, this gun is not loaded."

Yes, he used a gun without it being loaded, but that was not the dumbest thing he did.

Kai looked at him and slowly approached, stopped in front of him and spoke "Which makes you even more of an idiot, you were really going to shoot with that gun being so close, you're not an idiot, you've reached the height of idiocy."

After saying this, Kai kicked him in the chin, causing him to faint.

Kai's temperament totally changed, it changed to that of a leader, he coldly said : "Take him away!".

Sensing this change, everyone stepped forward to do what was ordered by Kai.

The instructor was embarrassed when he stepped forward, but suppressed that feeling and looked at Kai impressed 'A born leader'.

After that man was taken out of the field, everything went according to plan, everyone took the test.

There was even testing done with different weapons, and finally it was over.

"You all performed very well, I am proud of you, and I am relieved to have you protecting our country" The Instructor spoke slowly.

Everyone was happy, after all who doesn't like to be praised.

But the Instructor didn't stop there and dropped a bombshell that touched the hearts of everyone there.

"I have great news! Everyone listen to me! The Instructor shouted, for the first time they saw the Instructor speaking loudly, and then everyone became alert, it must be something very serious.

The Instructor sighed and said "Actually, today was not a training session, but to see if you were prepared to enter this war.

This touched the hearts of many, but many others were not surprised, they already knew this, they were about to graduate and some had even graduated, as they needed more training, so they already suspected that there was an ulterior motive.

The Instructor looked at everyone and saw their looks, some scared, some shocked, and some with joy? But there was someone who showed no emotion at all, just stood there motionless like a general who had participated in many fights, and was no longer impressed by anything.

And that person was Kai, he looked appreciatively at Kai and continued to speak "I know that many already suspected, and I see that some are not surprised, but I have news, the war has already started a long time ago, and tomorrow some of the selected will officially participate.

This shocked everyone but Kai, as lightning was so sudden that everyone didn't know how to react for a few seconds.

Everyone bowed their heads helplessly, the saddest were the people who performed well in all the tests.

But the person, the first in the whole base, was not the least bit worried about this.

Kai already knew this, so he was not surprised.

Everyone was dismissed, Kai saw how sad most people left, but he didn't feel or do anything.

'It's good that they accept their new reality' Then Kai looked up ' But... That was a lot of fun!'