
Chapter 64

Chapter 64

hearing a low groan Alice proceeded to poke there cheek, bleary eyes opened trying hard to bring things back into focus. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." Alices voice seemed to resound, causing the figure sprang up and begin patting all over himself especially his belly letting out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness I'm still chunky, I thought all that training and the like would have turned me thin or muscular or something." John says with a slight shiver imagining himself as a thin or muscular person and greatly disliking it.

"Agreed, if you suddenly become thin or muscular you wouldn't be half as good of a hug pillow anymore, oh but I'm supposed to catch you up on things, so welcome to the future!" Alice says with a smile as she bounces around next to him giving him a big glomping hug.

"Ugh, well I guess its good to be back, damn, you wouldn't believe what I went through, and I was even cut off from the real world well I was 'healing' and 'bonding', but seriously? It was more like my friends felt like this was prime time to use their voices and put me through various hells, I mean I'm cuddly! No way in hell do I want to lose weight or bulk up or some shit like that, yet they insisted and even forced me to be that way there! Why can't they understand fat guys make great pillows like you do." John says grabbing on and holding Alice acting overly dramatic and playing along with her.

"Ooooh, what type of training? Do you suddenly have a soul slayer or special spirit helping you? And how couldn't you know what was going on? Weren't you made aware of anything?" Ash's voice sounded out in her own brand of excitement ruining the moment, more so since she began to poke John all over.

Lightly pushing her away he turned to Alice extremely confused to try and figure things out. "Uhm Alice, who exactly is this person, a friend of yours?" He asks unsure, only to get a scowl in return.

"She's an annoyance, a lost bitch called Ash that I was prevent from turning into the literal part of her name since she can be 'useful' or whatever, but instead of actually being useful she's being nothing but a cow breasted annoyance with a ever growing chest, I mean seriously! These where the same size as mine when we picked upper up and now look at them!" She almost yells as she slips behind Ash and proceeded to grope and squeeze her getting an eep in reply as she tried to wriggle loose.

Rubbing his temples and letting out a sigh the sight of this John knew he needed answers, but before that he did what any straight guy is expected to do in such a situation and kept his mouth shut, tried to open his eyes a bit wider and began doing all he could to try and burn this image of a girl groping another to the point of there cloths slightly coming loose into his mind. Afterall its not every day such a scene happens right infront of you.

A few minutes later once everyone was a bit calmer John had things explained to him about all he had missed, from the captured imp and there time in the Gods realm with Braedon having taken over to coming back months later and there conflict with the Marauders that saw Lesh coming out and finishing with the current order of things from his small force of people and the place that had been created here.

John silently took it all in, the time skip part bothered him somewhat as it took away the early stages of preparation but somewhat glad that they had at least had some framework to work with now, the classes the few people had here would prove invaluable, plans already running through his mind.

"And there's been no retaliation or attacks or anything since then? No one has come by either?" He couldn't help but ask with a frown, noticing that part the lack of other people being an extreme anomaly.

"Hmm nope, no people, some shelbies and farm wolves were brought though along with various building materials and the like from the surrounding areas." Alice says after some thought clearly not noticing the abnormalities like John had.

"I have a really bad feeling, and I haven't even had a chance to go through the things here, but I will try to do that when I get back." He mutters to himself before turning to the girls.

"Where's the prisoners that we've taken? The Imp, the Bastard and the 3 girls? Speaking of which any progress in helping them?" John asked with a sour look on his face, the idea of keeping the girls as prisoners due to actions out of their own control didn't sit well at all with him.

"Oh oh, I can show you! My bestie Saya should be heading there soon to screw with the bastard! I've been giving her some suggestions from some of the brutal stuff I've seen before to help spice things up." Ash couldn't help but excitedly say and try to drag him away much to Alices annoyance who reluctantly followed them.