
Claymore half breed

Tacoma12 · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs


I was a baby when I came to this world. I was born to a raped women. From what I could hear she was assulted by something called a Yoma. Apparently the creatures would do this often, but it was extremly rare when the women became pregnant.

Currently I was in what looked like a town hall. Everyone was arguing about what to do with me. They would steal glances at me every so often.

"Maybe we can raise it." The towns priest spoke.

"Are you crazy!" Yelled a man in a corner. "I heard of a village that tried raising one and it killed and ate all of them."

"Are you ok killing a baby!" Yelled another.

"How about we just leave it outside the town?" A female voice spoke.

With this they began to discuss what to do. Hearing the coversation I started to panic.

'Their talking about how to kill me!' I realized. So I did the only thing I could do. "Whaaaa!!"

I cried. Hearing this the people stared at me. The majority of the faces in the room soften, but a few faces hardened.

"We could...." began a grandma.

"I'll take him out of the town." A rugged looking man spoke.

"Do so." Came, I assumed, the mayor.

With a nod the man grabbed the basket and left the building. Now outside I could see the town.

The buildings looked medieval, made of stone bricks. I saw a few horses here and there. I also had seen a couple of stalls selling somethings.

Soon we left the town. We began following a road for awhile. After a while he veered off the road going onto a trail. Soon we found ourselves at a log cabin. He placed my basket outside of the cabin next to the door.

He walked inside. He left a baby, Me, outside in the middle of winter, Dick.

After awhile he came out with fur coat, a knife, and an bow with a dozen or so arrows. He picked me up then walked into the snow covered forest.

He took me deep into the forest. We traveled for hours the man not speaking a word. He kept his stoic expressionon the whole time. I would cry every so often. He would just glare at me.

He had me looking behind seeing where we came from. As I looked I saw a gangly looking guy slowly approach us in the distance. He had yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and claw like hands.

The man picked up the pace coming at us in a frenzied look. As it sprinted at us the man seemed to notice something. Looking back he saw the monster rapidly approaching.

A look of horror appeared on his face. He began running away. As I watch this I began to feel sleepy. As I struggled to stay awake I heard the panting voice.

Soon my eyes grew to heavy to keep open. I fell asleep to the sounds of terror.


I don't know how long I was asleep but I woke up to find myself on a shore. The hunter man was laying next to me dead. The monster like man was nowhere to be seen.

'I'm doomed!' I cried in my head.

A vulture flew down onto the man. It slowly began to peck at the body. Soon more vultures began to appear. They were ripping the flesh off the body.

One of them looked to me. It slowly waddled towards me. It was now staring me in the face. I tried to cry hoping to scare it away.

Instead it began to peck at me. The first peck missed me and hit next to my head. I began to panic but seeing the exposed neck something came over me.

My body moved on some instinct. My mouth openened and I felt a set of teeth come out. My mouth quickly latched onto the extended neck.

The vulture screeched in pain. Hearing this the other vultures were scared off. Not caring about them I sunk my teeth deeper into my victims neck.

As I added more pressure a cracking sound appeared. Hearing this I didn't let go. I ripped out the chunk of flesh.

I was soon eating the flesh.

[Learned Novice: Unarmed combat- Common Lv:1

Increase damage caused by Unarmed attacks by 2%]

Seeing this I quickly ignored it. My body was demanding I eat the raw flesh of the bird. As I gorged on the dead bird the notifications poped up two more times.

[Learned Novice: Unarmed combat- Common Lv:3

Increase damage caused by Unarmed attacks by 6%]

I had quickly finished ripping the bird apart. Soon after finishing I felt some strength in my body. I was able to crawl out of the basket and onto the beach.

Looking around I could see a bunch of Mountains lining the inland. Behind me I could see just a large body of water. I could see some mountians far into that distance to.

With this I began pulling myself further into the mountain. Thus began my journey in this strange world