
Chapter 11

The farther I pursued her, the more pronounced the aroma, indicating that I was getting closer to her.

Inside me, a brew of conflicting emotions was churning. The satisfaction of knowing she made the right decision to quickly withdraw. The attraction caused by her body's appeal to mine. She didn't appear nearly as hurt by my rejection as I was. I was exhausted and worried about how her actions had disrupted the fragile harmony amongst our aggregation of packs. They mingled together in a chaotic mess, but I focused on the job at hand.

Just then, I saw her rush out from between two buildings and go across the street to the high school. I sped across the street to avoid her and herd her back into the alley.

She clearly wasn't scared of me since she just turned on her heel and fled in the other direction. It didn't quite work how I expected it to after reading that just one bite will induce a feeling of pure joy. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I didn't read any signs of ease or contentment on her face.

Once I had her at a dead end, she turned to face me in stoic defiance. My primitive animal instincts bared their fangs at her, as if to demand that she respect me as her alpha. Yet I was smart enough to know differently, particularly if the woman's excitement was clouding her ability to appreciate the satisfaction of a successful claim.

I had no doubt in my mind that she was a shifter, but unlike Crete, my wolf instincts were unable to reach out to hers. As my wolf attempted to speak to my strange mate in silence while in animal shape, all we heard was a staticky type of nothing.

In response to her intense concentration on me, I moved in a little closer to project an air of calm assurance. She then moved back, almost stumbling on the cracked pavement. While my natural inclination was to sprint after her, I restrained myself in time. She seemed to be in great fear, and I didn't want her to feel any more panic.

"I'm not trying to harm you, okay? "

"You bitten me! "

I found her complete surprise peculiar. she was a shapeshifter. Her pheromones and the strength of her magnetic pull both told me that. The practise of biting was common among the majority of shifting societies. The history of these bites, whether from a mate or otherwise, goes back far further than anybody can remember.

And yet she seemed completely bewildered.

I felt physically ill at the thought of it. And what kind of background did she have that she wouldn't know the one most important guideline all shapeshifters adhere to?

It was time for a mental cleansing, so I gave myself a good shake. I had to put my attention on calming her down; I could consider the why of the situation later. All my subconscious was telling me was that I had to keep her safe. In an effort to reassure her. To envelop her in cuddly blankets and fill her with decadent fare till the harsh angles of her face softened.

“ to protect you.”


I realise it's a lot to take in at the moment, but we have to go.

Not wanting to seem scary, but yet not wanting to be disputed with, I made another step towards her. I had lots of instincts about how to handle my mate as an alpha, but I lacked formal training in the area.

"There's no way in hell that I'm coming with you!"

The line was frustrating, and I was concerned about the long-term ramifications of my mate's refusal to respond to the first chemical surge of the bite. I was initially sceptical since I had never encountered anything like it before.

So I dug deep inside and dredged out an old tactic I hadn't used in a very long time.

"Come with me", I stated in an authoritative tone. I saw the change in her almost immediately; her eyes glazed over and her shoulder loosened. The solution is shown." "Relax, you're out of harm's way now ."

As soon as our eyes met, she made an attempt to get by me and I grabbed into my pocket for William's phone.

"Hey now!"

It was only because of my honed combat reflexes that I was able to grasp her and drag her back into the alley.

For what reason does she feel threatened by me?

Since the girl was writhing, screaming, and swearing, I didn't know, and I didn't get any answers.

"You must release me immediately. "

Her voice was so annoyingly high-pitched. It turned my stomach to consider upsetting her or having her feel terrified. As her protector and provider, I was expected to ensure her safety, not put her in fear.

“Please! What happens tonight will have lasting consequences. "

The shakiness in her speech made me stop and take notice of her clothing. That's when I saw her lovely outfit and felt a bolt of envy shoot through me like a lightning bolt.

I backed her up against the wall, growling slightly, to see if I could detect any other people's smell on her.

Nothing, nothing at all. All I could smell was her and her clothes, so I'm guessing she had just bathed.

If you could spare me a few minutes, I'd like to go someplace quiet where we can have a chat. In fact, it's not just recommended, it's essential. "

Are you kidding me?"

I had to let out a good belly laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation."

I had to let out a good belly laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation." Don't worry, I won't be abducting or killing you!" Didn't she realise what a huge deal she was to me? And I'd rather sever my own head than intentionally harm her.

It was impossible for her not to know what was going on, yet she did not. Even so...

She said, with her eyes twitching a little, "You..." as she brushed her palm over her neck. Having even a little reaction to the bite improved my self-esteem. She wasn't totally oblivious to me, which was good. “You must have drugged me or something. "

No, no, no, I'd never drug you. Or allow yourself to be drugged. Don't worry; I have no intention of hurting you. "

"How the devil am I supposed to take it seriously?"

With each passing second, I became more and more frustrated. Never before had I heard of a person experiencing such difficulties with a mate. Nothing was going as it should have, from my initial attraction to her to the bite itself to her subsequent response. I want you to picture the scar on your neck and think about it. Please.”

And to my utter astonishment, she did, her fingertips moving softly over the notch.

Her eyes were glazed over again, this time out of a soft contentment.

To keep harm at bay, I marked you with this symbol, and now you are my mate. "Fate has us tied together."

While she still seemed confused, I continued my explanation. The endorphins from that mouthful are still being released into your system since it is so new. Each time you reach out and touch it, joy should surge through you like a little electric current. Is it possible that...? I

"...even arousal"