
Classroom of the elite: Undettected

Ren Amamiya was seen by his classmates as a normal and socially awkward student. And consequently, he had a minor presence in the class. But because of that exact reason. Did everyone fail to acknowledge his genius. "He's a genius, yes. But. That one problem is going to be his downfall... That's why he'll be placed in class D." . I don't own Classroom of the Elite or Persona 5 and all credit should go to respective authors The cover is also not mine and credit should go to the respective artist 'Tumblr' (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/753156737666190998/)

Endless_snow · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

First day

"Alright, I'm heading out now. Bye Sojiro, Morgana" The person waved goodbye to the old man and the cat as he left the cafe.

"Bye kid, take care."



When Ren finally got onto the bus, he noticed that all the seats were taken.

'well, my luck for not taking an earlier stop.' He walked forward and held a random grip that was attached to the ceiling.

Next to him was a girl. Same age as him he surmised. She had short hair that was beige coloured and had crimson eyes. She also had the same uniform as him.

'A lot of people here have the uniform but that has to be expected.' He thought while looking outside again.

But then he noticed an eye on him. And he only knew one thing about this gaze...


Yes it was a gaze that belonged to a professional. Then he slowly turned to his right to not alarm him and then the two eyes met.

The boy had also the same uniform as him. He had brown hair and eyes. And his facial expressions were neutral.

And after a few more seconds of staring at each other, the bus arrived at the next station. Breaking the eye contact between the two.

'Interesting, very interesting.' Ren thought before looking outside once again.

After a while, the bus started to move once again, but a moment later the silence of the ride was broken by a certain girl next to Ren.

"Excuse me... could you please give up your seat?"

Then Ren turned around and saw the girl talk to the blond boy that was sitting on the priority seat.

"That's a priority seat. I think you should let this elderly lady sit there." She said politely.

"My, my, pretty girl. While it may be a priority seat, there is no law requiring me to relinquish it.you want me to give up my seat because I'm young?" Then he scoffed.

"Nonsense, pure and simple. Even if I am young, standing consumes more stamina than sitting. Why should I do something so detrimental with no benefit to myself?"

"Well, I think you'd be contributing to society. And this lady seems to be having trouble staying upright."

'Wow, what a pure thought...Certainly has the looks for the angelic role. Well not that I care.' Ren thought before not giving anymore attention to the conversation that followed.

'Everyone wears some kind of mask, some wear bigger masks than others and sometimes of different kinds too. There are those that just hide a portion of you, and those are the easiest to fall for. There are also those that want to cover... past experiences, and only a select few will know.

But there are also those... where you become a complete different person. And these, these are the trickiest. And if done right, and if a lot of people are affected by your 'lie'. Than It will be all the more harder to wear that same mask.

As every lie comes to light, so too shall the mask one day fall by night'

Ren thought while writing in his little note book.

'hmm, that was a nice one.' He thought before putting it away

Then he heard the girl shout about something of switching seats but he ignored it compeltely.

Then after a while, they finally arrived and Ren got off.

'And here it is. Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.'

He started walking and went inside, and headed to the auditorium.


'Here it is, class 1-D. Lets go.' He thought while walking in at a constant pace, not drawing any attention to him and went to his seat.

His seat was on the last row in the middle.

'How convenient, last row. too bad I'm not at the window.' He thought before taking his seat.

But Ren didn't have anything to do so he decided to eavesdrop a little.

He overheard some girls talking about the guys in the class. Other guys cursing at the guys who get the compliments which was mostly the blond haired kid... not the one from the bus but another one.

But funnily enough, the two troublemakers from some time ago are also in the class.

What fun.

'All the conversations are stupid, well I guess it is the first day so nothing I can do about it... But what's up with the camera's?' He thought before the doors opened.

"AHEM, Alright. Everybody take your seats." The homeroom teacher walked in.

"Good morning students. I'm instructor of class D, Chabashira Sae. There will be no changing classes in this school. I will be responsible for you for the next three years, until you graduate." She said before showing us a pamphlet.

"I will be distributing these, they are the 'special' rules that you will have to follow. Read them well. But we will go over them shortly. I will give them to the student in the front seat and they will pass them to the student behind them and so forth." She explained before giving us the rulebook

"First, you will live in a dorm. While at school, your ability to leave the campus and contact the outside world will be limited. But don't worry. The school offers a variety of facilities. Everything you need can be found here, including entertainment.

You all have a phone in your desks, these will serve as your student ID's so don't lose them. This will also double as your credit. This school uses points, stored in the school's official computer system. At this school, you can buy anything using points.

Points are allotted on the first of each month. One point will equal to one yen. If you check them, you will notice that 100.000 points have already been allotted." This shocked the whole class as they started to converse between each other.


"Are you serious!"

'...' But Ren stayed quiet and was pondering about something.

And this didn't go unnoticed by a certain boy, two seats next to him and the homeroom teacher.

"Are you surprised? The size of this month's allotment is big. This shows that the school trusts you. Because this school judges students based on merit. Being accepted is an accomplishment in and of itself, no?" The teacher finished and finally said.

"Well, this is it. You're free for the rest of the day, class dismissed." And then the teacher took her leave.

But before any of the students decided to leave, a certain popular blonde haired boy stood up and spoke up.

"Everyone, may I have a moment?"

'Ah, I already found the Class leader." He thought 'And it will probably be some introduction as the homeroom teacher didn't do it,...Yeah just going to sleep it through as I already know everyone's name.' He said before putting his glasses off and starting to doze.

Too bad he still heard what he had to say.

"I was hoping we could introduce ourselves, that way we can get acquainted with the class faster. And as the teacher hasn't done it yet I'm guessing we have to do this on out own. How about it?"

And then everyone, or mostly the majority agreed to his idea. And they introduced themselves.

It went from name to hobby's and what interests you. The basic stuff.

The first to speak and probably also the will-be class leader is called Hirata Yosuke. He seems like a friendly guy... too friendly.

'A control freak? No, not quite. It's something else. Well, I'll leave it for future me.'

Then came the girl from the bus. Her name is Kushida Kikyo. And as he thought, she was pushy.

'So she is the angel type... The wolf in sheep clothes. And seeing from the reaction form the students after she was done introducing herself, she will be quite popular.'

Then some idiots introduced themselves as Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki.

'The idiot combo is here as well. no surprises. Ike is too desperate for girlfriend it seems. And Yamauchi has so many masks on for one to bear making it easy to see through.'

And after a few others introduced themselves it was finally time for the 'anomaly'.

'Your name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, lets see what you got.' He thought with a smirk that was unseen by everyone as it was hidden under his arm.

"Um...uh...I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Uh... I look forward to studying with you. A, uh. I'm not good at anything in particular. Uh... I'll work hard to get along with everyone. " He finished and was then met with silence for a brief moment before everyone clapped.

"Well done, Let's be good friends. Ayanokoji-kun" Hirata said but then.

"Pff-" A silent laugh escaped Ren's mouth as he tried to control his breathing and then everyone looked at him.

"Ah, It's my turn now." He said before standing up, not even bothering to put on his glasses.


| Kiyotaka Ayanokoji |

'He laughed at me, oh he's from the bus.' He thought while looking over to the one who laughed.

"Ah, it's my turn now." He said before standing up and showing his face.

He has a pale complexion with unkempt, wavy black hair. He has gray eyes and has a sharp and intense gaze. Making some of the females blush.

"I'm sorry for laughing, but you really blew it. Anyway my name is Amamiya Ren. I do free-running and like to improvise quotes in my free time. That doesn't mean my quotes are actually good. Nice to meet your acquaintance." He said before sitting back down and putting his glasses back on.

"Alright, Amamiya-kun. Nice to meet you as well." Hirata said.

And then the final three introduced themselves, but it seems the last one had some trouble with it but he just walked away.

'We found the one who will disrupt the class harmony it seems.'




1647 words.

First chap.

Do you guys need more details? Like more dialogue and not just explaining like I did this time?

I will try to make the next one like that so see which one will be better.

I might rewrite this as I'm fking tired

Thx for reading, hope you enjoyed.

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Endless_snowcreators' thoughts