
Chapter 57

Chapter 57

"Staaaare. Staaaaare. Staaaaare." Was the strange sound that woke Lesh from his slumber, looking over he noticed Alice right there next to him was the cause, staring intently at him with a finger almost poking him well quietly repeating and dragging out the word 'stare' for some reason.

"What are you doing?" Lesh couldn't help but ask hoping beyond hope that just maybe he would get a decent answer.

"Trying to stare into your soul or mind, I figured if I stare hard enough maybe I can get a look inside and see John and Braedon and who knows who else." She replies seemingly trying to stare even more intently now.

"All that's going to do is give you a headache, and its rather annoying. Why don't you go see who else is up and help organize some breakfast for everyone." He tells her getting up and making his way to the bathroom to do a morning routine with interest, once more finding 'living' something strange yet full of new things he never got to experience before.

It was half a hour later when Lesh went outside to find everyone slowly eating and savouring there breakfasts of dry cereals in wooden bowls and some fruit no doubt all provided by Elena. Grabbing a wooden bowl for himself and Lesh calmly got some for himself as well as he joined them, everyone though stopping and going silent as he did so.

"What's wrong with everyone? Have I done something wrong or broken a human taboo or something with one of my actions?" He asks trying to figure it out.

"It's because you're sitting and eating cereal same as all of us." The red head girl with the old man finally says, getting a look from him.

"And I'm not welcome to sit here and eat with you all or is it that you didn't think I required food or something?" he replied only to be met with headshakes from everyone and sputtering.

"No no! Its nothing like that, its just we figured with you being 1 of the leaders now and stuff you would kinda be eating better than us?" she tries to explain receiving a look of understanding from Lesh.

"I see, its because of my speech last night then, about how distribution will be based on contribution and all that. Well here's the thing, I needed to say something to ensure there wouldn't be leaches onto us or our resources, and the best way I could think to do so would be to make it seem like It isn't worth it, honestly speaking everyone will be eating the same but if you don't pull your weight you would just receive less than everyone else, but if you push to do more than you needed to then you could receive more, and if everyone pushes a bit and does a little more or everyone preforms really well then, depending on our supplies, there could be treats and such that will be brought out as I wouldn't mind rewarding everyone for their hard work and loyalty." Lesh finally says getting his thoughts in order and getting happy looks from everyone.

"Now let's eat our cereals and drink our waters, once everyone is done, we can start making a makeshift list of jobs and responsibilities for everyone." Lesh says pouring some more cereal out his bowl into his mouth. Alice though seemed to be mingling and trying to make friends with everyone, her bubbly bouncy madness somehow seemed to be endearing to everyone and helped to brighten the morning.

After finishing his breakfast Lesh asked about the stuff that was brought and got told Elena was keeping it for them, seemingly not wanting to have it laying around she took it upon herself to have it sorted and stored in what she called tree-lockers in the greenhouse. He would have loved to get a closer look at them himself with how Elena seemed to dislike him do to his undead base nature (a nature of life and a base nature of death even heavily filtered don't get along, who knew?) he decided to leave it be for the time being.

"Alright everyone, kindly line up on front of me, I would like to hear everyone's name, class and what you are good at. I would greatly prefer someone with a good memory or mind to be first to act as a secretary of sorts as I admittedly don't have the best of minds or memories." Lesh tells them with a mild bit of embarrassment getting some chuckles form all of them thinking it was a joke.

Funny thing I was semi referring to myself in the memory department there, I get so much going on in my head I loose track entirely not just of characters but even real life. Anyway thanks all for reading, hope your enjoying it :-)

Coronis_Nocturncreators' thoughts