
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Chapter 9


The first day in camp: a weird demon lady tells us we are cursed and then appears in our drems and haunts us. But after a good slumber, I don't really cared about it. It was like a vague memory . Very Vague.

When i woke up at 6, everybody else was asleep. So, I walked out, covering myself in Haylen's large coat (the only clothing I could find). The cold air along with the golden sunlight greeted me, there were very few students outside their tents and that is when i actually noticed that we were in the middle of a very magnificent forest.

Covered under mist, the forest was so still. As no life has ever touched it, yet it felt so alluring. The size and majesty of the trees was something to be admired. Their knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as my head could lift, reaching the heavens. .The canopy, was I feel, calling me, telling me to look into the secrets it hides. It silenced everything around me, my brown eyes, maybe were the representation of the dark woods. My longing for some stranger, was probably for some creature living in the woods. The time had stopped as it was dominated by the tall green beasts towering above the earth.

The lush green, when kissed by the sun shined as if they are finally discovered. My heart was thumping loudly, telling me to look into it all, the secrets the land of flora was offering. I took a quick glance into the tent, everyone asleep. I picked up my phone and ran deep into the forest.

I walked and walked, it was so magnificent that I've forgotten everything else. It was like my new world where the only living creature is myself. I was roaming around when i noticed someone sitting under one of the trees humming softly. A sharp terror seized my heart, the woman, she is back. And this time, she is going to take me with her.

Fear stricken, my heart was, yet my legs refused to move. My intrusive thoughts wanted me to go and look at it, confirm if it's her or probably some random being. So, I scooted towards the nearest tree and peeked my head. Pale skin, a causal jacket and dark jeans. It's a boy. It's him. Tryson Lenoir. Beloved blood sucker. Looking attractive as always. As I gazed at him, I noticed how he was so relaxed, his aura was so diffrent from the times I've seen him at school. I wonder if he is the kind of bad boy who is a real softie inside. Cautiously, I turned on my camera and clicked a few of his pictures. His soft humming was the only sound in the surrounding.

It was all quiet but suddenly, a large red wolf jumped out from the bushes and landed right above his chest. I dropped my phone in shock, it was so hard not to scream. The beast growled as Tryson struggled to free himself. With a loud howl, it bit his left shoulder, nearly ripping his arm off. For a moment, i saw fear in him. Fear of death. But in a split second, it was replaced by mischief. He smirked and pushed the animal on the ground with unbelievable strength. His body started shaking as his nails grew long and his fangs visible, he hovered over the wolf, digging his fangs deep into him.

Looking at its size, it was impossible to believe that an 18 year old boy can overpower him. But it was happening, Tryson was sucking him dry off blood. Being a human, it was the worst kind of sight that my life has ever offered me. I wanted to scream but nothing came out, i felt like i might faint. Between all of this, i clearly forgot that I've come out of my hiding and standing hardly six feet away from the scene of crime. I only realised it when with a sharp ear piercing howl, the wolf dropped dead and Tryson stood up. With a proud smirk.

That's when our eyes met. He saw me. Ripped jacket, bleeding shoulder, fangs visible and blood red eyes. He was walking in my direction. I never wanted our first one on one interaction to be this way cause I felt so scared of him. He is angry. I hastily picked up my phone and ran for my life. But it seemed like I've forgotten the Directions as wherever I turn, I don't reach anywhere.

He jumped on me from behind and i crashed on the ground. His blood drenched body was sticking to mine, making me smell like a gross dead animal. I dared to meet his monstrous eyes but he held my chin and turned my face away, bringing himself closer to my neck. He didn't drink any blood though, he just sniffed me patiently then licked a particular spot on my shoulder (with his already blood soaked tongue). Saying that my heart was running a marathon will be an underestimation. The wolf was his pery, so he finished it in hurry, but I was the desert he wanted to enjoy slowly. I used all my strength to push him away but it only made him angrier and he digged his fangs into my skin.

The pain was indescribable. It was like a hundred large injections pushed deep in a particular spot. I scremed and cried, but nothing worked. He was getting irritated by my movements. Hence, he gripped my hands and pinned them over of my head using one of his wrist and used the other two securely hold my waist, so that I can't move. I felt so helpless.

Suddenly, I had a vision.

The woman, from my dreams, she was being sucked dry off blood by at least three vampires at the same time.

The pain on my neck stopped and he loosened his grip on my hands. As i turned to look at him, I realised, he was staring at me with a state of shock. He had a vision too. He stood up hastily, running away.

It took me few moments to finally stand up and find my phone. I leaned on the nearest tree, trying to catch my breath. For several minutes, I stayed still, trying to process the past events. I tried to look for my glasses, but it was hard to find them due to my fucked up eyesight.

"KRE-STE-N! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" Hayeln with her regular lound voice, found me first.

"I LOOKED FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!!" she said approaching me but stopped few feets away, staring at me with horror.

"Wh-yy ar-e yo-u covered in DAMN BLOOD?"

"oh, it's not mine." I said calmly.

"Is that supposed to COMFORT ME?"

"I don't know just-" my sentence was cut short by another scream.

"KRY-ST-YYN OH MA GD YA OKAAY?" A breathless Noella shouted approaching us from behind but screamed again, this time louder.


"it's. Not. Mine." I slowly said.

"THE FUCK? IS IT SUPPOSED TO COMFORT ME?" Her phobia of blood, how can I forget?

Her screams were doubled by Madyln, who booed her from behind, taking away her soul. She approached me rather calmly, mischievously smirking, she stood closer to me and said, "I found your specs, and saw bleeding Tryson on my way, so.. what hap__ WAIT! WHY IS THERE TOO MUCH BLOOD?" She turned calm to crazy in 0.2 seconds.

"It's him. He kinda pushed me on the ground, holding my waist. Pulling me closer. His blood sucker form is sexy."

I laughed out, quickly putting on my glasses. Ah! The world was colourful again.

"The fuck happened?" They all asked together. And i explained like a good friend.


"To offer themselves as breakfast to the inhabitant animals." Haylen laughed.

"You know, I used to think, getting into trouble was my kinda job, but i see we are equal now." Madyln joked.

"But don't you feel tired? I mean he SUCKED your blood?" Noella asked curiously.

I shook my head. I was in pain when it happened and it hurt for a few moments to stand up on my feet. But I was certainly not tired. I was feeling.... Normal.

"The wolf girls are out too, looking for you. You know. Should we tell the teacher about it?" Noella questioned.

"I don't think so. Kristyn has clearly been a fool and walked in a forest without informing anyone also instead of calling somebody while the beast attacked Tryson, she just watched. The teacher gonna blame her." Madyln opposed the idea slightly punching me.

We looked at each other for a moment and started walking, I had no idea where we were going as Madyln led the way. When I ran into the forest, it looked so different from what it looks now. Towards the end of the forest, we saw two wolves, one of them carrying the large dead wolf on its back. They must be Raven and Rylee.

"Dude you must run and change quickly. Like you were never there." Haylen suggested.

"And if you don't then, I surely will die from the gross smell and you'll be responsible for THIS ONE." Noella scrunched her nose in disgust.

After a short shower, i applied the slightest dab of perfume, just to make sure I didn't smell like blood anymore.

It was 8:33, when I walked back into our shared tent. "You okay? The wolf girls aren't back yet." Madyln said, casually acknowledging my presence. I just nodded taking a seat beside her. "Well! Haylen! Honey!, your coat...um... Its kinda ruined and smells gross. I'll buy you a new one." I said looking down, apparently the blood drenched, trench coat was Haylen's favourite coat and really expensive.

"It's fine. Though I'll appreciate free food instead." She joked. She ate alot but never gained much weight,

beautiful in her own way.

"Throw the coat somewhere far away, if it's found with us, we're screwed." Noella adviced.

"You wanna THROW my COAT?" Haylen glared at her.

"Better idea?" She raised an eyebrow, Haylen opened her mouth to speak but then just didn't.

"Where is it anyway? We can burn it with the woods while making breakfast. I'm quite hungry." Madyln suggested. While Haylen just stared at her with wide eyes, I picked up the black paper bag I bought it in.

"Lemme see it!! My lovely coat, one last time!!." Haylen cried out, clutching the thick fabric. Noella immediately stood up trying to make distance from the bloody clothing. It was completely blood drenched with both of Tryson's and the Wolf's. Haylen satred at the cloth for few moments and then bought it closer to her nose, maybe trying to kill herself by the ugly smell.

"Guys something is--" she stopped mid sentence. Frozen in a state of shock. Her lips parted and pupils wide. She sat motionless holding the coat. I, Madyln and Noella galnced at each other and then back at her. It probably meant one thing, and the thing was worse than having your soul sucked by a demon lady.


"The sins of Past,

Will return and haunt

And surely at last,

Death will be your want."