
Chapter 30: Mirror

With a sigh, she gave up and went to investigate Mya's gift. Searching through the bag, she pulled out a small note with jagged, curved writing.

"Thank you for listening and still deciding to come. Wear these. They'll help you stay as fluid as possible. -Mya."

The bag contained a black tank top, leather jacket, pants, and combat boots. She chuckled and changed into the apparel. Flipping her hair from under the top, Daniella stared at herself in the floor-length mirror. She looked strong, dangerous. Fierce.

A tingle rippled over her body and in the mirror she saw Greg, his gaze dark and wicked. "Don't," she whispered.

He chuckled. "As if that was ever a possibility." With each step towards her, he rolled his hips. A memory of just how skillful those hips were flashed through her mind and she moaned.