
Chosen of the Stormlord

In a world where the gods are waking, Raven's yearning for a normal family leads him on a journey into the mysterious valley of mists. But when he discovers the power to control storms, he becomes the chosen one of the mad God Susanoo. Alongside young Lily, who may prove to be his salvation or his downfall, Raven must grapple with the immense responsibility of his new abilities. As he struggles to control his own fate, the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance. Will Raven be able to harness the power of the storms and protect those he loves, or will he succumb to the lure of despair and destruction? Follow Raven and Lily on their epic quest for normalcy and the ultimate test of their strength in this thrilling fantasy novel.

Georg_Spaner · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs


Lily and Sebastian walked through the dark streets of the capital, their footsteps echoing through the empty alleys. They were deep in conversation, trying to come up with a plan to catch the bandit gang that had attacked their party and stolen the mysterious wooden box.

"I don't think we should wait any longer," Sebastian insisted, his voice low and urgent. "We need to strike now, before they have a chance to leave the city or sell the box."

Lily shook her head, her long brown hair flowing behind her. "I understand your urgency, but we can't just rush in blindly. We need more information, more intel on their whereabouts and their strengths. We can't afford to fail again."

Sebastian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know, but we don't have much time. Every day that passes increases the risk of losing the box forever."

As they continued their discussion, they were unaware of the shadows creeping up behind them. Suddenly, they were ambushed by a group of rough-looking men, armed with knives and clubs.

The gang of thieves and bandits had been expecting them and met them with a hail of arrows and throwing knives.

Lily drew her sword and charged into the fray, her battle cry echoing through the warehouse. Sebastian followed close behind, his own sword drawn and ready to defend his princess.

The fight was fierce and brutal, with Lily's frightening strength and endurance on full display. She hacked and slashed her way through the bandits, her sword a blur of steel and death.

But as the battle raged on, Lily began to lose control. She became consumed by the thrill of the fight, her primal instincts taking over. She let out a bloodcurdling scream as she hacked and slashed her way through the gang, her eyes wild with rage.

Sebastian watched in horror as Lily descended into a frenzy, her brutality becoming more and more frightening. He knew he had to intervene before she went too far.

He rushed towards her, trying to grab her arm and pull her back. But she was lost in the heat of the moment, her strength too much for him to handle.

Just as Sebastian was about to give up, he saw a glint of metal out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see one of the gang members lunging towards Lily with a knife.

Without hesitation, Sebastian tackled the assailant to the ground and disarmed him, saving Lily from certain danger.

Panting and covered in sweat and blood, Lily finally came to her senses. She looked at Sebastian with tears in her eyes.

Sebastian approached her cautiously, concern etched on his face. "Your highness, are you alright?"

Lily turned to him, her eyes wild and unseeing. "I... I don't know. I... I think I lost myself for a moment."

Sebastian took her sword gently from her hand and sheathed it. "Come, let's get you back to our place. You need to rest and recover."

A bandit who was in the process of crawling away while leaving behind bloody streaks caught their attention just as they were about to leave.

Lily's anger started to rise once more; she walked over, turned him around, and pinned him to the ground. She straddled the trembling bandit, her knife hovering over his throat. Sweat dripped down his face as he stared up at her with wide, terrified eyes.

"Tell me where the box is," Lily snarled, her voice dripping with venom. "Tell me now, or I'll slice you open like a pig."

The bandit blubbered incoherently, his words drowned out by his sobs. Lily raised the knife higher, her fingers white-knuckled on the handle.

"Lily, stop," Sebastian's voice was soft, but firm. He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to gently pull her away from the bandit.

"He's not going to talk," Sebastian continued, his voice low. "We'll have to find another way to get the information."

Lily hesitated, her hand shaking as she held the knife. She wanted to make the bandit pay for what he had done, for the pain and suffering he had caused her and her friends. But as she looked into Sebastian's eyes, she saw the sadness and concern there.

She let out a sigh and stood up, tossing the knife aside. The bandit let out a relieved sob and crawled away, scrabbling for the door.

Sebastian watched him go, a sad look on his face. "We can't sink to their level, Lily," he said, turning to face her. "We have to find another way."

Lily nodded, her rage slowly dissipating. She knew Sebastian was right, but it was hard to let go of her desire for revenge.

"We'll find the information another way," Sebastian continued, his voice firm. "We'll track down their leader, Lady Nightfall, and make her talk. And when we have what we need, we'll take down this whole gang and bring them to justice."

Several weeks later..

Lily paced around her chambers, her frustration mounting with each step. She couldn't believe she had to sit through these boring lectures on proper etiquette and how to pry information out of people at social gatherings. It was all so dull and pointless to her.

Just as she was about to lose all hope, Sebastian burst into the room, his expression grave.

"Princess, we have news on the investigation. We've been able to track down the leader of the bandit gang that attacked our party in the woods and also who attacked us inside the city."

Lily's eyes lit up at the prospect of finally getting some action. "Who is it? Where can I find them?"

"It's the woman known as Lady Nightfall. We've received information that she's hiding out in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city, near the east gate."

"But there is also something unexpected." Sebastian continued his explanation.

Lily sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on the map in front of her. She traced the lines of the city with her finger, trying to make sense of the information Sebastian had just given her.

"So, you're telling me that the attack on us inside the city was not from Lady Nightfall's gang?" she asked, her voice laced with frustration.

Sebastian nodded gravely. "That's right, my lady. We've been tracking their movements and it seems they've gone into hiding. We believe they're holed up somewhere near the Westgate."

Lily let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair. "This is getting more and more complicated. Who could have attacked us then? And why?"

Sebastian shrugged helplessly. "We're still trying to figure that out. All we know is that it was another gang, but we don't have any leads on who they are or what their motive was."

Lily clenched her fists, determination written all over her face. "It doesn't matter; we need to capture that Necromancer quickly. I'll go tonight. I'll bring her down and make her pay for what she's done."

"My Lady, you know I can't let you come with me on this raid. It's too dangerous," Sebastian said, pacing back and forth in her chambers.

Lily glared at him. "I can handle myself, Sebastian. I'm not a child."

"I know you're not a child, princess. But you're also not a seasoned warrior like me. This is a dangerous mission, and I can't risk your safety. Please, just stay here and attend the imperial princess's birthday party. It's important for your family's reputation."

He sighed as he glanced at her still-raised eyebrow.

"Lily, I understand your concerns, but I can handle this on my own," Sebastian said as he checked the gear in his bag. "I am an assassin, it is what I do. I can take down Lady Nightfall's gang without any help."

Lily crossed her arms and frowned. "I don't like it. Those bandits killed our knights, they could do the same to you. At least take some of the knights with you for backup."

Sebastian shook his head. "No, it is too risky. We can't risk revealing our true identities to anyone outside of our small group. And besides, the knights are needed to escort you to the princess's birthday celebration. Their presence is necessary for our cover."

Lily sighed and uncrossed her arms. "Fine. But I want you to hire some help for this raid. You can't go in alone."

"As you wish for my highness. I might just know some scum I can use as cannon fodder." He grinned as he left the room.