
Another Day At The Office - Chapter Two

Ever since that job, I couldn't get that guy out of my head. He was annoying and twisted, I wanted to punch him in his stupid face because of that attitude he had, like he could do whatever he wanted to anyone around him and have his way and the outcome he desired. As if your fate was sealed the second he put his claim on you, he probably does some really perverted shit with that guy I stalked for months - so much for that amount of cash I was going to get my hands on.

I'd been struggling since he gave me that goddamn black bad. I hadn't started a new job and I was running low on cash; my rent was taking nearly all I had and I'd staved up a lot of money from my jobs. He was bleeding me out until I was desperate to call him, I could feel it in my gut. That man sought attention and desperation from his little toys, which made me hate him more than ever, if I was going to work for him, he'd need to bleed me dry to ever call his sorry ass.

I hadn't had any trouble with cooking a good and filling meal, just yet. My mother was the best chef in Brooklyn when she was growing up with her father and mother in the family business, unfortunately, she moved away from them to be with my father. He was a marine and when I was old enough to walk, he died. What a sad story.

Shuffling out of bed, I headed for the fridge and soon enough whipped up a meal for myself. The past few weeks weren't a fun time, I'd been trying to find small jobs and make some cash, which was easier than expected. I'd worked at the harbour a little by moving crates and helping unload the smaller fishing boats on the far side - I'd been hard at work, I looked kinda ripped, my V-line was super prominent.

I had another shift around noon and was getting myself ready to head out, can't work the harbour from home, if you could, every man down there would be home sailing for the rest of their days. They're all pretty regular guys, had a few beers with them for a while and even found out some details to do with their incomes - just in case I get my old job back, I'll get my revenge on some pricks that shuffle around there. Most of the guys are alright. A guy I've come to be semi-close with keeps me on my toes, I work hard but, I do get kinda tired. But, Matt is there to push all us semi-young guys around and help us with the heavier side of loads; he's about two-hundred pounds of pure muscle and six-foot-three. I wouldn't get on his bad side, I'm not stupid.

Speaking of Matt, he's a really lovely guy with a seriously horrendous past, over drinks he got a little smashed and when I was talking him home, he unloaded all his problems onto me - like I was his therapist, he has one of those too. His wife Maria died in hospital after being in a tragic accident. Matt offered to donate her anything she needed due to her oranges starting to fail, but she was far too weak to operate on and he had to spend his last moments with her.

I've never been married or in anything serious with a lady but saying goodbye to your wife and knowing everything you've ever done together is never going to happen again, must break your heart. I don't think I could handle my soulmate dying that way, if he had to decide and take her off life-support or something, hypothetically. I'd never be able to make the decision, I couldn't have that pain and blood on my hands.

Clearing my head by pulling on my black hoodie and dark green skinnies, I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my keys, heading out of the house, locking the door of course and to my car. Over the years of being the handy man that I was, I became a little over the top with my home security. My front door had two hidden cameras, my house was laced with two cameras hidden in each room and, apartment complex had a camera system at the front door; I'd hacked into that via my phone.

Understandably, people don't like it when their shit is stolen and you end up giving them reasons to attack you or steal from you. I've not had a situation like that in years but let me tell you, it's fucking stressful. I had to pay out money to different guys in the past for lacking in some areas I've finally mastered - I'm not a fan of having my shit stolen, so why should anyone else be, most people forget that our kind evolved from animals and some are still evolving.

Turning the corner at a yellow, just turning green light, I drove a little faster than the limit and pulled up outside a nice and expensive row of flats. I turned off the engine and put my phone on mute, hoping the neighbours wouldn't hate me for blasting rock down the street. Waiting a few minutes I beeped my horn and relaxed into my seat, only to hear Matt call down from his window to head inside and help him with something. Quickly pulling out my keys, taking my phone and locking the car, I headed up to the door and pressed his buzzer; he buzzed me in simultaneously and I was glad I didn't have to wait a decade.

Matt's place made mine look like shit and I had some nice shit back at my place. There were pricey paintings, a gaming set-up that made most video game stations low grade, a TV that was far too big and the one and only, a gold record player. His place was pretty sweet and I was man enough to admit how much I wanted to be this guy and have his luxurious things in my own place or own a place like his, one day.

"Hey, man! How are ya?" he pulled me into a bro handshake hug and smiled before gesturing for me to come inside.

"I'm good, I'm good. You doing alright?" I walked inside and wiped off my shoes being respectful and having a habit of cleaning myself before entering someone's place.

He closed the door and followed me through to the open living room kitchen, like I said, fancy but casually fancy. He wasn't the type to rub his comfortable living in anyone's face, that's out of character for him.

"Yeah! I've got this unit I'd appreciate your help with before we head our, if you'd be so kind?" he smiled and walked into the kitchen pulling out two beers. "One of these in it for ya~" he gave me a mischievous look before I answered.

"Alright, deal. What unit did you get?" I asked as he put the beers in the fridge and led me to his room.

"Well, there was a complication with the delivery and they ended up getting here last night at the back of eight, I don't talk bad about workers, they're only doing their part, you know. But, it was left in the landing for anyone to take and it wasn't cheap, man." he sounded a little upset but smiled it off.

"Not cool, hah." I sighed. Playing it cool and hoping this wouldn't make us late for the shipments - you get pay deducted for being late for fresh shipments and have less product to move and are usually paid less.

Walking through his hall I saw his wife's picture all over the place, it was really sentimental and sweet of him to keep her around and in his life even if she wasn't with him any more. He loved her a lot, even someone as vulgar as me, could see the goodness and love in his heart; even if we weren't best buds in my eyes, I knew he didn't take love and relationships as a simple connection, it was a bond in both our eyes. Throughout my days of youth as us adults say, I had a few mates here and there before I got wrapped up into the abusive life of my father - that was when my life took a turn and I did stupid shit that ended in me being depressed and paranoid. I and Matt were friends in his eyes and good ones at that but, I couldn't let him get too close, he'd be wrapped into my lifestyle and he doesn't need that stress.

The unit was heavy as all hell, I was getting a bit ripped from moving heavy containers and doing mad squats, but this was heavy, I have no clue how the delivery guys got this up the stairs, I'd fall to my death with that thing coming down on top of me. Matt laughed at our team effort and after we'd finished working out, he packed my back and told us we can celebrate our victory. A cold beer and the tasteful charm of his banter wouldn't be the worst celebration or treat before working a ten-hour shift - the harbour was a little crazy with it hour's and the clean-up.

I grabbed Matt's duffle-bag when we were heading out to my car, I'd left my shit in the boot because it was safe there and nobody would ever fuck with my car, let alone my stuff. We shuffled our way downstairs and out the door across the path and into my car; he hoped into the passenger seat while I put his bag in the back and closed the boot door.

"Hah, another day at work, how great!" I joked, slipping inside the vehicle while light 80's rock played through the radio and Matt relaxed into his seat.

"It ain't too bad, man. And, I'll be there to motivate you lazy ass, hah!" he laughed, looking over at him with a happy smirk on his face.

"Ha ha!" he sarcastically laughed, smiling a little at Matt's cheesy grin. "You better keep me sane, that dickhead Kevin pushes me to my limit, dude." he sighed, pulling out and heading to work, already cutting it close for time.

Usually the drive down to the harbour wasn't too busy around the time of our shift, luckily for us there was a highway crash and the road was on halt for twenty minutes. Our boss called three times and after we explained the situation for the fifth time, he gave us an hour to get into work and be ready to go the second we got down there. He wasn't a kind carefree guy as you can tell, he had an old-man attitude, made you work your dick off and break your back over being a minute past lunch; cheeky bastards would fire people even though it was a volunteer job for a quick bit of cash.

Matt had been working the moving product jobs for a few years along with doing some sewers job that paid a lot but was pretty degrading in the work detail, how much you had to do and what you needed to work through; smells, rats, sometimes finding a dead body and even cleaning out pipes that were too dangerous for someone to do alone. He was a tough-cookie and didn't take anyone's shit. He'd rambled to me at times during our shifts about the sewer work being a lot more tolerable when you're with a mate or someone you can call a good colleague.

'Matt is a good guy, I wonder if he'd have any advice he could give me on my situation.' dealing with people like that Russian pervert wasn't easy but they were manageable, treat them like an overly dominant dog, give them what they want and hope they fuck off sometimes.

In my mind, I'd whittle this guy down to a Russian born in the states with connections from the minute he slipped out his mother's cunt and, that was good for him, it made me happy for him - he'd been given a silver spoon in the womb instead of getting it later on. Which pissed me off because people like him, are full of themselves and have mommy or daddy issues that make you feel uncomfortable anytime you talk to them; you never know when they'll start complaining about their parents or that one time the maid saw him naked.

Although he wasn't easy to manage, jokes aside. It gave me some sort of mental leverage over the little deviant with anger management issues, because I knew what kids like him had been through. My dad was a man of few words, when he would talk to my mother or me, he'd either ramble about the neighbours or old friends who were "doing better now". Which gave me the insight I needed to see through people, you ended up with this sixth sense and can figure who they are without ever needing to talk to them. All it takes is a single look and you've got the ingredients you need to have the advantage over them. Something my dad used on me as a kid, the old bastard could tell where I'd been and where I was going before I even knew where I was going.

I'm very sorry to have kept you all waiting!

I've quickly rifled through the chapter and edited any mistakes I can find!

Thank you for worrying about me and being interested in Client Tell, it means so much to me!

Have a lovely day everyone!

And, stay safe. ❤️

HJL_creators' thoughts