
Classroom of the Elite: Maniac’s Formidable Strength

Synopsis: Ying Ye Zhenshi- A student admitted to the Advanced Nurturing High due to special circumstances. Enrolled as a class D student, he will have to navigate his way around this unique environment, all while digging up information on the school’s rules and bending them as he desires. Note: The MC does not have knowledge of the plot. [T/N: Basically, someone with no knowledge of the plot enters the school. He has a problematic background and a twisted personality, etching him as one of the problem kids in class D and Year 1 as a whole. Funnily enough, the problem kids seem to band together in such novels *wink Kushida wink*. Oh, MC’s pretty funny too.] Extra Tags: Academy, Bullying, Carefree Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Contracts, Crazy Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Curious Protagonist, Delinquents, Fearless Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Money Grubber, Mysterious Past, Playful Protagonist, Pretend Lovers, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Ruthless Protagonist, Scheming, Selfish Protagonist, Twisted Personality Patreon.com/countp for access to 12 advanced chapters of this story. Check out my other projects! • Fucking Streamers With My Infinite Coins Cheat • Transmigrated To Another World The Day Before Finals (R18) I am not the author of this work! I am just improving general readability. OG Title and Author are posted in the top review.

CountPingus · Tranh châm biếm
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98 Chs

Chapter 65.1: May The 1st / Class D / Morning Homeroom

T/N: From this chapter onwards, the author suddenly made the chapters three times as long??? So, the chapters are split into three now.


About explaining whether he had sold out his own class to Kushida—

"You'll find out soon enough."

Ying Ye Zhenshi smiled mysteriously, without denying it.

"Asshole. You are just as I expected you to be. What's wrong with you? Just tell me about it quickly!"

Kushida Kikyo grumbled as she lightly hit him with her balled-up fist.

The students who were betrayed just so happened to include her too.

"Just know that this honestly has nothing to do with me. This class, even without an intervention from me, has still reached 0 class points. The best I can take credit for is just not intervening in this inevitable downward spiral. The ones who have really pushed the class points to hell are the ones who won't take accountability for their actions. It's them who are really to blame. You can't blame others for everything."

Ying Ye Zhenshi said indifferently.

He had initially thought he would have to do something to get the class to 0 points, but he had truly underestimated the first year's class D.

He had done almost nothing to complete his end of the deal with the other classes.

"You think you have the right to say that? How about you go explain this to our classmates then? If other people were to learn about it by tomorrow, they would probably want to chop you up."

Kushida Kikyo responded back to him with some delight in her voice.

At the same time, she was a little thankful that their relationship had not been made public.

She didn't bother to ask why he hadn't helped the class in the first place, expecting a redundant answer in response.

"Yep, I don't doubt that would be the case. Then… why don't we have you attract some of the aggro? Let's disclose our relationship, and then they may not be willing to scold us because of you so it will be fine. In that situation, they might not pay much attention to the points."

Hearing what the girl had to say, Ying Ye Zhenshi placed his hand on her lap and put out a lazy solution in jest.

"You'd better work hard on your own. I won't be able to divert this much aggro with just my popularity. And I reckon that an announcement of our relationship at this time will only make it so that the boys hate you more."

Kushida Kikyo was not at all happy after hearing his suggestion for some reason.

Thinking of the scene of the boy's sorry future school days, she became a little afraid to even think about what being associated with him would do to her popularity.

The thought was indeed too scary.

Compared to his future days, Kushida even felt that her experience from Junior High would pale in comparison.

She even wondered if Ying Ye Zhenshi would be forcibly kicked out of school due to the pressure.

"Then, if I get into such a miserable state, Kikyo-chan, you will soon become a widow."

Ying Ye Zhenshi sounded as though he was going to be beaten to death on May 1st.

"Don't worry, I will take revenge for you."

"Who said I wanted your revenge?"

The voices in the room eventually drowned out.

In the end, one couldn't know what was going on inside that room. [T/N: ¬‿¬]


The weather was gloomy, and the rain was pouring down.

On May 1st, a month after the school year had started, the atmosphere in the class D classroom of the first year was not so jovial today and was as gloomy as the weather.

They had been told that personal points would be given to them on the first day of the month, but no points had been credited to their accounts.

Most of the students were puzzled by the confusing situation.

Even Kushida, who knew what was going on, pretended to be clueless about the happenings and worried with the others.

The students whispered amongst one another in the classroom, and they felt slightly relieved when they found out that no one had had any money deposited in their accounts.

They could breathe a sigh of relief since it was impossible for everyone in the school to not be given points for whatever reason.

At least, they weren't being penalised alone, and it was probably a mistake.

'Today will be the day you guys face hell.'

Ying Ye Zhenshi didn't bother to inform the members of his class about what he knew and was just sitting in the corner waiting for the play to unfold before him.

The only thing missing to complete the experience was some Coca-Cola and popcorn.

From time to time, he would spot Kushida Kikyo's annoyed looks toward him, but he didn't pay it much attention.

Time ticked away, as the expected moment finally arrived.

The bell announcing the first class of the day in May rang.

Along with the bell, Sae Chabashira, the homeroom teacher of Class D of the first years, walked in on her high heels, clutching onto a small, rolled-up poster in her hand.

Her expression was more serious than usual as if she was owed money from people and they hadn't paid her back.

Seeing their teacher's face like this, the class could already tell that there was bad news in store for them.

However, the behaviour of the class D students had been quite poor in the past months, and so many of the students didn't seem to care about whether it was appropriate to be making jokes at this point in time.

"Sensei, you're not on your period, are you?"

Ike Kanji found his joke humorous and shouted it out aloud.

Next to Ike, Yamauchi and the boys who were in his friendship group laughed with him.

In the face of this harassment, Chabashira sensei remained very calm and looked over the students in the class as though no one had fallen into her eyes.

"Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up."

She seemed pretty sure that they would have questions to ask, and acted as though she had spare time to answer any before she went on with the session.

And just as expected, after Chabashira sensei finished speaking, several students raised their hands immediately.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, and no points were deposited. Weren't they supposed to be provided on the first day of the month, every month? I was impatient because I couldn't buy the juice I wanted."

In the end, it was a boy with a bowl cut who raised the class's concerns with the teacher.

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T/N: We're on track to make it to 600. Keep it up!

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