
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3


Two week went by, I came to know several more people at the school, still not really comfortable but trying,

even when I'm drowning in anxiety and panic of how to hold a conversation? Talking about anxiety, I saw Tryson only twice in the whole week, but it doesn't stop me from fantasising about him every night before I sleep. I searched for him on every social media platform, not following, just stalking. That apart, I came to know his girlfriend, a vampire with death like dark beauty and name Tessa Nightroad.

Coming to present, I'm in school cafeteria having lunch with my buddies. Tryson and Tessa sat two tables away from us with their vampire friends. Vampires don't always mix much with other creatures. You see, Vampires can't survive on water or alcohol, they drink animal blood, like you drink water after food but they drink fresh blood, which ofcourse is considered gross, by other creatures.

"Hey, Maddy, why don't you go to the Dragons for learning fighting skills." Haylen asked refering to this massive training centre called The Dragon Warriors, were war tactics, combat skills and other military stuff are taught to men.

"But ain't it for men?" I questioned.

"Have you ever seen a woman warrior?" She questioned back.

"Yeah! In books."

Haylen facepalmed and continued,

"My point is, one of my brother's friend goes there and the trainer is real nice. I don't think it will hurt to ask him for help. He seems kinda feminist."

"But what if he denies and kicks our butt?" I innocently mentioned one of the possibilities.

"Assclown! Why are you always negative?" Haylen gritted her teeth.

"All my friends are toxic, all ambitionless, rude and always negative." Noella blurted, we all burst into laughter where as Haylen just glared at us.

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll think about it." Maddy managed between her shrieks.

"How about four of us vist the place this weekend?" Noella suggested, controlling her laughter.

"Good Idea. And if the situation comes to butt kicking, then I'll make sure Kristyn gets kicked first." Haylen threatened.

"Whatever." I said and continued to laugh.

Break time ended and we walked back to the class, but one of us bumped into somebody and the next thing i know was there's a lot of blood. Blood all over Noella's braided hair. It took me a minute to analyse the situation:

Tall and strong Tessa Nightroad just bumped into Noella and some way or other spilled thick blood on our little siren from her bottle. And you know the worst part? Noella have hemophobia (fear of blood).

"HOW DARE YOU?? ARE YOU FREAKING BLIND?" Haylen bursted in anger, ready to kill anyone.

"Oh. My bad. I didn't noticed your small friend." The other mocked. Madyln, who turns vexed easily punched the Girl on face and there went another fight. On contrary, Noella just stood frozen on her spot, blood dripping from her hair to her face.

BUT my eyes searched for a certain someone who stood little farther from the girls, with an amused expression he seemed to enjoy the drama. ah!! What am I doing? Right here my friends are into trouble and I'm thrusting over-- . NO. NOWAY.

I pulled Noella to the nearest washroom and washed her face and hairs, she was still frozen in shock not even blinking and we can hear faint curses from the hallway. After some 30 minutes of constant washing up, Noella was as clean as new and I shook her,

"Hey you okay?" I softly asked.

She just shivered, "blo..oodd, ever..where .. I'm-- "

"Shh!! It's fine. I'm here." I pulled her into my embrace. Some moments later, when I expected that she is good , I again asked her if she is okay and this time she nodded so we headed outside the washroom, just to find another mess.

A group of teachers stood in the hallway along with Tryson wiping Tessa's bleeding nose, her girl group as well as Maddy and Hayeln. Funfact: The Headmaster was there too.

"My apologies , it is just my friend is afraid of blood so she turned all scared and i lost my control. I'm really sorry, sir. " A worried Madyln bowed to the teacher, showing her best sorry face.

"Miss Roggers you were clearly told that another incident will lead you getting expelled and still you pulled out something like this." The Headmaster growled (warewolf thing) .

"Sir sir, please let her go. I apologise on her behalf and her act was just a reaction of fear, she was just worried about me. Last Chance to her please." Ella stood between them, her family is very reputed hence, she holds power everywhere.

"Least chance." He Stomped out with anger.

Ella, not feeling well called her parents and they took her home.

It was the last lecture of the day, when i noticed a dried blood stain on my left palm, I had two options,

1. Go to the washroom and clean it

2. Lick it off.

I've never eaten meat, my parents do but i don't, so licking dried blood is not acceptable but walking out of the class in the middle of a intresting lecture was also not smart. It was a situation of great termoil until I decided to go with the former. Silently I kept my palm over my lips,


I knew that I'm an Oscar deserving candidate for making bad decisions but I tell you, this was the worst that I made in 17 years of my life.

"The sins of Past,.

Will return and haunt,

And surely at last,

Death will be your want."

A/N: Thoughts for the chapter?

Kashfa_Armancreators' thoughts