
Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning

After losing his parents, Ewaan, once a joyful kid, retreats into an emotional void. The tragedy strikes not once, but twice, leaving him in the shadows of grief. Yet, amidst this darkness, a glimmer of solace emerges in his bond with his step-sister, Maya. However, their ordinary lives shattered when Ewaan receives the Call of Another World — thrusting him into a world of responsibility and destiny beyond his wildest imagination. [YOU ARE THE ONE TO BE CHOSEN AS THE NEXT GENERATION HERO TO CARRY ON THE LEGACY OF THE PREVIOUS...!] “I don’t wanna! I have responsibilities here, a little sister I have to take care of...” Ewaan protests. But Maya’s accidental Call to the same World changes everything, plunging them both into an adventure of epic proportions. “Maya...” Ewaan’s voice trembles with fear. “BIG BROTHER... NOOOOO!” Maya's cry echoes with anguish. Between embracing their newfound roles as Heroes or clinging to the comforts of their former lives — Ewaan and Maya must navigate a series of trials that will test their courage, loyalty, and the strength of their bond. In a world where every decision carries monumental consequences, the fate of countless lives hangs in the balance. Will they heed the call of destiny, or will they forge their own paths, risking everything they hold dear? The answers lie in the hands of these Next Generation Heroes. ——————————————————— 「WebNovel Spirity Award 2024 Entry」

Ewaan · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

The Secret Of Spellcasting [I]

Maya, captivated by the impressive sight, whispered, "It's like a treasure trove of knowledge… Where do we even start?"

Ayaka, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, replied, "Let's start by exploring each section. We might find exactly what we're looking for."

Maya nodding at Ayaka's suggestion, they started walking, but Ayami swiftly intervened.

Halting Maya and Ayaka by grabbing them from behind. "Wait, hold on, you bookworms…!" She gestured towards the librarian, adding, "Let's ask that librarian about books on magic spells."

Her expression conveyed a blend of amusement and mild exasperation, as if she found their enthusiasm for books a tad over the top.

Nodding at Ayami's suggestion, they approached the librarian to inquire about books on magic spells.

The librarian pointed towards section 07, explaining, "Yes, you can find those books over that section. Free reading for two hours, and afterward, every hour we'll charge 10 Copper coins. If you want to rent a book, it will cost you 1 silver a day. Any breach will result in additional Silver coins as a penalty."

The librarian maintained a gentle smile throughout the explanation.

Ayami scoffed in disbelief, "Seriously? Paying just to read a book? This place is more expensive than the fanciest cafes!"

Her expression conveyed a mix of incredulity and annoyance at the library's unusual rules. 

The librarian replied, "Well, maintaining a vast collection of books and ensuring their preservation comes with its costs. We aim to provide a quality reading environment for serious readers."

Ayami rolled her eyes playfully and muttered under her breath, "More like a quality robbing of money environment for readers."

Ayaka chuckled softly, adding, "Well, at least we have two hours of free reading. Let's make the most of it and find what we need within that time."

She maintained a positive attitude, eager to delve into the world of magic spells despite the library's policies.

Ewaan interjected with his usual calm demeanor, putting an end to their argument. "That's enough," he said firmly.

Turning to the librarian, he continued, "We'll be reading here. Please Bring us some books on basic spellcasting."

With a nod and a friendly smile, the librarian replied, "Certainly! I'll have one of my staff members guide you. Please make yourselves comfortable and enjoy your reading." His demeanor exuded warmth and eagerness to assist.

As they settled into a cozy spot near section 07, the girls eagerly immersed themselves in searching for books, while Ewaan remained seated with composed demeanor.

The assistant approached with a warm smile, addressing them, "Hello there! Are you looking for specific types of magic books? I can help you find what you need."

Ayaka spoke first, "I'm looking for a book that contains information about the Academia."

Maya turned to Ewaan, and he calmly stated, "Any books you have that provide information on spellcasting."

Ayami, sitting nearby, observed the interaction with a neutral expression, not expressing a specific preference.

The assistant nodded with a smile and said, "Sure, let me find the books. Please wait a moment." He then briskly headed towards the relevant shelves.

The staff assistant returned with 2-3 books providing information about the Academia. To the group's surprise, there were also an impressive stack of books, most of them focused on various aspects of magic.

He placed the books neatly on the table and said, "If you need any more help or have questions, feel free to ask. Happy reading!" With a friendly smile, he left them to delve into their magical studies.

The Takagi twins immersed themselves in the books about the Academia, while Ewaan glanced through the titles before selecting a book for Maya and another for himself.

In Maya's hand was the book ‹All You Need To Know About Elemental Spells - Volume 1›, a comprehensive guide covering the basics of elemental magic.

It delves into the theory behind elemental spells, explores different types of elemental magic, and provides practical tips for mastering them.

Meanwhile, Ewaan held the ‹Essentials of Arcane Mastery - Beginner Level›, a meticulously crafted guide tailored for novice spellcasters.

This manual covers fundamental principles and techniques in a reader-friendly manner, offering step-by-step instructions and exercises to help beginners develop their arcane abilities.

As Ewaan delves into the first page of the book, he ponders,

– Grand Sorcerer Lean, ey! I wonder who this bigshot is...

Flipping to the next page, he encounters a solemn piece of 'advice' from the author of the book:

"(May your journey as a mage be a grand one, but don't delve into the dark path, or you'll be put to death by yours truly and many other righteous and powerful individuals.)"

– Lean Croswell

Which was accompanied by a chibi drawing of this supposedly Grand Sorcerer giving a thumbs up.

Ewaan raised an eyebrow and murmured, "Did this guy truly wrote this book to guide beginners or scare them off?" His skepticism mingled with curiosity as he continued to peruse the contents.

Ewaan's inner thoughts echoed with satisfaction,

– Great! It has the chapters for Mana control, Incantations and stuff!"

The ‹Essentials of Arcane Mastery - Beginner Level› contains: Introduction to Mana Control, Incantations and Gestures, Understanding Spell Components, Practical Exercises, Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting, Safety Measures and Building a Foundation.

Which is what he needed to know the most. 

He soon immersed himself in the first chapter of the book, focusing on the intricacies of Mana Control.

"(Every person possesses Mana from birth, even if it's just an amount as minuscule as a grain of salt, but the main question is, what exactly Is 'Mana'? Let me explain in a manner that a numbskull such as yourself would quickly understand.)"

Reading the arrogant tone of the text, Ewaan remained unfazed, but still got a bit annoyed at the author's condescension.

He continued reading, focusing on extracting useful information from these texts despite the arrogant tone.

"(The essence of Mana lies in its ability to disrupt and reshape the very fabric of reality. Mastering Mana grants one the power to perceive the world in its entirety.)"


"(Mana encompasses both internal and external forces. Internal Mana resides within individuals, near the heart, while external Mana permeates the world, from the air to nature itself.)"

"(The ability to sense Mana is essential, as it allows one to manipulate it effectively. Utilizing Mana involves bridging the gap between the mental and physical realms, tricking and convincing the natural world to manifest one's intentions.)"


Absorbing each passage with focused intent, Ewaan grasped the fundamental principles of mana control and manipulation outlined in the book.

He pondered the concept of sensing mana, drawing parallels to his skill, Mana Sense.

As he contemplated further, a realization dawned upon him; perhaps this ability could enhance his understanding and utilization of his existing skills, potentially unlocking new capabilities.

– Hmm… If I think carefully, my stats' also a kind of magic since it was converted into a skill for me. So, if this 'sensing the mana' really does what I think it will do, then…

Driven by his newfound understanding, Ewaan resolved to put his theoretical knowledge into practice.

With determination etched on his features, he embarked on a practical exercise, eager to demonstrate his understanding and application of Mana Control.

With a calm and focused demeanor, Ewaan delved into the essence of the arcane.

Closing his eyes in concentration, he softly uttered, "‹MANA SENSE›…" and allowed his mind to attune to the subtle energies around him.

Visualizing the ethereal threads of mana that had resonated within him since the day he acquired the Hero's Crest.

Slowly but surely, he honed his senses to perceive the flow and intensity of mana within him, recognizing its presence close to his heart.

– Wait, white? Then does that mean, that day Akwan and Daemon's divine energy was swallowed by my own mana? 

He pondered, his expression reflecting more surprise than his inner curiosity.

As Ewaan finely tuned his perception to the mana within, he slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the astonishing sight of mana currents weaving through the surroundings, intertwining within people, and pulsating within himself.

He observed the girls immersed in their books, noting that the mana flow around Ayaka and Ayami remained consistent as before.

However, Maya's mana had undergone a remarkable surge, its color evolving from pale azure and gold to a more vibrant and majestic hue.

[Notice: By successfully grasping the essence of Mana, the user's Intelligence and Wisdom levels has increased by 300.]

[Notice: The user's Mana Circuit has successfully expanded, resulting in an increase of 5000 Mana points.]

[Notice: The substantial growth in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Mana has elevated the User's Charisma by 25.]

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