
Children of Zaun

Two friends die hand to hand talking about their new favorite show, only to get a surprise after death I know nothing about League of Legends but Arcane is pretty cool

Huffman · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Fight Club

One twist and another, Ekko was fully concentrated on getting this piece of junk to work. He was so concentrated that he didn't even hear the door open.

The owner of the shop heard this and spoke. "We're closed,"

"Well, open up,"

"For good. You can take your worthless junk elsewhere. "

Vander sighs. "Just as well. Owner's the shittiest businessman I know. "

There was a silence between the two. They gave each other cold glances until they both busted out into laughter.

"Ekko. What's going on with that thing?"

Stopping his work, Ekko turned around and spoke. "Give me a few seconds. The cannon pinion's still busted. "

"Well, finish it later. Vander and I need a word"

"But -"

"Uh-uh. Off you go"

Throwing the wrench he was using on the ground, he picked up his box of things and ran to the door. With Vander opening the door for him, he was greeted with the sight of Claggor.


"Hey, Little Man. Was hoping you would be working today, "

"Did you guys go?" The boy asked, full of excitement.

"Uhh, sure, did. Hey, listen, how did you find that place? I just -"

He was cut off by the still excited Ekko jumping and moving around.

"Whoa, did you fight the enforcers?" He says, noticing the scars on Claggors face.

"What? No, just some bums."

"Oh, let me guess Vi kicked their asses?"

"Well, yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be here otherwise,"

"OH, by the way, she showed me a couple of moves to practice. Look." He says, giving Claggor his box and throwing a couple of punches and kicks.

"But that's not the only thing I learned recently, check this out" spreading his legs apart, Ekko squats and does a spin with his right leg out as if he was sweeping someone off their feet. Next, he quickly gets up and does a spinning upper cut.

Claggor hums to himself. "Where did you learn that?"

Resting his hands on his hips, Ekko spoke. "Some kid at a fight club did it, but he was way faster than I was. I mean, so fast the guy back didn't even touch the ground when he did the upper cut. "

"I'm not sure if that's even possible. Plus, what are you doing in fight clubs?"


"Forget it for right now. Just tell me, how did you find that place?"

"Some weirdo came into the shop. He bought a whole bunch of stuff Benzo only keeps for display. He paid in gold and didn't even haggle. Aaand I charged him double price. Heh sucker." He chuckled, going back to practicing his punches.

"But how did you know where he lived?"

"Well, I followed him, of course. How else"

"Oh right."

Taking the box back and sitting it on his ride, he and Claggor looked to their right and saw a group of enforcers coming. Claggor froze and wondered if he should warn Vander and Benzo, but Ekko pushed him away and told him to go.

He leaned against his ride and tried to act casual with the enforcers passing by him and entering the shop. "Shit," he said, looking into the window, not being able to hear anything. Seeing one of the enforcers walk to the door, Ekko quickly ran around the building and went up the roof and into the attic.

Quietly walking over to a device, Ekko used it to get a good view of the situation and knocked the dust out another device to listen. It seemed one of the enforcers knew Vander personally and told him someone needed to be held responsible for the chaos that happened topside. She gave Vander a choice to make, and the burden gave him more stress than raising 4 kids. He he needed to make a decision, one he would regret either way.

With powder:

A girl in a dimly lit room laying in her bed with rock music playing, reached into a box beside her bed and took a piece of metal, along with a crayon, and started coloring on it. Hearing footsteps, someone leaned on the side of the bunkbed, and Powder could already guess who it was.

"What are you calling this one?"

The voice asked, looking up and seeing it was Vi Powder answered "Whisker"

Vi sat down and took a breath.

"You seemed sad earlier, wanna talk about it?"

Powder quickly got up and curled into a ball. "What's the point? we got the stuff and got away with it."

"True, but it seems something else is eating at you."

"Well, I don't know. I'm just surprised I didn't mess it up this time like I always do."

Vi sighed. She must have heard the little rant Mylo went on about being surprised Powder didn't mess up this time. Clenching her fist and raising it, she spoke.

"We all have our own way of dealing with problems, I have these, and you got those." She says lightly, touching Powders' other creations.

"You don't get it, and besides, those never work,"

"They will. But what did you mean by I don't get it?" There was a weird silence after Vi asked that. Getting tired of it Vi got up and told Powder to follow her. They walked onto the roof and looked over the Underground. It was a beautiful sight…if you ignored the smell and violence that happened down below.

The two sat down on the edge, and Powder spoke. "What are we doing here?"

"See that gutter running along the canal?" She says, pulling a pipe out the fence beside her and handing it to Powder so she can see better. Vi told her how Claggor got stuck there running from enforcers and had to stay there all night until they found him. Then she pointed in another direction and told Powder how Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket, trying to draw a giant middle finger and almost fell off. She also mentioned how his ass made a splotch on the edge, getting a laugh out of Powder.

And finally Vi looked in front of her, and told Powder how some guy took her favorite toy and threw it up high into some pipes. She told Powder how she would stare at it every night, hoping it would fall off by the wind or by some bird, but it never happened.

"We've all had our bad days. But we learn. And stick together." She said, smiling and hugging her sister. Powder embraced the hug. And because of that, her mood was much better, which led her to finally speak about what happened.

"Ok, someone helped me when I was being chased.

"Really? Who was it?"

"His name was Clay, he's about the same age as me and Ekko."

Vi had to think for awhile, sure she was happy that someone saved her sister, but in the Lanes, nothing was free, so what was his reasoning for helping her. Powder snapped her out of her train of thought and spoke.

"Also, these were in my pocket. They're from the apartment"

"What are they?" She said as she looked at the small blue orbs with curiosity and caution.

And with the innocence and ignorance of a child, she simply answered, "I don't know."

With Clay and Kat:

It's not easy to make money in the Planes. You either hustle, steal, or maybe work in a factory…but who the hell wants to do that? With our two twins, they chose the first option, and maybe a little of the second, but that's here or there.

Walking in the streets of Zaun at night, the twins were walking to a building that made a lot of noise and screaming. The smell of the area was strong of blood and sweat. Anyone not used to it would cover their noise instinctively and possibly gag. Stopping in front of the door, they saw a big man standing guard in their way. He looked down on the children and spoke.

"Well, if it isn't the two little devils. You two come to watch or participate?"

Clay gave the bouncer a look, which made him feel stupid and spoke. "Why else would be here. We're here to participate. "

The bouncer grumbled under his breath and turned around, pulling the slide door open, giving the two entry. "Hope you get a good beating tonight, you little shit." The man said as Clay and Kat walked past. As they walked down a long dark hallway, they passed many people who were either passed out or in despair after losing all they had betting on a fight. The two never had this problem because they would fight or place bets on each other, well secretly, of course. There is nothing wrong with making a little bit more coin on the side after all.

Looking at her brother, Kat spoke. "You know, we only come here once every two months. Why is that?"

Clay raised an eyebrow and looked at her confused. "What do you mean why? I told you it was so we could stay out of Silko's radar and make some coin."

Kat stopped walking, and so did Clay. They both stared at each other for a minute before she spoke. "What do you mean you told me? You busted in my room one day, half awake, and told me you knew a cool place to make some coin."



Clay really didn't have much to say. He could have sworn he told her, but guess he was wrong. He apologized, but instead of accepting the apology, Kat smiled at him and told him she would get him back soon. 'Well, that was Eerie.' Clay thought as he quickly followed her.

Opening a steel double door, the two were greeted with a sight they were used to by now. Bright lights, yelling, blood splatter, and coin pouches. Along with the tons of people crowded in one area, you have yourself a fight club. The two brushed past and shoved many out their way until they reached the fat man in a booth surrounded by guards. Seeing the two children coming his way, the man smiled, showing some of his gold teeth with his arms out.

"Well, if it isn't my two favorite children. Which is saying a lot cause I fucking hate kids" he says laughing out loud and banging his fist on the table. Although the smoke and the smell of alcohol was annoying to the two, they sat down to not anger the powerful man.

Clay spoke "Mr. Gold Tooth its nice to see you again. We came to fight today"

"Actually Mr. Gold Tooth I'll be sitting this one out today." Clay looked at his sister confused. What did she mean she was sitting this one out? Before he could question her she spoke again but something in her voice felt unnatural.

"My brother will be fighting alone today. And he's so confident that he wants to fight 5 opponents at once. Don't you think it's a good idea?" Quickly looking at the man, Clay noticed his eyes were cloudy and and unfocused before they returned back to normal and he had his usual boastful smile once again.

"Well I guess he's a pretty good fighter for his age so I'm sure he'll be fine. What do you say kid your up for it?" The man said taking his gold pipe and inhaling it then exhaling in their direction. Looking at his sister smiling oh so innocently at him he knew he couldn't get out of this one and just accepted.

After placing their bets and Kat waving her brother off, he stepped into the dome coverd in dirt mixed with dried blood. That ability of hers was terrifying when your off guard. All it takes was for her to put a suggestion in your head and 9/10 you would agree with it…unless you have a strong willpower that is.

Snapping out of his thoughts Clay sees a group of 5 walking towards him from the other side of the dome. They all had their own weapon. One had a bat, another had a pipe, the third and forth were both holding a sickle, and the last was a tall buff man with the head of a bull with brass knuckles. This was going to be a tough fight, but Clay was confident, all he had to do was spam Flow state and he'll be fine…right?