
Children of Creation(Haitus)

Ray Lawrence was rising star in school, it was until he was given a setback that he was noticed by a higher being. Will he be able to react to things thrown at him this time around.

DaoOfSurprise · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Prologue- Chosen

My name is Ray Lawrence, it was Game day today and I was pretty excited as this was for the Championship. I woke up around 6 in the morning and got ready for High school, I was a popular kid as I was pretty handsome, smart, and athletic, plus I had that relaxing vibe that everyone enjoyed. I got through all my classes pretty well as I was a senior and conversed with some of my friends throughout the day, it was until later that afternoon when I won the game for my team that it happened.

"Lets gooooo!!!!!!"(Teammate 1)

"Hell yeah!!!"(Teammate 3)

"Good shit Ray!!!"(Teammate 2)

"Holy crap that was scary!!!"(Ray)

I just made the winning touch down for my team as we were tied and running out of time.

My team and I was on the field with some other people celebrating while I was being carried on one of my teammates shoulders.

That was until....

*Pewww* *Pewww* *Pewww*

Multiple shots were fired at the crowd and the team as we were celebrating. No one got hit except for me as I was the one they wanted to kill, I got hit in my torso, shoulder, and stomach.


'Ugh what the fuck just happened.'

These were the words in my mind as I was laying on the field surround by my peers trying to stop the bleeding

"Shit dude, come on stay wit us"(Teammate 1) cried out holding one of my wounds as (Teammate 3) and (Teammate 2) held on to the other ones.

I felt my consciousness slipping as I was getting pretty tired wanting to close my eyes but I knew if I did I would be dead.

"Call 911, quick"(Teammate 2)

"Fuck bro, your gonna be OK just stay awake please"(Teammate 3) he cried out.

It was after 2 minutes I died right before the ambulance got to me, I was pretty pissed off since they got there right when I died but I knew they couldn't do anything. I was surrounded by darkness and was showed a screen from which I could still see my family and friends crying as they saw my dead body, they also found my killer which was a random white dude that I saw a few times from school. I found out by over hearing that he was jealous of me because I was cool but you know feelings could cloud judgement, I wasn't mad since I was already dead and there was nothing I could do about it except let the law take over which he got over 17 years in prison.

I don't know how time passed in here but I was able to watch for 2 years till the screen went black and white like it lost signal. From there I stayed in that dark room looking and feeling around, it was dark but I was still able to see, though there was nothing to see or touch. After checking around I could be pretty sure I was in a barrier as I couldn't move much, I've noticed my body wasn't like my original one. How did I know this? Well I could say that because I could see through it. Now you may think if you can't see your body how could you see or feel things, well it just felt natural like if I could always do it.

-------- Time-Skip Unknown --------

I don't know why but I know for sure I've been here for a Looooong time, there's barely anything to do so I just sleep most of the time and if I don't sleep, I just think about random things and how my life could've been better. At the start I thought I was getting isekai'd, transported, reincarnated, or reborn since I was a Weeb when I had my own free-time, I loved reading manga's and novel's, but I loved Fan-fictions. I always read on my downtime and sometimes thought about writing my own but guess what, I cant since now I'm dead.

"Hmmm, why are you here"(???)

It's voice was like a crowd of people saying the same thing at the same time, it was pretty scary as it sounded like hundreds of people from old to young and female to male.

'Shit who the fuck are you'(Ray) I jumped from surprise

"Pwah ahahaha, You are a funny mortal, My name is #!%^$*?"(???)

Right when it said its name it felt like a nails on a board, straight horrible

'Why you gotta screech for'(Ray) I yelled covering my ears.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry let me put it in your language, my name is Void, what is yours"(Void) questioned.

'Well nice to meet you Void, my name is Ray Lawrence'(Ray) replied.

"Well Ray Lawrence, you are a anomaly, in your world, even in death, so I'm here to offer you a deal"(Void)

'Hmmm, is there any clause in this deal, like I don't know, you sending me to my doom or sending me into a deadly world or something'(Ray) asked

Void did not answer so I felt like it was thinking about it, hopefully I don't go to somewhere like that cause I don't really think I could do it.

"No, I would not send your soul to such a place as it is not able to hold a soul like yours there"(Void) answered

'Wait if that cant contain me, how could my own world hold me'(Ray)

"Ah your world is one where your soul does not affect your body as your world is more developed into technology and lost all connections to the spirits, worlds like yours are called the free bounders and that's where the Gods choose people to bring into there own worlds for fun"(Void)

"We use daily things that you people think of like trucks and other weird deaths"(Void) continued

'Ah, I understand now, so what's this deal about'(Ray) asked

"Well you see I believe you got some pep to your step, so I want to give you a position as a overseer of your own space as long as things are connected to me"(Void)

'wait so you mean to say I get to be a God with like the capital G and everything'(Ray) asked

"Yes, you would be a God with a capital G, but I warn you since I am the Void all must come to me, as I am the beginning and the end"(Void)

'Very well, I accept your deal'(Ray)

"Good, I hoped you would say that"(Void)

After Void said that I begun to feel something going in me, it took some time but it passed.

'I got another questi— WOAHHH'(Ray)


I was interrupted by a portal before I spoke and lost consciousness as I was sucked in.

"Whoops, sucks for him, hope my brothers and sisters could live a good life this time around"(Void)

As Void finished speaking he disappeared leaving the space dark once again.

Sorry guys I haven’t been able to update the last story so I had to start a new one hopefully this one is better. Enjoy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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