When he said that, his eyes became sharp, and the sound of his voice became deeper saying..
???: remember this...I-
before he was about to say it, the bell for the next period has rang, so its such a perfect timing and a really good reason for me to avoid him, right now...
Shu: oh! the bell rang! I need to...hurry...!.... for my next class!
and so, I ran away as quickly and as normally as possible
and that's how our conversation ended.
====Back To Beila's POV====
I didn't know that Shu have been getting into fights like this ever since last year! what could the reason be?
Nath: are you bothered by what you saw just now?
Beila: yeah...
Nath: that is happening to her really frequently, ever since the president of the student council have announced he likes her.
Beila: a guy in a high position likes her!?
Nath: I suspect that its some kind of scheme to turn the girls against her...at first, a lot of students liked her a lot because of how kind and thoughtful she was...but since then she have had the problems about being ask out to get beaten...she tried not going out with them but they messed up with her papers instead....
Beila: that's so brutal!
Nath: yeah...so she have no choice but to just fight back...but having this scene on the first day really shocked me for a moment there...
Beila: true...
Nath: oh, the cafeteria is right over there
Beila: oh! okay! thank you! but where are you heading to?
Nath: I'm going back to Shu, just want to make sure she had tend to her injuries
Beila: okay then, be safe on your way there
Nath nodded and left
the cafeteria is humongous, all the students fits in here! this is so big and beautiful!
while I was admiring the cafeteria, someone just suddenly poked me
Miya: oh you're here
Beila: hello Miya
Miya: have you found your friend?
Beila: yeah...
Miya: something the matter?
Beila: ...its nothing, how do we get our foods though?
Miya: you ought to buy them in break time, the only time that the food is free from the cafeteria is when its lunchtime
Beila: ohhh, where did you get your chocolate bars then?
Miya: from the vending machine right over there
he pointed into some certain direction, I don't quite see it... but I guess it is that way
Miya: are you hungry though? I have bought milk as well, you can have it
Beila: N-no! that's your drink, its fine...
gosh...if only I had known...I would have taken the money my mom left me!
Miya: its fine just get it! if you don't accept it, I will ignore you!
that's a really childish threat...but its so cute!...I didn't know Miya have this adorable side! he is also quite handsome...Black hair, green eyes...cute and adorable eyes...woww, can't believe that I'm talking to this guy right now!
Miya: you here?
Beila: Oh! yeah, I will accept it! thank you though! I'll repay you in the future!
Miya: I'll be looking forward for the free food then
while we were having a conversation, the bell for the next class have rang
Miya: aww, you didn't get to drink your milk yet
Beila: its fine, I'll save it for later!
I'ma keep it and hide it in my room!
Miya: what's your next class?
Beila: oh! I have mathematics for my next class
Miya: oh... too bad, mine is language...catch up to you later then, see ya!
Beila: bye bye!
and that's when Miya walked away...
walked away...
walked away!?
oh no! I don't even know where that building is! and there is no way I can talk to any of these students!
guess I'ma just find it myself then!
====Shu's POV====
I finally got out of that room! that guy is intense! he looked so scary when I said that to him!
maybe something has happened to him before... that made him that sad and mad at the same time! I don't know, let's just not talk about that!
Nath: Shu!
Shu: Nath!? why did you left Beila!?
Nath: I told her that I'm going back to check on you. but what are you doing here!?
Shu: the student whatever just waited for me at the front of the clinic to just bring me to the detention
Nath: are the other girls in there?
Shu: ...just me
and that black hoodie creepy sad dude is in there...
Nath: why do you look like you are running away from something?
Shu: oh, its nothing...I just enjoy...Freedom!
Nath: -________-'
Shu: ya! I'm on my way to my next class though
Nath: what is your next class?
Shu: editing class
Nath: oh...
Shu: what's yours?
Nath: mine is...language...
Shu: oh! okay then! catch up to you later! byeee!
(author: and that's when they have completely forgotten about Beila)
====Back at Beila's POV====
I have been walking for like 30mins already and couldn't find any sign of...what is my subject again?? Oh! mathematics!
what if I don't find it? does that mean I have skipped class!? oh no! please! its my first day!
as I was lost in my own world of thought...I heard voices...
?1: have you done it?
?2: ya, he's dead
?1: good
what the hell is going on!??
I peeped in to see what was happening, and I saw them burying a knife with blood in it... gosh! and what is that thing!? is that some kind of organ!?
I have stepped back of shocked and fear and made some little noise..
?2: who's that!? come out!!
I have seen their leader and had an eye contact with him for a second and ran away as fast as I can!
gosh! that leader sure is hot? no! bad! that dude! I should tell someone about this!
as I was running, I have came across a tree and took a deep breath...that was a long run!
and realized that the class is about to end...oh no! I have skipped class in my first day! what do I tell my mom!?
???: are you sure you should sit here when you should be in your class?