

Catastrophe breaks the thousands of years of foundation of entire humanity and bring them to extinction. It wasn't man made nor natural but something more bizzare from unknown milky-way, a meteorite of some destroyed plantery system as large as Urasia!, came forth and from the sky as if it's going to rip apart whole blue sky. Due to this unknown, countless countries along with its citizens were wiped out. When push came to shove, remaining humans joint created a last circle of society to face off the unknown. Past turning into dust, present crumbling in front of their eyes, future were uncertain. With the Crashed Meteorite from unknown milky-way, it brought, something, something like a parasite, which soon mixed in within the wind, turns into a disease which mutated many deformed some and what's remain gained some supernatural ability, but threat of the Unknown is still there. Wanna know more then stay tuned with me, cuz, I have a long way to go......

VelRiose · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Apocalypse~ Love Bloom

"Unh! Unh! Aah! Ah! Ahoo! Ahoo! Ahoo! Hhh!" Breathing heavily as waving his hands here n there to get the ear creepy buzz sounds to stop but weren't able to. As slowly opened his right eye, then followed left, the brightness of flaming sun made him to blink several times. Moments later Rio! sit up, his back still in pain cuz he got caught in the impact and huge energy waves of those two psycho maniacs.

Luckily survived but how? As Rio looked his surroundings, His eyes widened in shock as he has been in an open place lying under the shade of some huge rounded tree. It's branches were like a maze grew up to cover that whole area like a kindergarten park. He heard some familiar sounds of clanging of flies as well as buzz of bees. Some sparrows pipes Others chirping. He knows what he is hearing this can only mean he is still alive.

**Lub! Dub! Lub! Dub!**

Someone rushed towards where Rio is gazing here n there, while that person's heart is pumping on alarming rate.

"Lub!Dub! Lub!Dub! Lub!Dub!"

Finally that person came and jumped on Rio, made him startled he was looking the tree behind him when all this happen. Rio's heart beat sky rocketed as there wasn't any gap left between the dual bodies to pass any air. Rio can clearly hears, girl's heart beeping superfast as her head buried in his chest. Rio couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the bun less Silky brown hair, has lost its silkiness but still has its purity and didn't took him long to tighten his grip as he wrapped the weeping girl in his arm and said "Jena! I'm Okay!."

Rio:- "Shh...shhh! Don't Cry! Don't Cry! See...I'm alive and kicking. Ouch! Your grip will kill me. I'm still hurt you know." He Chuckled while holding Jena in his arms. On the other hand Jena is still bewildering of her actions.

She couldn't believe herself that she had been worried about Ryo for three days. It's been six days since the plane crashed. 4 days ago, Jena swam across the ocean in search of foods and drinks. When she first woke up, she felt herself trapped among dead human flesh in a slaughter house.

She also saw Vulture and other unfamiliar things which she can't explain in words are so huge and so large can cover whole sky feasting on the rotting bodies. She somehow saved herself in unprecedented situations as she met some other survivors who formed a group to survive and thrive to get back their lost dignity, Status and most of all getting back to the land of living cuz as far as they can see nothing but Planes Rubble's, rotting bodies and unfamiliar being, made them think that they are on some uncharted territory.

During their expedition they found an isolated island which they ventured curiously and maped in their minds. Making sure that no life threatening danger is here. They used the metals of debris as weapons, sharpened it and created knives, Spears, and other things. They used it to ventured inside this Oval shaped Island. As they ventured inside the thick dark woods surprisingly, there wasn't any insects nor snake's or birds nests, but bountiful and riches with wild fruits, Edible Greenery's, and thick trees. But the most important task they all have in their hands, is to find drinking water, as the group ventured once every day to chart the ways inside this island.

Day before yesterday all of a sudden cold wind slapped their weak physique as to save themselves from heavy rainfalls the group went inside the forest, only to find it was covered under dark spooky mist. As they heard water flowing sound from the mist. instead of going in night they agreed to wait for the dawn as they felt happy to see a small pond of drinkable water. As the water was coming from under the rock on their right filling the small pond and as for why this pond not getting full or the natural mechanism they don't know but felt happy to get tasty drinking water.

As all of them helped eachother, they made small huts on the beach of this island with the woods they got after cutting some ten or so trees in a day and two as the construction is still going on. They were 10 in numbers and do things after discussing to eachother. That's how they all survived till now. It's like they were in Mediaeval Era or maybe in stone age, but they kept believing that some day someone shall come and they will be back to their previous world.

It's been so long for Rio that someone is showing so much love and sympathy towards him. He remembers that no one has shown any interest in him, let alone consoling him during his sad days. Ryo gently combed and patted Jena's hairs with his left hand, then began to stroke her entire back and waist with his dominant right. Jena closed her eyes, her face turning pink, her lips quivering as Rio's hand slid down Jena's waist. Jena raised her head and Rio moved his face closer to Jena's. Both the bodies flared up in the sensual fire of lust and Ryo's dry lips started licking Jena's Lotus'.

Rio:- "Ah! Her lips are leaking juices, I can't lose it. Wow! Her body fits perfectly in my arms. I never thought that, in my wildest dreams that I will have my first kiss with her. Jena! my love! I love her! I adore her! She has crossed the boundary cuteness as she is the cutest damsel I have ever seen."

"Well my eyes only have seen her ever since, my eyes met her pair of jewel's melted my heart on the spot. Ahh! Her body is so soft. If I have known this then, then, might be that possible. Yeah! Absolutely possible, that I could have my family, our family, my and her, no our kids long time ago. Aah! This feels great I'm losing my focus, can't help this is too much for me to handle. Uhhm! I-I'm not going to let her go from my arms ever again. I-I can't loose her. I'm letting my lust taking over me."

"Mhmmm...! Her tongue so soft and sooo... Warm. I felt like melting. Aah! Gulp! Uhh! I drank her saliva this is too much for me to handle. Uhh! My hands are moving own its own its like they have their own mind. I can't Focus. Aah! Mhmmm....! Her breath feels so good. I can hear her heart beeping so fast, so loud, mine also ringing on alarming rate. Her mouth it feels so good. She isn't resisting anymore. Is she also felt the same like I do. Mhmmm! I can't stop kissing her. I want to go beyond! I don't want to let go of these bountiful moments. What is this this sensation Aahaa!."

Rio came out of his wildest thoughts with reddened body. He looked at Jena in his lovable gaze, with softly blinking. His blue veins were ready to pop out of his skinny skins. His body heat up to the brim that he was breathing fastly as he moved his face to watch the sheer cuteness of his baby doll. Jena on the other hand, felt a lustful sparkness in her abdomen and below like some unknown force is unknowingly making her go through this lovely path.

Her face turned pinked with her small red nose as her Lotus dripped some of her love juices when she looked above in the eyes of Rio which is blinking with crazy and otherworldly emotions. Jena couldn't help but gave him a subtle smile as she let her body decide to go and do its bidding. As she touched his erected veiny shaft of muscles gave him a surprise, not just that, her left hand grabbed his back and pinched him whereas her right, went inside his half torn yellow jeans and started playing with the bat with two balls intact.

Rio! couldn't thought much, as his hands were still holding her in his arms, with his left hand he gently patted her back head and slowly get her close towards his loving gaze. Jena! saw the desires Rio! was holding for her for all these years. That's reminded her when she first came in 'Zone 23' most kids of her age didn't bother to play or study or talked with her. But Rio! was indifferent back then too cuz even though they didn't talked much during their study sessions, she couldn't help but noticed that Rio! gave her a different look. Not like others.

Jena! also found out that Rio! doesn't have much friend's nor he is part of any group. Soon she got fond of him as some strings drawn her towards Rio! and she found her heart beating whenever Rio! looked or talked her. When plane crashed she felt like her whole world is gone and lost any hope. But then in those darkest doomed she only wanted to see her First and last love one more time to embrace his domineering love, his flesh and soul and also to move along the way to get their relationship on next level by having him making her womb bigger.

Rio:- "Mhmmm! Wow! No matter how many time I kiss her, she is just too good for me. Uhmmm! Ahh! Je-Jana! Don't stroke too much I can't hold out for much longer. Oh!oh!oh! I-I want you Jena! I want to have my first inside you. Only you! Jena! I love you! I do! And I always love you! Let's do it. I don't want to lose you and I want to have lots of babies with you."

"Only y-you can be our children's mother. No one else but you. My love! Mhmmm! Your bossoms are so soft and your nipples Mhmm!" Rio! felt enormous emotions for the first time as his body heating up with lustful eyes, reddened body he talked and non-stop kissed and gulped Jena's left Bossom and from earlier rubbing her right Bossom from above her clothes.

Both soul's were engulfing in burning flames of love and lust as sweats dropping off of the duos. Their bodies turned hot as they bathed in sweat all over their bodies. Flesh is kissing flesh making this moment more pleasurable as they were ready to finally see and let loose of their wildest desires as the warmness of both, forgotten the fleshly pain. But as both of them forgotten they were in an open space and didn't notice someones approached as that women's coughing called them out of the Peak of Heavenly Lust and Love.


Gomiliya:- "Look at you two! everyone is worry sick out there and you're here Jena!. A-And y-you should watch out of seeing by others. Things are tensed now and others see you two like this then just think what they will do." when she came here on this small hill with giant tree, to look for Rio! she saw something which she shouldn't have. Well she also felt an inching to embrace herself in her lover's arms, but she won't have one though. For a second she also got aroused but quickly get her composure back and shocked the kittens by frowning, with her mouth wide open, both arms crossed in front of her bossoms, slightly open space between her feets, and a questionable look on. Staring at them with intensity.

"Huh! G-G-G-Gomiliya! wh-wh-what aa...re yyyyou ddddoing here?" Jena! got shocked and startled at the same time as she replied to Gomiliya. If there was someone else in place of Gomiliya!, Jena! would have chewed them raw and, she was ready to bite her like a black serpent and eat it raw. Her blood boiling as she has blood in her eyes that she is going to chopped Gomiliya in pieces.

As for Rio his rock hard shaft turned back to like tiny seed of mango. Both looked at each other as still holding hands and Jena sitting on Rio's Lap facing Gomiliya. Their hearts still beating on alarming rate as theirs Sensuous meter rapidly getting down. As Jena sit next to Rio still holding his left hand in her right grip. Well Rio don't know what to say so he kept faced down. Jena is the one doing all the talk.

The couple looked stunned as well as embarrassed for their adult act as they were interrupted by their coach Gomiliya!. Somehow Jena! kept the matter to a minimum and Gomiliya! felt that the matter should not be taken further. "Okay! I'm not going to inspect any further nor I want to. So you don't need to get your guard up. Huh! I just came here to check on you both. Well I'm not going to speak about your matters to anyone. I give you my word. Keeping secrets of my students is a teacher's job too you know" Gomiliya said as gently as she could. Well she have seen other couples doing the same or more wild, in past few days.

After Gomiliya and Party caught in storm, Huge ocean waves somehow thrown them near one of this islands shore. Non of them got injured as narrowing their path they met Jena's group, who are out hunting for birds and fishes and gather wild fruits. Well Love Bloomed, Attraction, don't have many things to do, couples made their own hut, in that wilderness. Night is not giving much horror, nor its as creepy as it was in the beginning. As Love mixed lusty Moan! echoed throughout the darkness. Time passes without any interval as 8 months passed by in a blink of an eye. It was another normal morning, but the oval Islands atmosphere changed as ten of the ladies baby bump can be seen with their partners.