

Ayobami_0060 · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs


During the 31'st century an asteroid from space struck earth and caused most of the population to disappear while the remaining survivors to fall ill .

Scientist were able to find a cure for the illness and saved everyone but only one percent of the population had a reaction to the cure which gave them powers known as dreams .

This only affected the children and in order to hide them from the government agencies the parents built a house under the impression of it being an orphanage.

The dreams only came out once the child reaches the age of six and once it does they would be sent to the orphanage in order for them not to create havoc in the society.

In the orphanage they would be trained to control their powers and be allowed to experience a normal childhood life. They would be set free to live in the society and have a normal life once they are adults.


The night sky was filled with darkness as there was no stars visible in the sky . The howling of the wind woke Lucy up from her sleep. She stood up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water

As she was walking she heard a person screaming from the kitchen , she ran down fast from the stairs and was shocked to find a trail of blood in the front of the door.

She opened the door and saw her mother laying lifeless on the floor in a pool of her own blood. The sight was ghastly as her mother's neck had been cut open and beside her was her father holding a knife with blood stains .

" Hello there Lucy, how is life without me in it . I told you that you would regret leaving me didn't I ?,look where your selfishness got you . if you had just listened to me none of this would have happened, your mom would still be alive and with us. We could have been a happy family but you just had to ruin it didn't you."

Lucy fell down and wept uncontrollably beside her mother's body , she couldn't believe it her dad found her how."H - how did you find us " Lucy said with a broken voice.

" I installed a tracker on you. Lucy come back home with me, we will be a happy family I promise ". Lucy felt rage in her heart for the first time hearing her father's words.

Lucy's mind blacked out and all she saw was blood. Five minutes passed and she regained her consciousness . She looked at her father's dead body and the knife in her hand. The knife looked strange to her , it was sharper than a regular knife and it's colour was pure red.

She dropped the knife which turned into blood and ran to her room . She took her phone and called the police and rescue team. The police arrived at her house after thirty minutes. They asked her what had happened and she explained everything to them.

The police in charge took Lucy to the orphanage. They rang the doorbell and the door was opened by a lady with bunny ears .

" Officer Dave, what brings you here today"she asked him." I brought another one again today"he said before showing Lucy.

" Oh my gosh, what happened to her"she said looking at Lucy. Lucy was covered in blood and bandages on her arms, legs and neck

" she is a victim of parental and power abuse"he said disappointed.

" You can leave her to me "she said to him ."okay" he said before leaving.

"What's your name and age little angel"she said smiling,"my name is Isabella but you can call me mom ".

"My name is Lucy and I am twelve years old"Lucy said shyly."here , you can wear this and we can go meet everyone"Isabella said giving Lucy a new pair of clothes.