
~Chapter 1~

Great you're finally here... I ca-cant believe it... If only you knew how long I've waited mistress... Ah yes, I know you have many questions, but have no fear for I am here. Right where to start? Hmmm... oh I know, the very beginning right? Haha, thought so. Right so eight centuries ago in the land of Agnalogia, Dragons and humans were at peace, never botherd one another till one stupid kid had to ruin everything...

Something that was so precious and was so cared for was ruined! The relationship between the two creatures crumbled as they waged war upon one another, this sent dragons under ground an- what no they didn't go extinct pfft, they just went under ground. Like I was saying they were sent under ground to keep themselves hidden from the humans. Sure it wasn't the life style they chose but they had no choice. The king of Agnalogia always sent his Number one Knight All Might on journeys to execute any dragons on sight, to keep his people safe.

Yes yes i know, I will get to that now, patients young one. Now back to the beginning of time...

"Oiiii deku!" The young ash blonde called his friend over to him who was not too far from him. "Yeah kachan what's wrong?"

"Nothing just get your ass here!"he growled calling the green haired kid over. "We need to go to my father, he is expecting me to be a friendly fucking prince and guide you to him, his such a pain in the ass sometimes..." the green haired just blinked and soon followed after. "Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid you damn nerd, I don't want to have to clean up after you're ass!"

"Oi kid dont forget our deal, if you dont kill the king of the dragons,we will not be returning your mother, so choose do you want her dead or alive?" The memory jogs through the brocolli haired kid and jumped at the thought, the ash blonde kid turned to see fear on his friends face "oi whats up?"

"Haha its nothing kachan! Don't worry about it!" They treaded along one another quietly all the way to the dragon King. "You have arrived hazar! My son, you have done well, i need to have a word with your friend alone, besides its about your future as king!" The prince just tched and left along with everyone who had accompanied the king in his throne hall. "Now now come closer!" The green haired kid came closer to the king seeing the king transform from being a dragon to a human so that he wouldn't be so intimidating towards the human boy. "As you know Katsuki one day will be taking over my throne once im gone, I want you to be there protecting him from harm from any of those humans who have been tracking us down to kill us!"

The green haired kid flinched at the words of the king, the king noticed this and asked what was wrong. No response... "Im sorry sire but i need my mom!" With that said the green haired kid slit the kings throat. The king fell to the ground, took the kings crown and ran, luckily he knew a sneaky way out of this castle! Once he had escaped he heard dragon roars! As quick as he could he got to where the thieves were that took his mother, got his mother back and went as far as he could. War broke out and the dragons fled under the ground.

Hehe well now you know what happened. Any questions? Yes Madoriya did move from the town he lived in to not get killed by any dragon when he least expected it. And no he never saw his friend Kachan ever again! How could he after what he did to his father! No duhhhh Katsuki became king after hes father was executed, okay okay no more questions ok? This is where a young female who changed everything came into the story!

"Hey, (L/n)! You musnt go there, its dangerous and I've heard rumors... sure they're just people talking but what if they're true? What then?" Shinso, (y/n)'s closest friend trails off but continues not leaving her a second to speak "yeah, the rumors that ive been hearing has spoken of someone, someone even scarier than a dragon and come on that's saying something!" (Y/n) just giggled "hey Shinso ill be fine... really!" He just shook his head " you know I wouldn't warn you if I didn't think it was dangerous... look I know you're an adventurer and you can handle yourself but can you blame me for being worried!" She just shrugged he shoulders and sighed "what if something terrible happens... what then?"

"Shinso, hey, dont worry ill be okay! Have you forgotten, im a skilled fighter! And after all it is my choice, and hey if im gone then theres only a matter of time ill be back..." silence fell upon them, the sound of weapons being forged in the back ground growing rapidly till the silence broke "since I can't change your mind, please take this with you!" He turns to turns to her with a weapon in hand as he had walked away from her to the weapon area, he had just finished with that weapon. "Its my best work, and maybe just maybe, it'll save your life, if the rumors are more than just that..."

"Thank you Shinso, its stunning, damn good craftsman if I say so myself damn. Ill take good care of it I promise!"

"Thats what I would like to hear. Now about the specifics, I didnt want to go into detail but its pritty important. Theres someone they call king... you know the dragons, its been years since we were at war with them, you know how its been, monsters versus the humans... Civilised cultures and yet we never really made much headway. And he, he alone, they accept him, a dragon so powerful that he could take the form of a man!"

"Wait I thought, they originally can transform into humans..." Shinso just stared at her unamused and continued "he is as intimidating as he is possessive, he's hording the most treasures, drawing many adventurers to their doom. Can you blame me for being scared, I don't want to have to loose you too."

(Y/n) took a step towards him to hug him, after being stunned from the hug Shinso slowly hugged back "look just come back in one piece okay, im not asking you to do anything crazy but its seems like that is what you are set on. And that's what I expect from you, from the two years I've known you that seems to be your thing, and honestly i guess you wouldn't be you without it. Now get outta here and we can smile about this later when you survive! You better come back, got it!" She just nodded her head.

"Its a promise... we dont break those right?"

"Its a promise Shinso!" She said sticking out her tongue. "At least you're not going alone, you have some capable friends, well we may have chosen different professions but i respect what you do, but the bust I can do is give you warm wishes and my best work"

"Wait do i have to pay you back?"

"Yeah you can pay me back later with all that treasure you're gonna bring back home, besides your ridding the world from all the monsters and there are already too many of those. Havent you heard of that assination guild. No body knows their face but we know what they are going to do, not many people can stop it. If we're not careful they'll just take down the good king then who knows what will happen next. I hear that everything is just choas over there and that's fine i guess. Just gotta take it one day at a time."

"Yeah i guess you're right Shinso but don't worry I'll be fine i promise! I'll come back and pay you back and things will go back the way the are now?"

"Uhhh your not making sense-"

"Oh hush now, i know i know"

"Now go, go before i change your mind. May the gods be with you and may that weapon serve you well against the Dragon king! Goodbye my friend and please come back alive..."

She noded releasing herself from the hug and ran off to the rest of her shopping for her journey that may lay ahead of her. "Okay now to check if i have all my-"

"Heyyyyyy (Y/n)!"

"Oh hey Jirou, how you been?"

"Same as always, trying to make a career of singing but its taking a bit longer that expected!" A long sigh leaving her lips. "Oi you'll do great, just wait your time will come and you will shine amongst the stars and when you do ill be along side you every step of the way!"

"Thanks (y/n), oh a little birdy told me yesterday that you were going on an adventure tomorrow, please be safe, im assure you know what dangers are in our times! Im not gonna remind you, are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yeah Jirou, my life is empty without a bit of adventure you know what i mean, anyways i would love to stick around and chat a little longer but i need to finish of my list of things I need to get and get a well rested nights sleep."

"Okay I'll be here hoping you make it out alive!" Jirou and (Y/n) went their separate ways "ok now back to my list, I've got food... check, I've got day wear and night wear... check, the rest is at home. Well seems like i have everything..." After she got home she did her nightly routine suck as make herself something to eat, bathe, brushed teeth and went to bed nice and early so that she could have energy for the next day.

Well as fast as she fell asleep, the faster a new day dawned. Excitement filled the air as she quickly got ready, with once again her usual morning routine and headed out to start her journey but first things first, she had to meet up with her friends and comrades.