

The depressurization cabin behind the hatch was not large, less than ten crew members in space suits could fit there, if the Battle suits were included there would not even be room for half of them. This could be a problem, the assault teams would have to enter in two batches, which would complicate the operations.

But Mouse had no time to think or unlock another different hatch, this point was the closest to the cargo hold area of ​​the ship. With skill and adrenaline running through his body he began to manipulate the opening console. The important thing was that the system did not detect the manual opening of the hatch and did not alert all the pirates on the freighter.

After a couple of minutes that seemed eternal, Mouse managed to isolate the sensors, the only problem was that either they entered in a rush, depressurizing the entire rear section of the ship or he would have to stay there to do the opening and closing operations.