
circle of kills

I wonder what will be the last act if the dead were given a second chance. Would it be revenge, would it be am sorry, would it be "I love you" to the one's they never said them to, or would it simply be goodbye? I've always wanted to say something nice on my death bed, something rememberable. Most people like myself claim to not fear death but the fear of death is one of the things that inspire most to say something inspiring at the end, the soul wants to be preserved even in the memories of others. The fear of death is what drives the living to seek peace, and if that is possible it compels us to seek security and protection, and if safe we want to succeed and that drives us to seek wealth and with wealth comes power, and with power comes certainty and hope for something better to come, hope is that feeling that assures us death is far. We surround ourselves with these feelings simply because we all fear death, for make no mistake, death will come when it will come, the only thing within our power to do is to accept it.

Jeremiah_Josiah · Thành thị
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66 Chs

42 Devils Face

 It's very easy to trust the devil especially when he presents himself as a saint, or better still, family.

 She stopped on her traces when she heard the question as though something has been on her head but can't put it together. She slowly turned to face me but the confusion on her face is clearly visible. I think he was aware of the attack? she said.

 That much is clear, I said.

 Do you think he was the one that sent Mike the message? she asked.

 From what you've told me, I know he was not the one. I believe you already know what I think but you are too scared to accept the possibility of it being true.

 No... No..., he wouldn't do that, Mike is family. She argued.