
Chronicles of the Undead NPC

[Book 1] Villain Zombie Magic Cultivation Beast Taming System which doesn't act rude No-harem Kingdom-building Organization Leader God Multi-planets/Worlds Dual Mc Readers Choice valued, polls to choose plot points. How'd you behave if you find yourself in your favorite vr game? You'll panick, as expected. But that's not the case here, Montu accepts his fate and the challenges thrown at him happily as nothing was holding him back, he had nothing to loose. The story is set in future, where gaming has been taken a step further into vr games. One such game was released, which was called 'DESTINY' The game captivated everyone's hearts as soon as it was released. With insane-quality graphics which felt more real than the actual world itself and the ability to sense everything perfectly in the game, you could even taste the food in the game. But there was much more to this game than meets the eye, as this wasn't something developed on Earth. Mc obtained a mythic item in the game and was murdered by a guild for it. But as he was about to die, he was given a choice of another life and he was reincarnated inside 'Destiny' But there is a twist; he isn't a human anymore, he is now a zombie who is an NPC in the game. He could now easily manipulate players for his own benefits as he is an NPC. He was reincarnated 30 days before the game even launched and he wasn't even a normal regular zombie, he was a whole different variant of a zombie. How would Montu grow from a low-level mob to an intimidating nightmare? Join Montu in his adventure. The game is just a stage for.... Earth is in danger..... Planets..... That's enough for our first mc, now with the second one. Nyr, he is revived in a ritual to revive someone else in a different world. It's a cultivation world. He has quite a unique ability of Space-time dimensional travel, where he can visit other worlds and learn skills from those worlds. Want to find out more? Read and you will-

Time2die · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Blood Crimson System

Montu left Orilon and was walking toward the goblin camp.

He was lost in his thoughts while walking.

In my previous life when I played 'Destiny', I don't remember seeing anything like a blue zombie. All zombies were the same color (pale green). Zombies were slow and had no intelligence, they were low-level monsters that new players hunt to level up.

But Montu was different, he was a blue Zombie which was never seen before and he was also able to think as easily as when he was a human.

That was not all about Montu's anomaly, he was also marked as an NPC in his profile window even though he was a monster. Mostly humans, demons, and some higher-order spirits were the only NPCs and monsters were just monsters, they were not NPCs.

Monsters would respawn when killed, but NPCs can't respawn.

Montu was quite happy about his abnormalities as he was a new type of monster. He also had mana which was impossible for a normal zombie to have.

What was even more impossible was that he had regeneration skill, which could never fit a zombie, since their body was already dead it could not heal itself from even minor injuries while Montu grew whole new arms.

"I remember the evolution points I received at the tavern"

A thrill of morbid satisfaction danced across Montu's decaying features. Evolution points, another quirk, shimmered in his mind. "System," he rasped, "what are they used for?"

A curt reply echoed in the void

[The Host will know once he has more points.]

Montu scoffed. Cryptic as ever.

So you won't tell me now? Well, whatever I will know when I have collected more evolution points.

He also saw the 'Evolution' skill in his exclusive skills, but there was no information about it in his profile.

Well, let's leave them for the future, for now, let me enjoy my hard-earned money.

He reached the System Shop, his eyes scanning the exorbitant skill prices. Fireballs for ten thousand gold? Ridiculous.


Fireball=10000 gold

Lightning arrow=11000

Mud Prison=8000

Quick steps=3000

Poison Shot=15000

Sword slash(upper strike)=4000

(These are the only available skills for now)

"Do I even have a choice in all these costly skills, there is only one which I can buy with my current money."

Quick steps, fit his meagre wallet. With a surge of excitement, he purchased the speed boost, feeling a tingle course through his undead legs.

But what Montu didn't notice was that there were many different types of magic skills available to buy from the system. Most people were only able to use a single type of magic, while a few could use dual-type magic. Like if someone has a fire-type magic skill he/she would not be able to use electric or water-type magic.

Quick steps: The user can increase his movement speed by 20% for 10 minutes. Proficiency(0/100)

Cool down-3 hours

Montu activated the skill and started to run toward the Goblin camp.

Montu felt an amazing feeling in his legs.

Skill duration ended. Proficiency(5/100)

In this way, Montu used the skill one more time after a 3 hours walk before reaching the trap which he made.


He stopped and saw that the body was still in the trap. Montu thought of something and went inside the trap carefully so as to not injure himself from the spikes. Not that he would feel any pain and he would even heal quickly but still he didn't want to get any wounds as he was going for the goblin camp.

The body was still fine as only half a day passed since its death. There was wet Blood all around and the guard was soaked in it.

A strange urge gripped him. Dipping his fingers in the crimson pool, he tasted the metallic tang of blood, he felt a strange sense of refreshment.

But there was no notification from the system.

Montu then searched the guard's body all over and found 3 gold coins in his clothes. Montu took the coins and kept them in his inventory.

He also kept the guard's sword in his inventory. There was nothing else other than these on him.

Montu wanted to confirm something but he was reluctant to try it. "I don't feel quite good while trying this but since I am a monster already then I should behave like one." This was his excuse to himself for doing what he was about to do.

Montu took the guard's hand and began to lower his mouth.

"Here goes nothing, since he is alredy dead it doesn't matter what I do to him now"

He bit his hand as hardly as possible and tore a chunk of meat.

It felt just like the goblin's meat, and turned to liquid when Montu chewed it, he gulped it down and waited for something.

But there was no notification from the system, Montu bit more from his hand and gulped it, again, nothing happened.

Disappointed, Montu climbed up the hole with a rope which he tied to a nearby tree before coming down.

He bought it from the system shop for 5 gold coins. He knew he wouldn't be able to climb out without this.

Montu untied the rope from the tree and stored it in the inventory. He saw down the hole one more time before starting to go towards the goblins.

When he took only a few steps forward, he was shocked by what he saw.

Usually the system interface was light blue in color, but what he saw before his eyes was a blood red crimson system window. And scrawled within, a message that sent chills down his decaying spine.

What shocked him even more, was the content in the interface.

"Is this real?" Montu breathed, his undead heart quickening. The answer stared back, grim and undeniable. His morbid curiosity had triggered something dark, something he couldn't deny, something great. This trap, this guard, they were a catalyst, a twisted initiation.

"This must be, since it is clearly in front of my eyes. I am so glad that I made this trap to deal with the goblins and I am even more happy that this man died in it. Your death wasn't in vain, atleast it helped me a lot."