
City Boy Reincarnation

A New World? Magic? Hot Woman? Hell Yeah! I'm going to do whatever I want in this world!

Dionis_Asani · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Fero Unfazed

As Fero savored the last bite, he let out a satisfied burp, then settled into a relaxed position, legs crossed, his gaze fixated on the expanse of the sky above. Despite the people kneeling around him, he remained absorbed in his own thoughts.

"Lets dig in the main dish...," Fero mumbled,"After destroying the village back then, I gained some XP, soooo..." Fero's voice trailed off as he cast a sly glance towards the chief, his grin taking on a wicked edge. His eyes, now aglow with a fiery red hue, shimmered with anticipation and excitement, hinting at the dark intentions brewing within.

The chief directed his gaze towards Fero with a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Does it suit your taste, my lo—"

His sentence abruptly halted as if sliced by an invisible blade, his head vanishing from his shoulders and blood shot up from his neck.

[123Xp has been added!] 

As the gruesome scene unfolded, the villagers stood frozen in horror, their expressions morphing from anticipation to disbelief. Eyes widened in terror, mouths agape, they bore witness to the unfathomable horror that had just befallen their leader.

In stark contrast, Fero, the predator there, stood amidst the chaos with a sinister grin etched across his face. His laughter echoed through the air.

Panic gripped the villagers, their once calm and happy mood now devolving into a desperate scramble for survival. With frantic movements, they darted in all directions, seeking refuge from the nightmare that Fero their Lord cast upon them.

But Fero remained unfazed, his amusement only intensifying as he surveyed the chaos he had wrought. Seizing the wooden chair he was sitting from, he threw it towards a group of fleeing villagers.

The wooden chair, propelled by Fero's vicious strength, tore through flesh and bone with chilling precision. Its deadly trajectory left a trail of severed limbs and agonized screams in its wake, reducing once whole bodies to mere fragments of their former selves.

Amidst the chaos, the village echoed with the anguished cries of those who had once revered their leader as a beacon of hope and stability. Now, they watched in horror as their lord, their protector, unleashed unspeakable carnage upon them, betraying their trust in the most heinous manner imaginable.

Fero's laughter reverberated through the air, a chilling soundtrack to the massacre unfolding before him. With unparalleled speed and precision, he struck down his victims, his movements a blur of deadly efficiency as he moved from one target to the next.

The very earth itself seemed to tremble beneath the weight of Fero's power, the ground shaking violently as if in protest against the atrocities being committed upon it. Huts crumbled like fragile twigs, their inhabitants crushed beneath the weight of collapsing walls and splintering timber. Trees toppled to the ground with thunderous crashes, their branches becoming deadly projectiles that maimed and killed indiscriminately.

In the span of a single minute, the once-thriving village lay in ruins, its population decimated by Fero's insatiable thirst for destruction. Only one lone survivor remained amidst the devastation, a solitary witness to the overwhelming display of power that had brought about the annihilation of an entire community.

The lone survivor, a pitiful figure on the scorched earth, crawled backward in a futile attempt to escape the advancing horror of Fero. Behind them, the village blazed with hellish flames, casting long, flickering shadows that danced in macabre mockery of their struggle.

"Hahaha! Yes, crawl, monkey!" Fero's voice echoed with sadistic glee as he taunted the helpless villager, brandishing a sword he had commandeered from the chaos. With a swift, merciless stroke, he severed one of the survivor's limbs, sending them crashing to the ground in a whirlwind of agony.

The last remnants of hope drained from the survivor's eyes as they writhed in anguish, tears mingling with the soot and blood that stained their face. Each convulsion was a desperate plea for mercy, a futile resistance against the unstoppable force of Fero's madness.

"P-Please! L-Let me live!" the survivor begged, their voice choked with desperation as they extended a trembling hand toward their tormentor, a feeble gesture of supplication.

But Fero's response was swift and merciless, his grin widening into a twisted smirk as he brought his blade down once more, severing the outstretched hand with chilling precision. "Do not stretch your hand in front of your god, mortal." Fero spat, his eyes ablaze with malevolent triumph.

"ARGHHH!!" The survivor's screams of pain and despair pierced the night air, mingling with the crackle of flames and the laughter of their tormentor. In their agony, they cried out for answers, "WHYY!!!" His tone shifted to rage, "WHY HAVE YOU KILLED ALL OF USS, UGHH, AAAHHH!" 

Fero, his brow raised in a gesture of nonchalant defiance, uttered his justification, "Because I can? Besides, you're contributing to my strength, so why wouldn't I?"

The man stood there, stupefied by Fero's audacity. The only response he could muster was to fall to the ground, his limbs splayed out in the dirt, as he gazed blankly at the expanse of the sky, one arm and leg missing.

As the reality of his situation sank in, he began to laugh. At first, it was a chuckle, but it quickly escalated into a manic outburst. Even Fero, typically unfazed, couldn't help but be taken aback by the intensity of the man's hysteria. It was evident that he had lost touch with reality, driven to madness by the relentless onslaught of despair.

In that moment, it became clear that he had lost everything: his family, his home, and now, even his own life was being taken from him. The pressure had become too much for any man to bear, and he had succumbed to the inevitable shattering of his sanity.

Fero crouched near the man, his expression filled with disdain. "What a weak-ass mentality," he remarked coldly, observing the man still consumed by his manic laughter.

Without hesitation, Fero seized the man's face, his palms radiating heat. The man's laughter persisted as his skin began to sizzle, blood trickling from his eyes and nose, creating a scene of unimaginable horror. Despite the excruciating pain, the man's laughter continued, echoing through the air as his features began to warp and melt.

The sight was grotesque, a surreal manifestation of agony and madness. Yet, even as his face was disintegrating, the man remained in a state of twisted amusement.

Gradually, the laughter ceased as unconsciousness claimed the man, sparing him momentarily from his torment. Seizing the opportunity, Fero tightened his grip, unleashing a violent explosion that shattered the man's skull into a million pieces.

As the gruesome spectacle concluded, Fero stood amidst a landscape of blood and flesh, his demeanor untouched by remorse. The satisfaction he derived from the act of ending another's suffering was evident in the twisted satisfaction that lingered in his eyes.

[10321 Xp has been added!]

[Title "Mass murderer" Has been added!]

[You have leveled up!]

As Fero continued his departure from the village, the notifications flickered across his vision, documenting his grim achievements.

Then, just as he thought he had left the consequences behind, the system reappeared before him, this time with an unmistakable aura of anger.

"Fero! How dare you kill innocent people!!" the system's voice boomed, echoing with disapproval.

"Cuz I can," Fero responded with casual indifference, nonchalantly rubbing his ears as if the accusation held no weight.

"You are supposed to be a hero! A man who protects the weak and fights against evil!" the fairy's voice came through the system, laced with anger and disappointment.

Fero back slapped the fairy out of his face straight to the ground and then began insulting, "Shut your fucking ass up, bitch. I don't care about no rule you set, nor the gods. You can all suck my dick."

The fairy, for the first time displaying anger, her form shifting from its usual green to a fiery red, retaliated, her voice crackling with magical energy. "It seems you need some education, boy!" she declared, her hand outstretched as she began to chant a spell. "Stat restriction!"

Fero's eyes widened in fear as he recognized the incantation. "NOO! STOPP!" he pleaded desperately, but it was too late.

Both Fero and the fairy froze, anticipation hanging in the air as they awaited the effects of the spell. Yet, to their bewilderment, nothing changed. The fairy's form reverted to its original green hue, her expression one of confusion.

"What? Why?" she murmured, puzzled by the failure of her magic.

For a moment, Fero's heart stopped in dread, but as realization dawned upon him, a triumphant grin spread across his face. "Hahahaha, your stupid spell didn't work, bitch!" he taunted, throwing his middle finger defiantly in her direction.

As the realization dawned upon the fairy, her expression shifted from confusion to fear. She muttered to herself, grasping the reason behind her failed spell.

"No! I shouldn't have given you the temporary stat boost! Now that my stats were lowered by two ranks, I can't use that spell any longer," she lamented, her voice tinged with regret.

Fero caught only faint whispers of her words, yet everything clicked into place. His grin widened with excitement, while the fairy's expression shifted to one of fear.

He snatched her tiny leg between two fingers and flung her to the ground as effortlessly as swatting a fly. She rebounded like a bouncing ball, landing back in his hand. With a wicked grin, Fero hurled her with all his might, sending her soaring tens of kilometers away.

"Yeaahhh, bitchhh!!! Who's the best, huh?? I ammm!!!" Fero screamed, cheering himself on.

He started wandering aimlessly through the landscape, pondering his next move. "Hmm, where to next?" Then, he recalled the words of the ancestors and decisively selected his destination. "Let's head to the small kingdom the ancestors mentioned. What was it called again... Ah yes, the Sambo Kingdom. Maybe I can even attend the Sambo Academy!" Excitement tingled through him as he began flying westward toward his chosen destination...