
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs


The bee moved in the shadows, and the shadows moved with it. It carried a weight on its tiny shoulders, a burden no bee had the right to bear – the weight of fallen soldiers and an utter defeat. Sighing, it climbed up a grape stalk. It still couldn't fly completely but that didnt hinder him from making comically large jumps.

'Hmm, how do I get in now?' it pondered. 'Maybe I should simply wait out the night.'

But no, every second with those monsters meant more trouble for the cloud. It didn't particularly like the cloud, finding it repulsive to an extent, but an order was an order. It got off the stalk and started walking towards the door.

'Maybe I should knock at it, and someone would open,' it mused.

So, it smashed against the door a few times, and to its surprise, the door actually opened, revealing the sleepy figure of Mr. Sherjan with a pack of cigarettes in his hands. Completely ignoring the bee, he walked out, and the bee infiltrated.

Everyone was sleeping.

'This would've been a perfect time for an incursion; I wonder why Commander Buzz didn't wait,' it thought.

Cautiously, it walked to Isra's room where the door was open, and a white light spilled out from within.

'She must be awake.'

But that didn't matter to the bee; it was tiny, and the night was in its favor. No one would expect anything. Still, lowering its guard after what happened in the day would be stupid. The bee, not willing to take any risks, moved in very sneakily and looked around.

The room was empty. Isra was nowhere to be found, and under the bed, there was a transparent box with the cloud in it, sleeping peacefully.

'Pfft, this guy. So casual. So cool. I hate him.' The bees infact didn't like the cloud one bit. It would mess things up for them. They would be simply going around finding nectar, and he would annoy them with hours-long useless chatter. The cloud couldn't get the hint even after they had ignored him a million times.

So, the bee was in a very weird position. It was to save a hostage that no one in the bee community liked, and it would be happy without it. But there were orders to follow as well. The bee stood at the edge of the carpet, just looking at the cloud with tiny glassy eyes.

'Maybe I...'

"Maybe I shouldn't save you," the bee spoke, and the cloud woke up, looking in the direction of the bee and smiling wholeheartedly.

"Ah, Number #212, I knew you'd come. Now get here and open the lid. I'll take care of the rest."

'The audacity of this guy.' #212 looked at the cloud dumbfounded and actually moved closer to the clamp.

There was something about this damn over-friendly cloud that Number #212 couldn't say no to.

"By the way, where is the demon child?"

"I didn't see anyone, and keep your voice down," #212 scowled at it.

"Wait, #212. NO! #212, RUN AWAY!" the cloud hissed.

"What do you mean, run away? Just get back and let me open it."

"You don't understand, #212; this is a tra-"

And then the next moment, everything went dark for #212. The world shook around it.