
Chrisley's Destiny

SYNOPSIS Every Child is always fortunate to have a parent who cares and treats he/she with love. But in Chrisley's case she's very unfortunate. Being maltreated by her mother and assaulted by her father is what made Chrisley unfortunate. Ever since she had been a little girl till now,she has never for once received a parental love. An occurrence happened to her and that made her escape from home. After escaping from home, she was found by Marianne Norman and that made her live in the Norman's mansion. It turned out that Miguel fell in love with her. Just when happiness was about to take over, something happened. Will that separate them or bring them together?. Is Chrisley really destined to live like this? Find out. CHRISLEY'S DESTINY

Okiki_Ola · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Just a Chance (3)

The early morning sun reflected directly on Chrisley's face. She opened her eyes slowly and she was welcomed with a slight headache.

"Ahh" She winced and sat upright.

Her eyes landed on Miguel, who was on a cushion in front of her and staring intently at her.

"What am I doing here?" She asked slowly.

"Good morning " He greeted.

"Good morning Sir"

Miguel rolled his eyes.

"Drop the honorific.My name is Miguel" He said.

"I can't" She said and got out of the bed.

"Of course,you will milady. You're in love with me, but you're playing hard to get.

"What do you mean?" Chrisley asked with an arched brow.

"Oh!, don't you remember what happened, when you were drunk?" He asked.

Chrisley looked at him in confusion. She couldn't remember anything that happened after getting drunk.

"I followed you to the dinner party, so what?",She asked.

Miguel smiled and played the recording he took last night.

"I want to love you more". Chrisley was shocked when she heard the last part. Instantly, she felt like the ground should open up and swallow her.

"I...I...was drunk, so I was just saying stupid things...I didn't mean it" She stuttered.

Miguel smirked.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course",She responded and gave a sheepish smile.

Miguel stood up and walked towards her.

"Well, I don't believe that" He replied.

"I'm very much serious" Chrisley said.

Miguel nodded sadly.

"Ok, give me a chance please. I'm very much sure you're going to fall in love with me within a week" Miguel said.

Chrisley looked at him in disbelief.

"Give me a chance, please" Miguel said with a cute pout.

Chrisley stared at him for some moment and shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok fine" She uttered.

"Yes!!" Miguel jumped for joy and hugged her tightly.

"Huh!, you stink of alcohol". Miguel held his nose and disengaged from the hug.

Chrisley gave a sheepish smile.

"I'll go and take my bathe" She said shyly.

"I don't mind taking my bathe with you, you're my girlfriend after all" He said.

"No" Chrisley replied sharply.

"Nevertheless, I'm not your girlfriend" She stated clearly.

"Hmm...I won't argue about that. I'm taking you somewhere, get dressed" He said with a smirk and walked out of the room.

Chrisley couldn't help but to blush.



"What are we doing here?" She asked shyly.

"What do people do in a cinema?" He asked playfully.

Chrisley smiled sheepishly.

"I'll be right back" Miguel said and walked away.

Chrisley scrutinized the lobby.

Miguel came back a few moments later with a big bowl of popcorn and two soda drinks.

"I'll help you with the drinks"She said and stretched her hands to take the drinks from him.

"Never mind, I don't wanna stress a Queen like you" He said with a bonny smile.

Chrisley's cheeks turned crimson.

"C'mon let's go" He said and they headed for the theater.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Chrisley asked when they got in.

"It's a cinema babe".

"I know, the lights should be dimmed at least, I can't even see anything,not even you" She complained.

"Oh,so you wanna see my face, that's cool" Miguel said with a smile.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I'll just find myself somewhere to sit" Chrisley said and went to sit on a chair.

Miguel smiled and also sat beside her. He handed her a drink and placed the bowl of popcorn in between them.

"Why are we the only ones in here?" She asked.

"I want to spend time with you alone, without any one interrupting" He said while staring at her.

"Oh... Ohkay"

The screen came on and the light reflected into the cinema.

"What's the title of the movie?" Chrisley asked.

"I Love you" He said while staring at her with a smile.

"Ohh!" Chrisley exclaimed and focused her attention on the movie.

"I said I love you, aren't you going to respond?" Miguel said.

Chrisley eyes darted to him.

"Why do I need to give a reply to the title of a movie?" She asked.

"The title of the movie is I WANT YOU BACK. But I'm telling you that I love you" He said.

Chrisley's lid rose in realization.

"Ohh" She mouthed, while blinking uncontrollably.

"You're going to accept your feelings very soon" He said and she focused on the movie.

Miguel smiled lavishly and stared at her. His heart was thumping widely. He would rather stare at her than watch the movie.


"Thanks for today. It's dark already,so I'll just head back to the quarters." Chrisley said and made a U-turn. Her action was halted by Miguel. He was fast enough to stay in front of her.

"You're not a maid, so you are not sleeping in the maid's quarters. You're sleeping with me tonight" He said while staring deep into her eyes.

"I'm not your wife" She said.

"Well, you're going to be my wife soon" Miguel said with a grin.

Chrisley couldn't believe her ears.

"You're my dream girl" Miguel wheedled.

Chrisley was tongue tied.

"Please" Miguel said with a cute pout.

Chrisley rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry,I can't" Chrisley said.

"Please" He begged. He began to shed tears, crocodile tears actually.

Chrisley was befuddled.

"I didn't...I..."She stuttered. She was confused on what to say.

Miguel cried louder.

Chrisley sighed.

"Ok fine. I accept" She said.

Miguel wiped his tears and embraced her tightly.

"Thank you" He said and pecked her lips.

"Hey, i didn't give you a go ahead" She said with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I was overjoyed" He apologized and pecked her lips again.

Chrisley groaned angrily.

"I'm changing my mind" She said and made to leave.

Miguel held her hand instantly.

"I'm sorry. I was only trying to be romantic. Please don't change your mind" He said with a pout.

Chrisley shrugged.

"Let's go in. It's cold outside" He said.

Brielle was hiding behind a pillar and staring at them resentfully. She's cursing Chrisley with all her heart. Seeing them together makes her feel like strangling the hell out of Chrisley.

"Go to hell" She hollered with frustration and stormed away angrily.


"Someone smells good" Miguel teased when Chrisley came out of the bathroom.

Chrisley rolled her eyes.

"I love having you around me" He said with sincerity.

"Ok, I'm feeling sleepy. So, I'll sleep on the couch" Chrisley said while ignoring Miguel's stares.

"No, I'll sleep on the couch. You have the bed to yourself" He said nicely.

"No, it's your bed,so sleep on it" She insisted.

"We can just sleep on it together, you're my girlfriend anyways,so there's nothing bad" He said with a smirk.

"I'm not sleeping on this bed with you" She insisted.

" But we slept on it together last night"

"Oh that, I was drunk. I had no idea of what I was doing. But today, I'm in my right senses" She said clearly.

"Ok fine, I'll sleep on the couch" He said.

"Thanks" She said and got into bed.

"She's so stubborn" Miguel mumbled.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"No,I was only saying I love you" He said.

"Good night" She said ignoring him. And in no time she drifted into her dreamland.

Miguel smiled when he heard her slow snores. He stood up and went to her, then he placed a warm kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep tight cutie"He said and went back to the couch.