

Detective Turner walked toward the courtroom, he could see the crowd and media outside the doubled doors. They were only accessible on one side and they chaotically competed for views of the courtroom. The Bailiff stood at the door on the other side among the disciplined audience, opening the doors spontaneously to quiet the excited reporters and media members as well as other people that had gathered, suspensefully awaitin. The jury was ready to give their verdict.

The shiny rounded checkerboarded floor had wound around the 3rd floor and led to 5 courtrooms at The 4th District Neville Baines Courthouse. Detective Turner stopped to glance at the Docket List beside Courtroom number 2, but certain it was the right court, as the thick mustached bailiff recognized him. He stood buttoning his suit coat to enter the courtroom. Expanding the space in the door he motioned Turner to come in while trying to control the crowd.

Detective Turner entered, motioning his salutation as well as his appreciation.

Gemini Hayes sat beside his lawyer Opal Bridges, nonchalantly looking toward the jury box intimidating the members as they watched him peripherally, catching every glimpse of him as they secretly could recording it into their photographic memories, while the courtroom artist caught it all.

Gemini watched them blatantly.

He sat dissecting them one by one refusing to give them authority over his fate regardless of the verdict. He had already determined on the second day of the trial he could fuck Juror number 5 if he wanted to, he'd noticed how the intern could not stop watching him. He had caught her watching him and he played a little game of peep-eye until he'd made her uncomfortable. Her choice earth tone shades had said a mouthful, he'd thought.

Juror number 8 had him uneasy, she had been abused; emotionally, he could tell. She hated men.

"All Rise!" The Bailiff stood before the raised wooden podium calling out to the audience as the courtroom shuffled.

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Court is now in session, The Honourable Caleb Morehouse presiding". Judge Morehouse appeared in the long Robe of Justice and dismissed the court from their feet.

They were gathered to determine Gemini's fate, he had been charged with murder, kidnap, and arson and faced the death penalty.

Detective Turner had known he was innocent, but had not figured out how to help prove it. He had been undercover when the incident occurred, he'd witnessed the whole thing.

Chief had even known, and Turner concluded that it was for personal reasons he had not wanted him to say anything. One testimony would have freed Gemini long ago.

The operation he was undercover on had taken years to orchestrate, testifying for Gemini would have blown his cover. Gemini was innocent and his life was in Turner's hands. Turner's life was in his hands as well...