
Class: Berserker

Hey! First, some words with you English is not my primary language, so if there are any grammatical mistakes, your feedback would be appreciated. Some words about main character: Our main character, Isher, would not be a know-it-all; on the contrary, he would be a flawed individual, and he would not always be the center of attention. Due to it, there will be various pov's of different characters. And another main character, who will have the system—yeah, no freebies for Isher. Real synopsis- 10 human kingdoms, 1 demon empire, and a greater dungeon, it's the age of war and chaos. Life is a fickle candle; a single wind could sniff it out.

Zexusgo · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs

Gone Wrong.

The amber with red represents its madness locked with Isher's black eyes, both glaring intensely at each other. Isher still had an injury on his stomach, whereas the wolf was in perfectly fine condition.

The wolf kept growling but didn't attack. Isher also held, recollecting stamina from his previous battle as minutes stretched. He realized something was amiss all too late.

From the left plank, a wolf pounced on him. Fortunately, he intentionally stumbled backward and fell awkwardly on his butt. His brief respite was short-lived as the wolf from forward, and two others from the same pack jumped on him. He rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding their jaws.

The wolf from forward missed him, but the other two wolves were almost upon him until an arrow sizzled through the air and embedded itself in between.

Isher sighed with relief for escaping the danger and knowing that Emily was there watching, so he wasn't in any life-threatening danger.

With that, he stood up with a smirk and beckoned, completely contrasting the situation seconds ago.

The wolves grew more vigilant, and a thin black aura began to cover them whole, wiping the smirk off his face.

Isher shouted, "Emily, I think we should pack up and leave."

What came wasn't a reply but a roar or maybe a cry of pain echoed through the forest. He didn't have time to ponder it as the two wolves charged at him at a speed he found difficult to follow.

He quickly coated his feet with mana and did the most optimal thing: running in the direction from where the arrow came from.

He ran towards the side, and he maneuvered from his position to the other side by going around a circle with wolves tailing him. Quite a few minutes had passed with this chase, and now he wasn't even sure whether it was in the right direction.

As he took a peek at the back and saw only two wolves chasing him, he also started hearing cries of battle ahead. Upon reaching the scene, he saw a spectacular sight. Emily's body was coated in a blue-whitish mana layer, with a sleek Kitana with finesse as she gracefully danced amidst four Ursine.

In a daze, he observed her deftly sidestepping claws and executing a backflip to evade vicious jaws, all while delivering precise slashes to their vulnerable spots. Her movements flowed seamlessly as if choreographed for a dance.

All four of them had cuts and bruises all over their body, whereas Emily only had a few sweats running down her forehead.

He shook his head and turned around, muttering under his breath. "Let's man up." A small smile formed.

Taking out his sword, his mana flared up and coated his whole body, the same with the other two wolves. He rushed at them and slashed at them, while the wolves jumped out of the way.

He tried to turn around and face them, but he couldn't control his momentum and crashed into a...

Jerking his head up a few meters away, a wolf could be seen with its skull caved in. That is what happens when Mana's body collides with a normal one; the wolf was out of the count, but that also meant he would have another one to deal with.

Facing the duo again, he dived in, and this time they also chose to aggress. In particular, one of the wolves had his claws begin to shine.

Isher sucked in a cold breath. "What are the odds of finding a monster with a skill?"

His motivation died down, and as an effect, his mana seemed to fluctuate. As they both were about to lunge at him, a streak of light passed through the brain of the wolf and continued as it tore a tree.

The whole goddamn tree began to fall, and with a loud rumble, it crashed into another tree, which supported it.

From the front, the wolf cowered as it found itself alone, and with a hidden enemy, it began to retreat. Isher didn't want to let him off; he applied a lot of mana in his foot and blasted off with a bang. With one swift motion, he cut down the wolf in half.

With a satisfying grin, he shrugged off the dirt on his clothes. "Smooth."

Shifting his focus to Emily's battle, just in about time to see her sending another arm in the air, all four of Ursine have some body parts lost. It's only a matter of time before she finishes them off.

Tired, he collapsed to the ground, facing the sky. Due to the fall of the tree, sunlight fell onto his unkempt face, and he closed his eyes for a second.

After a few minutes, the painful roars eventually stopped, and then he heard a thud next to him. Turning his head to the side, there she lay with her whole face covered in sweat and blood and her chest rising up and down.

He took out a bottle of water from his inventory and passed it to her. She went to the corner, washed her face, and then drank it.


Isher cocked his head. "No, thank you. I can't even count how many times you saved me."

She helped him get up, with a small smile. "No prob, little Ish."

In all truthfulness, yes, Emily was bigger than Isher. Her height was 6 feet, whereas Isher was 5'7 feet, so she had a big sister-like figure. And due to Isher's first introduction where he called her sister, she often teased him.

Isher's cheeks turned bright red, and he was insecure about his height. Due to the presence of mana, the average height of humanity is 6 feet, so he was on the minor side.

He coughed and adopted a serious tone to change the topic. "Emily, let's get going; we don't want to get caught up in fights again."

"Oh, someone is learning too fast," she teased.

"Emily, please, let's go," he said hurriedly.

With their playful banter coming to an end and calming their nerves after a stressful battle, they began their journey back to the dome.