

Lauren seemed clearly disturbed by something. Actually, it was a bit more than disturbed. I watched as she frantically scratched her wrists, faster and faster... I wanted to ask her what was happening, or if she was in any need of help. But of course she wouldn't answer. I do this pretty much every day and she just avoids the question. She's pretty cunning when it comes to put on her 'everything's fine' act.


'Yo Lauren, howdy ?'

'And ya ?'

'You sure you're alright ? You seem rather... stressed.'

Damn, here I go again, making Kelly worry. She must have so much on her mind, and here am I, already burdening her more.

'What about ya ?'

'Answer when you're asked something. How are you ?'

There's no getting past her. Let's just freestyle.

'Dude, when I say : 'What about ya ?', it means: 'Fine, and ya ?'

'Tsk tsk... I'm fine, glad you asked.'

Like hell you're fine. Stop lying now.

Since I first met her, she was already worrying about me. That's strange, but the first thing she asked me was : 'Are you okay ?'

What a strange gal. She clearly needs support, but she just won't let me help. I'm such a piece of shit for not supporting her enough, but I just don't feel like it.


I burst into the classroom as I was late, but hopefully, the teacher was too. I headed to Lauren's desk, and shouted a loud 'Hello !' towards her as I sat on the neighbouring chair. Even after a few years in this high school, I don't have a big range of friends. I'm not introverted but I get along super well with the few friends I have, so why look elsewhere?

Anyways, she seemed relieved to see me. Ah-hah. Of course. She was having a word with Kelly. Damn this girl, she's chill and all, but she can be pretty fucking intimidating.