
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 7


"Not serving people in power because you can be in power? What's that supposed to mean?" Haylen spoke chewing her large sized burger. Her eyes closed, enjoying the taste of food but her ears, all dedicated to Madyln and her whining about her trainer. "I don't know, He started speaking weird things and literally creeped the shit Outta me" Madyln replied in a tiny voice.

Her first day at the lesson was good but it can't change her habit of sulking over the tiniest thing. I mean I get it that he acted rude to her but should have not asked him anything in the first place, curiosity kills the cat. If it was me, I would gladly not utter a single word for all the time being but again, that's the difference between us. She the gallon of gossips, me the soul of silence.

"Here's your food Missy." Noella sighed taking a seat beside me. "My feet hurts. I've been standing for ages as seniors started some new short of drama and I've to wait till the end to get FOOD. " She complained while massaging her feet. Being a siren blesses you with beauty and brain but it's also a curse as a siren can't stand or run for too long as it'll cause serious damage to thier legs and they'll not be able to walk for several days.

"You could have called any of us" Madyln replied nonchantly eating some of my pasta.

"I did but you guys were busy gossiping and Kristyn as always in her own little world." She said glaring at me.

"Wooh. Don't glare at me. I'm innocent" I tried to act all cute but failed when I noticed half of my plate already empty. I was about to curse every ancestor and descendent of Madyln Roggers but I stopped mid sentence when I noticed a certain brown haired, pale skinned, blood sucker walking to his usual table. He was wearing a lab coat, looks like a chemistry practical class for him.Dressed in white, he looks so divine. A sharp jaw, long fingers, cold yet beautiful eyes, roman nose, flawless skin. A figure so perfect that I would sell my soul to touch. Screw nature, its mountains and lakes, he is the living example of perfection's existence. I mean I better say, he is perfection.

Instantaneously, I recieved a smack on the back of my head. As I looked back three annoying bunch of clowns glared at me, they have told me a numerous times to stop eye fucking him but! Do i look like i give two fucks? I mean I myself don't get what's wrong with me but I seem to just can't take him off my mind. Madyln began to recount her entire Sunday routine to Noella while I just damaged my ears by listening to it for the third time. The only good thing right now is food and the guy two tables away.

"No way! I'm sure I read that his father died due to some kind of sickness!" A shrill voice brought me back to reality.

"Then why would he lie?"

"Because he is crazy?"

"No he is not. He seemed so sincere." "Then what's written in the textbooks is wrong?"

"Maybe!" Shit! This just took an unexpected turn. Madyln as I'm sure will never lie about something so stupid but Noella is a study freak, she reads a lot, hence she knows things that we don't. She can't be lying either. And I myself have read the same thing somewhere, I'm sure.

"Why don't we go to the library and confirm it?" With this, the last spoon of pasta was shoved into my mouth forcefully and Madyln started pulling me and Haylen out of the cafeteria. As I looked back, my eyes met my potentially eligible love interest, Tryson. It lasted for like 0.01 seconds before I turned away as the beast inside my rib cage started thuming loudly and my legs felt jelly. All I could think was my eyes met his, my eyes met his, my eyes met his, holy shit, holy shit, HOOLLYY SHHITT!!!

We stoopped in front of our school library at the ground floor and pushed the gates open. The librarian who was having her lunch gave us a disgusted stare before focusing back on her food. Noella ran off to the history section and started rummaging through the books in a way that I'm sure if the librarian would have killed her if she wasn't busy devouring muffins. She walked back to us with two dusty newspapers and one brand new textbook but before she could reach the table her legs started to tremble and she almost fell but Haylen caught her on the right time. Too much walking for the day.

"Open page 212 on the book and the first page of the first newspaper." She managed between her heavy breaths. We tried to tell her that she needs to calm down and we don't really care who's right or wrong but she was acting stubborn like never before. The book she bought was our latest edition History textbook while the dusty newspapers were a decade and half old with yellowed pages which contained the following information:

Newspaper 1st:

The great war of Willowspell was a struggle between the Satan's pawns and the representatives of Liberty and brotherhood. The king Wizard Alden Earthwalker was a filthy man who worshipped the devil and tortured his subjects, he starved and punished them brutally.

We praise the God, by who's help and support, we were able to defeat the devil. As well as Sanford Achilles, the bravest man, for his meritorious act of courage by choosing his country over the greedy king. He'll be awarded by the special sword of valour by president Miera Ceridwen.

Newspaper 2nd:

Front Page Headline: The Sword of Valour winner, Sanford Achilles is reported dead after a severe cardiac arrest at the age of 45. The president as well as the people expressed their sorrow for the loss of such a gem.

The newspapers were printed some 6 months apart and the very same detail was printed in the new history text book. Which advocates that Skyler is a pronounced liar and Madyln is a sick fool. I knew.

"You believe me now?"Noella smirked proudly.

"No. I know he wasn't lying." Madyln stated confidently yet again.

"Then the government is?"

"Yep. My father says our president is a crazy bastard."


"You, I'll trust,

In my sickness and health.

Desperate to prove my love,

I'll give up all my wealth."