This fanfic has been dropped.
Tap* Tap* Tap*
Footsteps echoed in the hallway, a soldier was walking hurriedly towards a door.
He stopped in front of the door, adjusted his posture, and knocked twice on the door.
Knock* Knock*
"Come in" A voice came from inside the room, ordering the soldier to enter.
"Sir!" The soldier saluted as soon as he entered the room.
The said Lord in his mouth just nodded, the soldier relaxed.
"Sir, I have come to deliver orders from above" The soldier placed a folder on the table.
"All right you can leave" The soldier then saluted again before leaving the room.
The one man who was now in the room, sighed and thought 'What a bummer, I hope this has something interesting'.
The man turned his red, flower-patterned eyes toward the documents on his desk.
That man is Kai, during these two years many things have changed.
In the beginning, Kai kept on warring, and earned some nicknames like "The Red-Eyed King" or "The Red Flower King".
Being called the king of the red flower was not a derogatory nickname, on the contrary, because of the meaning of red flower, having the meaning of massacre.
He was also called the Red-Eyed Demon by his enemies, and Kai in those years was loved by his allies, and feared and hated by his enemies, fear being the dominant feeling.
His enemies prayed not to meet Kai on the battlefield.
During these battles Kai received many merits and rose in rank like a rocket soars into the sky.
Until Kai gained his own "nameless" rank, so he could enter any battlefield and his power was equal to that of the people above, but Kai was not hated by the others.
Some were unhappy with Kai, for rising so fast, even though they knew he was right, but when these people met Kai, everything changed, everyone who met Kai was won over by his friendship and humility
Kai started to also train the military, and as time went by, he didn't have to go to the battlefield anymore, and Kai wasn't that interested anymore, so he started to do some more dangerous missions like assassinating or kidnapping someone of power from the enemy country in this war.
In the beginning there were some dangers, but everything was completed successfully, but as time went by everything got easier, and Kai found it boring too.
So he spent most of his time just managing the army and doing very dangerous missions.
In fact, a few months ago the war ended, all because of Kai, the army on the other side became afraid of Kai and nobody wanted to go to war anymore.
The big reason that nothing happened was because the one who caused this war, the leader of the enemy country, didn't want to accept and give up.
It was not now that the enemy soldiers no longer wanted to go to war against Kai, that is, with the USA.
But only before, they were forced, as there were few soldiers who didn't want to go. It was easy to suppress them and force them.
But after a while that number just grew, which was normal when the only news of the soldiers going was that they were exterminated.
That makes anyone afraid, afraid of the unknown called Kai.
What they didn't know was that not all the soldiers were killed, in Kai's first battle, he is not ashamed to say that he went a little overboard, but he doesn't think he did anything wrong, if he didn't kill them he would be killed.
But he knows that he really overreacted, so after that he gave them the option to surrender whenever they wanted, but many didn't have a chance to say after the battle started.
But at least Kai gave the chance to surrender, but if they don't take that chance it's not his problem.
Kai opened the folders, and read carefully.
"That's very interesting," Kai said with a smile.
In those folders, briefly they had information that some people from the high society of that country got together and wanted the war to end, but since they couldn't get their leader out of power, they asked the US for help.
For the US to "get" their leader out of power, and to Kai one thing was clear, this is a trap, and probably the people at the top know it too.
Kai looked at the last page, and saw the number at the bottom of the page.
Kai picked up a cell phone and called it "So what do you think?" A voice came out of the cell phone.
"I think this is a trap," Kai said.
"Yes, we also came to that conclusion" The man on the other end, suppressed his shock, it takes them a few days to figure out that it was a trap, and he knows that it hasn't even been an hour since they sent this information to Kai, and he had already figured it out.
But he knew Kai was a genius, so it was easy to suppress this shock.
"So what are you going to do, we were waiting for your answer, honestly we were hoping it would take longer to hear back, now you just give me the answer and I will pass it on to the others" The man spoke up.
"Well, I thought and I accept, I will go there and kill him, and everyone who gets in my way" Kai answered the question.
"I understand I will report to the others" The man spoke and had a slight change in his voice.
"You sound disappointed, you don't want me to go there" Kai noticed the change.
"It's not that, we had made a bet, and unfortunately I bet that you wouldn't accept the mission" Kai received his answer.
Upon hearing the reason Kai laughed "Why then don't you guys bet on whether I will come back alive".
"The answer is not obvious, why do you think I bet that you wouldn't" The man spoke up.
"Really? Then what is the answer" Kai.
"Of course you will come back alive" He spoke as if the answer was very obvious and honestly it is.
The reason he bet that Kai would not accept the mission, was not because he thought Kai would be scared when he knew it was a trap, but because he thought it would be easy and then Kai would find it boring.
"I think I'm being overestimated," Kai said with a laugh.
"I wish I was overestimating you" The man then continued "Well that was it, good luck".
"All right."
Then the call was disconnected.
"Come on! Everyone in your seats!" A man shouted angrily.
This man is the person Kai is going to assassinate, in other words he is the leader of the enemy country.
Right now he is setting the trap in a hurry, a few hours he receives the information that Kai is coming.
This information was released by Kai on purpose.
The trap is very simple, in the three corners of the room there are military men armed to the teeth.
Once Kai arrives and is in position he will call them all at once and they shoot non-stop at Kai until the bullets run out.
He never thought that Kai would be able to kill him before he called his men in.
He is completely underestimating Kai, at this point we are seeing a real fool.
He didn't believe everything that was said about Kai.
Many people tried to warn him that this is a stupid plan, but he just said "Does he bleed? If he bleeds he might die!"
Everyone had remained silent, not because they agreed with him, on the contrary.
In all these two years Kai had never bled, so these "motivational" words had the opposite effect.
They left doubting whether Kai was really human, or maybe he was an experiment by the US government to create a real super soldier.
Back to the present.
The leader was completely sure that Kai would die here.
With a mocking smile he thought "What a monster, he is just a man, and today he will die here.
It's like they say the biggest fool is the one who doesn't want to see.
He thought that all the news that came in was just nonsense, the battles had been fierce and his army surely almost won, but the US simply put all the glory on Kai.
Only for him to give up on continuing this war.
This thought of his was full of flaws but he didn't want to see it.
First, if this were the case, everyone in Kai's army would surely hate him, and Kai would have already suffered an "accident" and passed away.
Since in a war it is normal to die.
The second reason, if it were as he said then his soldiers would not have been completely exterminated.
But this is no time to explain how dumb this man is.
A few hours later~
This man is already thinking that Kai has given up on killing him.
And because he is an idiot, he didn't realize that at no time did anyone say that Kai was coming to him.
But he interpreted that Kai was coming to him only because it was said that Kai arrived in the country.
But Kai would not let him down,
The man looked at the door and saw the knob turning and roared angrily "Knock before you enter".
However the person who entered spoke before he could finish.
"I am sorry sir, but I have been asked to cancel your CPF" The person who entered the room spoke with a smile and looked at the man at the table with his eyes with strange red colored patterns.
The man, when he saw his eyes, already knew who this person was just by looking at his eyes.
Those eyes that caused many nightmares in everyone in his country who heard about them, eyes full of indifference, looking at everyone as if they were dead.
He had forgotten how many times someone said about those eyes and they died before they could say anything more.
The greatest feeling he felt when he saw those eyes was regret, he regretted provoking that monster.
But he forced himself to ignore this feeling, and he convinced himself that he was safe since every door in the room had soldiers who were going to come in and save him.
He laughed and said "Kai Kresse, it is a pleasure to meet you, but I will have to disappoint you as it will be you who will die here."
Without waiting for Kai to say anything, he shouted "Enter everyone!!!"
But what followed was only silence.
"Were you by any chance calling out to those soldiers who were in the next rooms? Well, I will have to disappoint you because they are no longer here" Kai said mockingly.
"You- You killed them all" He swallowed hard as he said this.
Kai just continued to smile coldly at him.
Kai had never said that he killed them, in fact this was actually what Kai initially planned to do.
But as soon as he arrived he heard them arguing about whether or not to go in when their leader called them, they were wanting the war to end.
Even though it was for selfish reasons, Kai still had a little appreciation for someone who didn't want a war.
So instead of killing them easily, Kai decided to arrest them all, that's why it took him so long, he still ate something before coming here.
Kai looked around the room, and saw a picture of a boat, and under the picture was a real anchor.
"Oh, you had a boat" Kai moved closer to the photo.
"Even if you kill me, someone else will take my place and keep going!" The man shouted in fear.
"Didn't your mother teach you that it is rude not to answer other people's questions?" Kai ignored him as well.
He didn't even think about trying to attack Kai the only thing he wanted to do was to run away, he felt his whole body screaming with fear, he didn't know what thing was happening to him, he has been close to death many times, and he never felt like this, but facing this boy, he was so afraid.
The reason for this is quite simple, Kai was concentrating his killing intent on him.
Since animals have keener senses they can sense even the slightest killing intent, but humans with all the comfort they have had over the years thanks to technology, cannot sense, well, at least not normally.
But Kai is releasing a more intense killing intent, if an animal was feeling this killing intent, it would have already attacked desperately, because it would feel it had no chance to escape, and the only thing it could do was attack, and this killing intent would make them accept that they would die.
There are a couple of ways humans can feel intent to kill, the first is like Kai did, and the second is to be in one place for a long time during many killings around him.
And this happens to many men who come back from war, and it is commonly called trauma, or post-traumatic stress, to feel an energy as weak as the intent to kill.
People end up feeling other, stronger energies, and they become afraid since they don't understand what is happening, and humans are afraid of the unknown, and this causes a lot of stress.
Resulting in many problems in daily life, depression, and can result in suicide.
Kai looked at the anchor and said "Looks like your boat sank?"
The man unconsciously replied "Yes."
"In the old days it was considered an honor for the captain to sink along with his boat" Kai said this and laughed.
"What's funny about that?" The man didn't know why he was talking so much at that moment.
"What's funny about that? Good question, and the answer is even better" Kai then continued "This custom started in pirate times, people just ignore the real reason by putting it with an honorable act".
"The real reason pirates sink along with their ships is simply for lack of choice" Kai laughed as he said this.
"People started to idolize this action so much, that nowadays this action is seen with honor, the truth being not so pretty, for a ship to sink along with its captain, there were two options the first the ship encountered a storm and the second the ship was under attack, in other words, it is only because the captain had no chance to live" Kai then stopped talking.
"But we are not here for a history lesson, you know why I am here, and you should already know what I am going to do, you set a trap for me, and tried to kill me" Kai spoke seriously.
"I-" Before the man started to speak, Kai interrupted him "I have a motto that I take for my life: if you are willing to do something to a person, then you must be prepared for that person to do the same thing to you."
"In other words, if you were ready to kill me, then I am also ready to kill you," Kai said, still serious.
"As I said before, it is rude not to answer other people's questions, so I will answer your question" Kai spoke and looked at the man.
The man when he saw those beautiful and terrifying red eyes, he became even more afraid.
"Your first question was, well it wasn't really a question, you said that someone will take your place, and in a way you are right, someone will indeed take your place but they won't take the same stupid ideas" Kai spoke.
"No! My ideas are not stupid! If it wasn't for you we would win!!!" The man turned fear into anger and roared.
Kai, as if he had heard the funniest joke, laughed shamelessly.
"You!!!" The man could only shout in anger.
"Let me get this straight, you just said that you and your shitty army would beat the world's greatest power? Don't make me laugh, you idiot" Kai said with a little anger.
He thought that this person had something to stand on, and wasn't fighting desperately, but it seems that he was wrong and very wrong.
Seeing that the man was about to say something, Kai spoke first "Let's make a very crazy hypothesis, say your Country actually beat ours, then what were you going to do?"
"It's not obvious, I was going to... I was going to... I..." The man didn't know what to say, he had no idea what he was going to do, he hadn't planned, maybe even he knew they wouldn't win.
"I'll tell you what you were going to do" Kai stopped.
The man looked at Kai expectantly, as he thought 'Will Kai betray the US and come to my country?'
But Kai quickly ended his hope "You were going to die, along with your whole fucking country, they were going to fly through the air, it doesn't even have to be a nuclear bomb, just drop a few bombs and everything was going to be destroyed".
"Well, I've already said too much, it's time for you and your army to meet" Ka then continued "In the other world".
"Wait! Please!" The man shouted, but contrary to what he thought Kai did not walk towards him.
Kai walked towards the wall, more specifically towards the anchor.
The man even thought about running away, but he was unable to get up.
When he saw Kai reach out to grab the anchor, he was happy to wait for Kai to get hurt so he could escape from this monster.
Kai looked at the anchor and saw that it was well polished and its points looked sharp, from the looks of it he took very good care of what was left of his boat.
As Kai held the anchor and frowned.
A normal anchor can reach up to 20 tons, Kai normally wouldn't try to lift an anchor, but he 'saw' that he could lift it but he didn't know what the reason was.
Now that he got it he finally understood "This is fake" he then spoke.
The man felt as if he had aged 50 years, he had forgotten that this anchor was fake, but he forgot one thing, even though this anchor was fake a normal human would not be able to hold it.
Kai didn't mind him, in fact since he entered this room he kept thinking how he should kill him, if he just killed him with a gun.
It wouldn't have a very strong impact, however he knows that no one will follow the same path as him(the man), but no one knows the future, maybe someone is just waiting to take his place after his death and do the same thing as him.
But when he saw that he could lift this anchor, an idea came into his head, a horrible death that just looking at it would make people break out in a cold sweat.
Kai was a little apprehensive, but when he saw this man who didn't care about the lives of others, he made his decision and decided to do this horrible thing.
He took the anchor and turned around, when the man in the chair saw Kai's cold eyes looking at him, he shivered when Kai took his first step, he managed to stand up and took a step back.
And continued like that until he reached the window, he couldn't go back any further.
"Sorry but this is necessary" Kai spoke and looked at him with sadness in his eyes.
The man seeing this was confused, he no longer felt the intention to kill Kai.
But that confusion lasted only a second, before he felt a giant pain in his abdomen and felt it coming off the ground and the window breaking on his back, but the only thing he felt was in his belly the burning.
He could only make a face of pain before everything went out.
But even if for him everything was over, in the world everything was still happening.
His dead body flew out the window.
"Ahh!!!" A scream sounded, when those who heard followed the scream, they saw a woman sitting on the ground with a look of horror pointing to the sky.
They followed her eyes and their faces paled. There they saw a bloody corpse being held by a chain, with something like a hook stuck in its belly.
This made everyone afraid.
Somewhere far away from there, Kai was on a call "Everything was done".
"That was pretty quick" The person on the other end said "Anything else".
"No..." Kai spoke and paused for a moment before speaking "Actually, I would like to retire".
The person on the other end of the phone was speechless for a while, and seemed to be arguing with other people "Alright, as much as it pains us to lose you, your request has been accepted."
"All right, see you next time."
Hey I was just passing by to say that I created a p*treon(p* I'm not planning on putting anything there yet but if anyone wants to help me I appreciate it, it's only a dollar if you want to help with more there is a 21 dollar one, so that It.
Obs: I saw that they were asking Kai's age, and by my count he is 12 years old. I already finished the next chapter.