
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Chapter 36: A traitor and the heir

3rd Person POV

???: Ryuen was already a waste of time, don't tell me that you're working with him? 

Kushida: Listen I'd rather work with the lesser evil than the likes of you! 

???: Listen I already know your true nature even before we started knowing each other. I took one glance at you and already this "Ms. I wanna be friends with everyone" facade isn't going to fool me. 

Kushida: you know that Ayanokouji-kun is on to you 

???: I'm already aware of that, after all I am the one who told you to set that bottle back at the island. 

Kushida: what the hell are you even up to? 

???: Sorry but why would I tell a two-faced b**** like you? I know that you like to feed off on other people's secrets, so even if you know my secret. It will be useless to you. 

Kushida: You think so??? 

Kushida: what are you on about now!? 

???: I know that someone from Class S has been pulling your strings as of late.

Kushida: huh??? 

???: heheehe, I was right aren't I and if you're wondering how. Then it's simple, I followed to where you went when we were at the CruiseShip. You were speaking to Katagiri on the phone and even met him in person multiple times. 

Kushida: nononononono, how are you...just who exactly are you!!? 

???: I'm Daigo Haru 

Ayanokouji POV

I'm currently waiting in the stairwell for a certain someone to arrive. it's been over 10 minutes, but she has arrived as scheduled. 

"Took you long enough Karuizawa" I said as the person I was meeting was Karuizawa Kei who I promised to protect in case of anything wrong. 

"Hey, I was just fixing some things up. Sorry that I have to make you wait" she said 

"That's fine, anyways do you have something to say?" 

"Yeah, what exactly is your motive?" she asked


"What are you after and why involve Kushida-san in this?" she asked 

"Simple, because she's the key to finding out the mastermind of your class" 

"Mastermind? ohh that" 

"You know his name and face right, so I'm sure you can tell me something about him" 

"I-I can't" 

"Why is that?" 

"I just can't" 

"Did he threaten you to not spill any information is that what you're saying?" 

"I mean it's kinda a threat but..." 

"Fine, then let me ask you this then, did Daigo try to use you as well?" I asked 

Karuizawa was stunned at the question, I guess that he was trying to use her too. 

"Actually, he hasn't or at least I think he isn't" 

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"Well, you may be correct. He's a big problem not just for Class D but also to Class S and potentially the other classes as well" I said 

"Huh? how come? how could someone as quiet as Daigo-kun would be a big problem?" Quiet? hmm so he is working from the shadows. Explains why I don't know about him too much. 

"Listen I don't intend on saying much but I can assure you, if he continues to pull Class D's strings and destroys you guys. Then I wouldn't be able to stop him" 

"Then tell me, why are you after him?" Karuizawa asked 

"I can't answer that, but I can tell you that there is someone else who could be dangerous in your class, a traitor.


"That's right, someone who will leak Class D's information and potentially Class S' if we aren't careful." 

"What are you talking about?" she asked as I walked away. 

"So, any ideas in that big brain of yours Mr. Genius?" I asked 

"When I meant coaching these guys, I didn't mean torture them" I said 

"Really? fine any ideas from you Karma-san?" he asked 

"Actually, I did have the same idea as you but don't want to go that far" 

"*sigh* fine I'll make it less painful, but the routines will be longer" Kei-kun said 

"That's fair I suppose" 

Seriously this Shinomiya Kei is unlike anyone I've ever met. For someone who is short and calls himself a genius constantly. He is impressive in both sports and academics. To think that he would come up with schemes that just allowed him a way to always be ahead of everyone. I feel like even an assassin couldn't outsmart someone like him. He just anticipates the impossible and plays with his enemies.

We continued walking down the halls until I noticed a guy with glasses holding a book and suddenly glared at us before looking back at his book. 

"Hey what's wrong?" Kei-kun asked as we both stopped. 

I looked at the guy. He had blue eyes, wearing glasses and has dirty-blonde hair. He has an aura of self-confidence befitting a Class A student. 

"Hey pal, why did you glare at us like that?" I asked 

"Are you two picking a fight?" the boy asked 

"Don't worry, we're not but the way you gave us a bad look though, tell us what's that about?" 

"You two are from Class S, correct? your names are Akabane Karma and Shinomiya Kei" he said, hold on how did he know our names and even the class we came from? 

"You're clever I'll give you that but how did you know who we are?" Kei-kun asked 

"I was given a bit of information on the class through a reliable source. Nothing more, nothing less" he said 

"Ohh I get it, you think you're a hotshot, aren't you? Alright then tell us your name and class since you do know ours" I said confidently

"Very well, my name is Togami Byakuya from Class 1-A" Togami? for some reason I've heard about that name before. 

"Togami? ohhh you mean THE Togami financial conglomerate? Yeah, I've heard of you guys before" Kei-kun spoke 

"What do you mean by you guys? we are not just "guys". I am the heir to the most powerful family in the world so please show a bit of respect." he said arrogantly. Man, and I thought Kei-kun was this arrogant. 

"Yeah sure Mr. Prodigy but since you're from Class A, this means you're our enemy plus our class is already ahead of Class A at this point so your classes' time at the top is already over." Kei-kun said with also an arrogant tone. 

"That may be the case, however I did read the special rules exclusive to Class S. If any of you lose more events in the sports festival, that means you will lose class points based on the inverse percentile. Thus, putting you all down instantaneously by the end of the sports festival leaving Class A to be on top again" he said, I guess being the heir of a powerful financial group can really make you the most overconfident person in the world. 

"Now will you excuse me; I have other matters to attend to" he said while adjusting his glasses and walked away. There was silence for a few seconds until I heard Kei-kun laugh 

"My god, he's quite interesting don't you think?" he asked 

"Yeah, but wait he's from Class A too? How come I didn't even see him before?" 

"Now that you mention it" Kei-kun opened his bag as he took out his tablet and started swiping 

"Just as I thought" he said as I looked at the tablet. 

"Yeah, here it is. Togami Byakuya. Class 1-A, he passed the entrance exams with all 100 in scores and even in the midterms. He's quite smart I'll give him that but also for some odd reason he didn't participate in the Island exam and the Zodiac exam when we all went out to sea" he said 

"Wait I remembered something" Kei-kun said while having an epiphany 

"What is it?" 

"Remember what Mashima-sensei said about two people who didn't manage to join the rest of Class A during those exams" 

"Yeah, I think he said that there were two people that couldn't make it. One had a condition while the other is sick" I said 

"Yeah, Ayanokouji-san told me that it was Sakayanagi who was the one with a condition, but Togami is a different story, and we didn't even know about him until now?" he said

"Strange, I mean given the type of student he is, I don't think it's likely for some heir to a powerful financial group could get sick." 

"Yeah, but why though?" 

We both stood there trying to puzzle why this guy, who was the heir of some financial group pretended to be sick in the first place. We don't have all the answers yet but for now, we got a new challenger in play. 

That's Chapter 36. I'm gonna stick with Kushida being the traitor since it is important to the plot and our pal Daigo here is actually also using her, but she decides to work with Ryuen other than this monster who manipulated Ryuen earlier. Apparently even he knows Kushida's true nature even from the start. Just how dangerous is Daigo Haru really? the second fourth gen demon of the White Room. Find out soon. Also, the Chad himself Togami has introduced himself and it's with the resident genius and assassin. 

Anyways thanks for reading and have a nice day :)