
chapter fifteen

Olivia pull the chair next to me before she sat and kissed my cheek. “Hey,” She said with a smile. “Hi,” I smiled. “I see you finished your book, congratulations.”

“Thank you, but unfourutanetly I don’t have time to feel good about it. I’ll start the next one tomorrow. My eyes are killing me.”

“Haven’t you go to the doctor?”

“I have. But, my new glasses are going to be ready in two days.” In the meantime, a couple walked into the cafeteria, fighting. It was a classic. The toxic couple fights about almost everything. They were getting old. “You want to go?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said and followed me to the car. My steps were bigger, so she always had to run after me. Literally. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I kissed her hair. Her scent was the most amazing thing I’ve ever smelled. “We’re going home, right?”