
Chronicles of the Poison Doctor

A secret genius of a annihilated clan must fight against both the righteous and evil to reclaim what is rightfully his. Jong In-Su must fight against the terrifying undercurrents that are slowly overturning Murim. With enemies on all sides, he can only rely on himself.

PrimordialAuthor · Huyền huyễn
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6 Chs

The Joseon Dynasty Emperor

Jong In-Su quickly left the Doh Clan.

The Doh Clan Leader watched as the young man went into the distance before looking at Doh Woong "Don't think you will escape punishment. You are very lucky he was magnanimous enough to help us. But I won't go too hard on you as you just saved your sister's life. You aren't leaving the clan until you become a Martial Adept."

Doh Woong could only shake his head. He couldn't care less about the punishment as long as his sister was able to live.

Jong In-Su's horse sped into the distance. A day later he could see a giant city in the distance. There were many carriages and people that he saw going in the same direction. This was the city that could withstand even Sovereign's Attacks. The Joseon Capital City!

The Imperial Palace stood tall on top of the artificial mountain with the rest of the city standing below. He would be staying at the Imperial Palace so his eyes couldn't help but stare at the grandeur nature of the palace.

Even from afar he could see how incredibly large it was. The Imperial Castle where the Joseon Emperor had his daily meetings was at the very center. The Imperial Treasury and the Imperial Manor were directly beside the castle with a giant wall surrounding the rest of the palace. 

The Imperial Palace itself was the size of a large town, not even counting the Joseon Capital City that was larger than any other city he had been to during his journey to the capital.

He made his way through the Capital City, the outskirts were filled with more of the poorer population and as he went deeper towards the Imperial Palace it became obvious that these areas catered to the rich and powerful.

He made it to the front of the Imperial Palace. There were guards in pairs constantly patrolling the walls inside and outside. On top of the walls were watchtowers constantly watched by guards and there was only one entrance into the palace that was guarded by the strongest martial artists.

The guards stopped Jong In-Su "State your name and your business?"

"I am Yi In-Su of the Golden Flower Clan. I have been sent to be the Imperial Doctor of the Joseon Imperial Family for the year."

He pulled out a golden badge with a black flower in the middle to prove his identity. The guard waved his hand and the gates slowly opened. A man wearing a large robe quickly bowed to Jong In-Su "Greetings Imperial Doctor. I am Heo Mok and I am assigned to be your assistant. Let me lead you to your living quarters."

As they walked to the Imperial Clinic where the Imperial Doctor would treat Imperial and Noble Patients as well as where he would live, the man named Heo Mok continued talking "The Emperor wanted to meet with you but he is currently in a meeting. A servant will come get us when the Emperor is ready."

Soon after a servant came and took Jong In-Su to the Imperial Palace. It looked even larger up close, it was grand with a golden type brick lining a majority of the outside. The floor was a smooth white material and it sparkled as if no one had ever walked on it before.

At the back of the main hall was a large throne, and sitting on that throne was a man wearing a golden robe. Jong In-Su was shocked to feel the aura of a true dragon surrounding that man.

Quickly kneeling, Jong In-Su shouted "I greet your Venerable Majesty!" 

The aura quickly dissipated and the man on the throne waved his hand "Haha, no need to be so tense. As the Imperial Doctor you will be treating the important members of the Imperial City as well as members of the Imperial Family. In return for this service, you will receive a salary as well as access to the Imperial Treasury to use whatever treasures are necessary. For the next 3 years I hope you can help protect the peace of the Imperial Capital by treating everyone to the best of your ability."

Jong In-Su bowed once again "I, Yi In-Su, will do my absolute best for your Venerable Majesty."

The Emperor leaned forward "Alright, alright. I already said you don't have to be so tense. But I have to wonder, why do you wear that mask?"

Jong In-Su wore the mask because the Poison Dragon Clan has two unique features, a birthmark that looked like a scar that ran down their right eye, and their pupils are violet. 

It would be easy to infer his origins if his face was exposed to a wider public.

Jong In-Su knew the emperor was displeased with him wearing a mask in his presence "I will remove the mask, as long as the room is empty your Venerable Majesty."

The Emperor raised his hand. Suddenly countless black shadows disappeared from all around the room and Jong In-Su could feel the room was truly empty. 

Having no other excuse, Jong In-Su released the mask. The Emperor was so shocked he had to lean forward while rubbing his eyes "A scar like birthmark over the right eye and violet pupils…you are a Poison Dragon Clan Member! But…I heard the entire clan was killed by the Clan Patriarch after he went crazy!"

Jong In-Su clenched his fists and a crazed demeanor overcame his usual calm face "Of course that clan of cowards wouldn't tell the truth. It was the Tang Clan who killed us all! They were trying to steal our clan's secret art, but Master Jong Ji-Tae saved me from becoming a Tang Clan test subject…"

The Emperor fell into deep thought "Alright. You can put your mask back on."

Jong In-Su quickly put the mask back on and bowed once more before exiting the room. 

Right behind the throne, the eunuch walked out with his eyes on the door that Jong In-Su had walked out "The Tang Clan isn't one to underestimate their enemies…how could they let a clan member survive to tell the tale? Their spy network is only second to us and the Beggars Sect. They were good at covering their tracks. We barely knew that it was truly an attack that had ended the Poison Dragon Clan Member. But…it is very surprising that the famed Masked Doctor wasn't even a true Golden Flower Clan Member."

The Emperor grasped his head as his headache intensified "We can confirm now that the Tang Clan had attacked the Poison Dragon Clan all those years ago likely due to the Poison Dragon Clan not pledging themselves to the Murim Alliance. Gather the Generals and give them a high alert order on the Tang Clan. Keep this within the higher ranks and send a squadron of the Imperial Shadows to monitor the Tang Clan further. The elders of the Tang Clan are very devious. We cannot underestimate how far they will go for their goals…also being in the good graces of this young genius would be nice."