
Chosen of the Stormlord

In a world where the gods are waking, Raven's yearning for a normal family leads him on a journey into the mysterious valley of mists. But when he discovers the power to control storms, he becomes the chosen one of the mad God Susanoo. Alongside young Lily, who may prove to be his salvation or his downfall, Raven must grapple with the immense responsibility of his new abilities. As he struggles to control his own fate, the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance. Will Raven be able to harness the power of the storms and protect those he loves, or will he succumb to the lure of despair and destruction? Follow Raven and Lily on their epic quest for normalcy and the ultimate test of their strength in this thrilling fantasy novel.

Georg_Spaner · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Raven knew that he was being followed as soon as he heard the rustle of leaves behind him. He had been walking through the ancient jungle for days, and he had learned to trust his instincts when it came to danger.

He turned slowly, his hand hovering over the hilt of his knife as he scanned the underbrush for any sign of movement. And then he saw it. A pair of glowing eyes, staring at him from the shadows.

Raven's heart raced as he realized that he was being hunted by a jaguar. He had heard stories of these beasts, ferocious predators that were known for their strength and speed. He knew that he couldn't outrun the jaguar, so he had to find a way to fight it.

He tried to throw the jaguar off his trail, using every trick he knew to distract and mislead it. He made noise, hoping to throw the beast off balance. He tossed rocks and branches, hoping to confuse it. But no matter what he did, the jaguar seemed to stay only one step behind him.

Finally, Raven knew that he had no choice. He grabbed his knife and stood his ground, his eyes locked on the jaguar as it emerged from the shadows. It was a beautiful beast, with sleek, muscular body and a coat of shimmering gold. He had to face the jaguar head on, and hope that he could survive the encounter. He raised his knife and charged at the beast, his heart pounding in his chest as he clashed with the jaguar.

The jaguar lunged at Raven, its powerful jaws opening wide as it tried to sink its teeth into his throat. Raven tried to dodge to the side, but his bad right leg gave out beneath him, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

He looked up just in time to see the jaguar bearing down on him, its claws extended and its eyes glowing with a fierce, primal hunger. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive this encounter.

He grabbed his knife and swung it wildly at the jaguar, hoping to keep it at bay. The beast let out a fierce roar of pain as the blade sliced through its fur, and Raven knew that he had scored a hit. But the jaguar was far from defeated, and it circled around him, its eyes glowing with a fierce, primal hunger.

Raven struggled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as he faced off against the jaguar. He knew that this was a fight to the death, and he had to be ready for anything.

The jaguar lunged again, its claws raking through the air as it tried to tear Raven to shreds. But Raven was ready for it this time, and he sidestepped the attack, using all of his strength to deliver a powerful blow to the jaguar's side.

The jaguar let out a pained yowl as the blade dug deep into its flesh, and Raven knew that he had dealt a serious injury. But the beast was far from defeated, and it spun around, its claws slashing through the air as it tried to catch Raven off guard.

Raven darted to the side, avoiding the attack as he tried to find an opening for another strike. But the jaguar was too fast, and it seemed to anticipate every move that he made. Raven knew that he had to find a way to turn the tables, to catch the jaguar off guard and deliver a final, decisive blow.

He waited for his moment, watching the jaguar as it circled around him, its claws extended and its jaws open wide. And then, when he saw the opening he was waiting for, he struck.

He lunged forward, his knife slicing through the air as he aimed for the jaguar's throat. The beast let out a final, pitiful whine as the blade found its mark, and then it fell to the ground, its life extinguished.

Raven had been walking through the ancient jungle for days, and he was beginning to wonder if he would ever find his way out. The dense canopy of leaves seemed to stretch on forever, and he had no idea which direction he was headed.

But as he stumbled through the underbrush, he heard something that caught his attention. It was a soft, beckoning sound, like a voice whispering in his ear. He turned towards the sound, intrigued by what he might find.

As he stumbled through the ancient jungle, he came across a giant plant that seemed to shimmer and swirl in the sunlight. It was a strange, twisted creature, with long, tendril-like vines that seemed to writhe and twist in the air.

Raven was intrigued by the plant, and he stepped closer to get a better look. But as he approached, he didn't see the quicksand beneath his feet. Before he knew it, he was sinking into the sticky, shifting sand, and the plant was moving closer and closer.

He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive. He reached into his backpack and grabbed the tools he had brought with him, hoping to find something that he could use to defend himself.

As he rummaged through his pack, he remembered something his grandfather had told him about carnivorous plants. They were vulnerable to fire, he had said. And with that, an idea began to form in Raven's mind.

He grabbed his flint and a bottle of alcohol from his pack, and quickly set to work. He fashioned a crude molotov cocktail, knowing that it was his only chance.

As the plant closed in, Raven lit the fuse and tossed the bomb at the creature. The plant let out a shriek of pain as the flames engulfed it, and Raven knew that he had hit his mark.

But he wasn't out of danger yet. He was still stuck in the quicksand, and he knew that he had to find a way to escape. He remembered reading about it in one of his adventure stories, and so he tried to remain as still as possible to avoid sinking further. He wiggled his legs gently, trying to loosen them from the quicksand's grasp.

He leaned back and spread out his weight, hoping to distribute it more evenly and reduce the chances of sinking further. And then, with all of his strength, he began to swim and crawl his way to the edge of the quicksand.

It was a slow and exhausting process, and Raven knew that he was pushing himself to the limit.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he felt solid ground beneath his hands. He dragged himself out of the quicksand, his body trembling with exhaustion and relief.

He collapsed onto the ground, panting and covered in sweat.