
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

"My names Rachelle, but I prefer being called ray, my class is archer, I kind of just picked something at random." The red head stepped forward and spoke first, the rest following slowly, a few admitting to having done the same, a few of the large men had chosen to be warriors but with different details, one for axes, another for shields, one for swords and the other oddly enough a armoured berserker, when asked further he admitted that well he can handle pain he didn't like it so when he saw armoured he didn't bother reading further and just chose it but didn't seem to help him much when he lost a leg he lamented.

Each of the warriors clearly had a piece missing, the berserker a leg, the axe warrior a eye and a few fingers on one hand, the sword user a arm and the shield user seemed to be missing a chunk from his side, the red angry colour showing it was forcefully healed but never sorted properly resulting in him having a curve in the side of his body.

Nodding solemnly Lesh directed them to the side and looked at the rest. For the rest of the men other than the warriors and old man there was a pair of mages, two brothers who chose opposite elements, one of lightning the other of earth, the rest though turned out to be various self-titled 'useless' jobs as they lamented and put themselves down, one was a gatherer, his ability allowing him to find things around him, but he could only choose 1 item, he explained that if he where to try and find food it could take him to something rotten as it could still count as food just not edible for him, if he did it more specifically such as preserved food, it would lead him to where some is but that was how he was captured as it lead him to a raiding party having there meals.

Another was a city builder, claiming he enjoyed such games and thought it would be similar only to find that well he could plan them out and make a start he didn't have the strength or stamina to finish them and even the start he could make ended up crumbling, he could plan it and picture what a place should be like but he would need to direct others on how to create it making him feel he messed up with his choice in this new world.

Another claimed there class to be called mineral vain, they had no idea what they where doing and chose randomly. His class allows him to create a mineral vain in exchange for energy from him, after using it the first time he had passed out and only created a small lump of iron mixed with stones, feeling it was far from worth it he tried to fight instead and using a iron sword worked surpassingly well for him before he got captured.

the final guy was rather strange though, he just claimed his class to be a candle maker and how each day he could create a candle if he wanted, its size being the same as his palm but with a wick and everything. Lesh was unsure about him feeling there was far more to it than he was saying but didn't pry for the time being but would make sure this fellow was watched.

As for the old man he didn't seem to want to speak infront of the others so asked to speak to Lesh in private, confused but understanding he told Alice he would be right back and to check the ladies classes for him, believing they would be more comfortable with a fellow women over a strange man.

"So what's so mysterious that you felt you needed to tell me your class in private? Are you concerned about what the others would think?" Lesh asks him getting a chair for the old man to sit on.

"I suppose it can be seen as something like that, it will require a little bit of back story but you see I was dying when this world changed or rather to be more specific I was about to die due to various forms of cancer. "He began.

"How would something like that go unnoticed though? As for as I am aware its not something a doctor would or even could easily overlook." Lesh couldn't help but ask, sceptism lacing his tone earning a small laugh from the old man.

"My family, may they be burning in the deepest pits of a black hell, kept me locked up and treated by their doctors since I began to fall ill, I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow stimulated the cancers somehow. So, there I was on various machines, and it was the day the doctors said I was due to die. And let me tell you this, anyone who says they don't fear death is a bold face liar, just because a person can accept death doesn't mean they don't fear it right at the end. I was the same, I saw the reaper approaching but then things changed, admittedly I am still unsure what to make of my choice, but it kept me alive and continuing to this point, I fear I might not be able to die at all now, at least not by normal means. My class is called Cell Excitement." He says with a small laugh,

"Ironic, isn't it? I was about to die so I chose something at random without a care and it give me the ability to live through the very thing that was killing me, the cancer mutated and changed to somehow become an extreme healing and regeneration factor, similar to that red suit comic book guy, except it ate away at me, turning me into the skin and bones before you, well I can become more normal and honestly rather muscular to the point of shaming a body builder its tiring so I prefer looking like this I also learnt I can slightly heal others wounds by causing there cells to rapidly multiply and close there wounds and in the event my muscular form wont work I learnt another way to use my ability as well, one far more dangerous and harmful, even deadly." The old man says with a smile as he gets up and walks a little bit away from Lesh to a plant at the side, placing his hand on it the plant seems to bulge and bubble, its form growing and swelling with various lumps before becoming a large mass on the floor.

"Rapid multiplication of cells on a base level, like how cancer multiplies rapidly I can cause cells in other creatures and beings to do the same." His smile that of a gentle grandfather offset by what he had just shown he could do catching Lesh by surprise.

So a old man with a OP ability, honestly I wanted him to seem special and everything I've seen regarding old people either have them dying to push a character forward or being a total badass, so figured gramps should be a badass because why not, now his not invincible, many things can kill him especially since magic is a thing so don't think of him a deus ex machina :-}

Coronis_Nocturncreators' thoughts