
Chapter 50 : Consequences of Our Actions


Sweat beaded on my brow as I regarded the work of art that was Chloe. The love of my life, and the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Her loveliness was the centerpiece of my desire-fueled art exhibition.

“How are you feeling, Chloe?” I asked.

She lifted her head, eyes glazed over and filled with a calm but smoldering fire. “Good, Daddy,” she gasped, her voice almost trance-like.

She hung suspended from the leather sawhorse, red silk ropes holding her aloft as if she were trapped in a spider’s web. Her arms were pinned behind her, legs folded into a flying kneel. Her naked body hung at a rather convenient height for me to walk up and bury my face in her enticing pussy.

“Oh, my God,” she groaned as I wormed my face into the soft petals and folds of her body. I loved Chloe’s taste. I could never get tired of it. I plied my fingers on her rounded cheeks, prying them apart, making her all the more vulnerable and exposed to me.