
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


A thunderous roar echoed through the air, originating from the oncoming ranks of the enemy forces. The second wave, an amalgamation of different races, surged forward with a palpable determination. Within their ranks, there was a diverse assembly of fighters, each representing a distinct facet of the enemy's might.

Leading the charge were the humans and Orcs, their figures looming large with grim determination etched on their faces. Clad in armor and carrying weapons of various designs, they charged ahead, their unity evident despite their differences. The humans brought forth their spears and swords, while the Orcs wielded their brutish strength and towering axes.

Following closely were the Dwarves, compact and sturdy, their axes glinting in the light as they operated the formidable siege engines. With focused intent, they loaded projectiles and maneuvered their contraptions, each movement showcasing their technical prowess. Among them were the Goblins, smaller and more agile, working alongside their Dwarven allies with an air of resourcefulness.

Peering through the ranks were the humans and Orcs in reserve, their presence a testament to the enemy's tactical foresight. Prepared to reinforce the front lines or adapt to changing circumstances, they stood ready, their posture reflecting a readiness to join the fray at a moment's notice.

The enemy's force, a tapestry woven from different races, demonstrated a coordinated effort that transcended their individual origins. Their unity, despite the inherent discord of their coalition, was evident as they advanced with a collective purpose. This convergence of warriors marked the beginning of a fierce engagement, a battle that would test the mettle of IronFord's defenders and push their strength to its limits.

In the heart of the tumultuous horde, a colossal siege cannon emerged, its massive form dragged and positioned with a gritty determination. With a jarring lurch that matched the pounding heartbeats of the defenders, the cannon discharged a monstrous projectile. It hurtled through the air, a harbinger of destruction aimed at the city walls. As it struck with a thunderous crash, the impact reverberated throughout IronFord. The ground quivered, and the buildings themselves seemed to groan under the assault.

The second wave of adversaries surged forward, a mixture of humans, Dwarves, Goblins, and Orcs. They advanced in a ragged but menacing formation, the air thick with their fervent roars. The humans and Orcs led the charge, driven by a ferocious energy that sent them pounding toward the city's defenses. Behind them, Dwarves and Goblins operated crude but effective siege engines, their actions guided by a grim determination. A chilling symphony of war cries and clanging machinery filled the air, setting the stage for a fierce confrontation.

With ruthless efficiency, the siege engines were rolled into position against the towering main gate. The monstrous battering rams, menacing in their crude construction, were aimed at the heart of IronFord's defenses. The defenders on the wall braced themselves, their hearts pounding in time with the relentless assault. The invaders were unrelenting, each brutal hit resonating through the air like a pounding heartbeat.

The ramming began, a grim cadence that matched the rhythm of the defenders' determined will to protect their city. Blow after blow rained down upon the gate, the thudding impacts echoing the pulse of the battle. The defenders fought back with all they had, pouring arrows, projectiles, and boiling oil upon the enemy below. Despite their resilience, the relentless siege engines hammered away, unyielding in their mission to breach the city's defenses.

As the day wore on, the siege intensified. The sun cast long shadows that danced upon the battlefield, where the clash of arms and the resounding crashes of the siege engines continued without respite. The defenders remained steadfast, their unity an unbreakable shield against the enemy's onslaught. The battle unfolded in a series of chaotic and deadly encounters—arrows finding their marks, flaming oil igniting enemy ranks, and the resolute defenders standing strong against the tide of chaos.

In the midst of the turmoil, a new threat emerged, testing the defenders' resolve. Goblins, agile and cunning, devised a dangerous strategy to breach the walls. Using grappling hooks and lengths of rope, they launched daring attempts to ascend the towering fortifications.

From the distant edge of the moat, goblins armed with grappling hooks swung their deadly lines towards the walls, aiming to catch onto the stone and create a makeshift bridge. Some hooks missed their target, clattering harmlessly against the ramparts, while others found purchase and allowed the goblins to begin their perilous climb.

The defenders on the walls quickly responded, launching arrows and projectiles to thwart the goblins' efforts. However, the sheer number of hooks being thrown made it a daunting task to intercept them all. Some goblins successfully latched onto the walls, their bodies jerking as they swung over the moat, their cries a mix of exhilaration and trepidation.

Others opted for a different approach, attempting to scale the stone bridge that spanned the moat. The dwarven berserkers and monks stationed there fought fiercely to repel these invaders. The clash of weapons and the resounding war cries of the defenders mingled with the goblins' screeches as they fought for control of the bridge.

As the goblins swung and climbed, a few managed to reach the top of the walls. A chaotic skirmish ensued, their agility and small size granting them an advantage in close-quarters combat. Dras's squad, now facing this new threat, engaged the goblins in a determined struggle. Joren's rapier flashed, parrying the goblins' crude weapons, while Lorn's arrows found their marks with precise accuracy.

Toren's magic crackled through the air, creating bursts of energy that repelled the goblins' attempts to breach the walls. Maris and Alia fought side by side, their axes and warhammer striking true against the enemy. Vara's sword cut through the goblins' ranks, and despite their tenacity, the defenders managed to push them back.

In the midst of the chaos, the dwarven mages lent their aid once more. They focused their magic on the grappling hooks, unraveling the knots that held them fast to the walls. With a coordinated effort, they severed the hooks and ropes, disconnecting the goblins from the walls.

In the midst of this maelstrom, IronFord's fate hung in the balance. The city's walls, once an unassailable barrier, were now a battleground. The defenders and invaders clashed with an unyielding resolve, their struggles a testament to the iron will of those who fought to defend or conquer. The day had only just begun, but already it was clear that the siege of IronFord would be a fight to the very end.

Upon the ramparts, Dras and his squad sprang into action, their movements swift and coordinated. Arrows were knocked and released with practiced precision, their flight like a deadly rain against the approaching onslaught. Magic crackled and burst forth, a display of elemental force that added a fiery counterpoint to the whistling arrows. The defenders, steadfast and resolute, weaved and dodged with a dancer's grace, each movement calculated to avoid the enemy's retaliatory fire.

The invaders surged forward, a sea of charging forms. Their crude weapons and tattered armor glinted in the sunlight, and the cacophony of their war cries added to the pandemonium of battle. Dras's squad worked like a well-oiled machine, their individual skills merging into a symphony of defense. Lorn, his bow steady in his grip, let arrows fly with deadly accuracy, each shot a testament to his unerring aim.

In the midst of the fray, Toren's voice rose above the din. "Does anyone notice that no magic has been fired at us?" he called out, his words cutting through the chaos. "Something is not right here!"

As if in response to Toren's observation, the enemy's monstrous siege cannon fired again. The wall shuddered under the tremendous force, a testament to the destructive power of the enemy's weaponry. A significant crack marred the stone surface, snaking its way like a scar of war, a grim reminder of the relentless assault.

Reacting swiftly, Toren found himself surrounded by a group of determined Dwarven mages. Their faces were etched with grim resolve, their eyes gleaming with a shared purpose. A stocky Dwarf with a braided beard stepped forward, his voice resonating with authority.

"Ye there, young spellcaster," he addressed Toren, his tone gruff but not unkind. "We be needin' a hand, and it seems ye be havin' the magical knack for it."

Toren nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I'll do whatever I can to help. What's the plan?"

The Dwarf's eyes narrowed in appreciation. "Good lad. We be creatin' a protective barrier between these walls and those Dark Ones on the other side o' the moat. We'll be needin' all the strength we can muster."

Toren's expression grew resolute. "Count me in. Let's shield this city from their assault."

The Dwarven mages nodded in agreement, their camaraderie evident in their shared determination. Hands raised, they began to weave their spells, each incantation flowing into the next like an intricate dance. Toren joined their ranks, his own magic harmonizing with theirs as they cast their enchantments.

As their magic intermingled, a radiant shimmer began to manifest in the air, coalescing into a golden, translucent barrier. It stretched upward, bridging the gap between the city walls and the enemy forces beyond. The barrier emitted a warm, protective glow, a symbol of hope against the encroaching chaos.

"Keep focus, mates!" the Dwarf called out, his voice a rallying cry. "Together, we shall hold the line!"

Toren's voice melded seamlessly with those of the Dwarven mages, his energies flowing into the barrier. "We won't let them breach our defenses. IronFord stands strong!"

The barrier solidified, standing as a testament to their united efforts. The enemy's monstrous siege cannon roared once more, its projectile hurtling toward the city walls. The barrier absorbed the impact, its golden surface rippling briefly before settling back into its protective form.

Toren's focus remained unwavering. "We're holding them back! Keep channeling your magic!"

Throughout the afternoon, the barrier endured the enemy's onslaught. The siege cannon's deafening booms reverberated, but the golden transparency wall held steadfast. It was a testament to the combined might of Toren's magic and the Dwarven mages' expertise.

As the sun cast its warm embrace, the barrier continued to shine brightly. Toren and the Dwarves maintained their vigilance, their coordinated efforts fending off the enemy's relentless assault. The battle raged on, a cacophony of clashes and roars, yet within the chaos, the protective shield remained unbroken—an emblem of unity against the forces of darkness.

Under the fading light of the sun, IronFord's defenders moved with purpose. The recently repaired wall stood as a symbol of their resilience, a testament to their skilled efforts. Dras's squad, sweat-soaked and weary, joined the others in assessing the aftermath of the second wave's assault. Toren conversed with the Dwarven engineers, their heads bent in conversation as plans were made.

Across the city's ramparts, a collective sigh of relief was shared. The pressure of the onslaught had lifted, leaving behind a battlefield scarred by conflict. The mages gradually dismantled their magical barriers, releasing the shimmering shields that had shielded IronFord from destruction. As the barrier waned, the city seemed to breathe, a newfound calm settling over the chaos.

Word spread of the victory—of the enemy's retreat, of the endurance shown by IronFord's inhabitants. The defenders engaged in hushed conversations, patting shoulders in shared recognition. Torches illuminated the twilight, casting an amber hue over the scene. The scents of campfires mingled with the earthy notes of the city's stone walls, an olfactory testament to the unity and resolve of its people.

Dras and his squad took a moment to lean against the mended wall, weapons within arm's reach. Armor creaked as they shifted, fatigue apparent in their postures. Their unspoken camaraderie spoke volumes, the battles of the day cementing a bond forged in the crucible of conflict.

As night fell, the city's rhythm shifted. Toren and the mages continued to collaborate with the engineers, working to fortify the city's defenses. Dras's squad engaged in practical tasks, tending to gear and sharing light-hearted exchanges that shattered the tension of the day.

Dras's squad found solace in the knowledge that they had contributed to the defense of IronFord. They joined their fellow defenders in the courtyard, faces illuminated by the warm glow of torches. The camaraderie shared among them was unspoken yet deeply felt, a silent understanding that they were united in purpose.

Trax's figure emerged from the shadows, his grizzled features etched with weariness but also a glint of pride. "First day of the siege, lads and lasses," he called out, his voice carrying over the courtyard. "We've proven ourselves today, but the battle's far from over."

The moon reached its zenith, casting a silver glow over IronFord's walls. Within the darkness, a sense of determination burned brighter. The victory of the day was a testament to their unity, a promise that they would endure whatever trials lay ahead.

In the silence of the night, the city's heart beat steadily. Dras gazed out over the walls, his thoughts a quiet affirmation. The siege was far from over, but the unity that had been forged would guide them through the battles yet to come. As stars painted constellations overhead, IronFord stood strong, united against the looming shadows.