
Chapter 22: The Request

"So you can use magic despite being a human?"

The elder clarified what I just explained to him earlier. I nodded 'yes' at his question, confirming. After that, he put his fingers on his chin, his eyebrows knitted.

Even though the heat surrounding me made was frustrating, not to mention, the hole in the middle of the roof of the house let the hot sunlight pass through the interior and furniture, I still didn't move in my seat.

Everything around here was made of wood, from the tables and chairs to the water containers and plates. There's also a small pool inside the room, filled with colourful fishes swimming on their will.

Just as I said before, tendrins need sunlight and water to live, so I wouldn't complain about how sweaty I am right now. And besides, I'm the only one who was struggling since I'm a human.

Then, I felt a pat in my shoulder, so I turned around to see whose hand it is. I saw Cainne with his warm smile, and in his hand was a small clean handkerchief folded into a smaller size. I couldn't help but to stare at it and be filled with joy. I accepted the cloth and whispered 'thank you' to him. After that short help, we continued to talk.

All of the people we met earlier are already here, standing all around the room, trying to get the perfect position to listen. Ever since I said that I'm the cursed being, the elder wanted to have a talk to me inside. I told him everything that I know about myself, and what trouble I experienced with it. I also told them about the Deravon kingdom trying to chase after me.

"Is there any other explanation than just saying that I'm a cursed one?" I asked, worried that I'm always being called in that way. I accepted that I'm cursed, but I want to know what my true identity is. I was confused about it all the time, even Farin couldn't be able to tell anything about me. My first assumption was I had an encantor blood since I can use magic.

The elder didn't answer my question for a minute, lowering his head and starting to stare at the floor at his feet, his face was now serious than ever. After that, he closed his eyes as I heard his quiet sigh from my distance.

"I lived my life as one of the Prophets once." He said. When I heard it what he said, I couldn't help but let my eyes sparkle, filled with enthusiasm. Is he seriously a Prophet?

Prophets are the only group of people from different races and different places who know and keep prophecies of the world. They were blessed by this ability because of their faith towards the Above. But no one really knew who their true identities are and where they are settling. I couldn't believe that I lived to see one of them here.

"And every time we worship the Above, they gave us the ability to see the past, the present, and the future." He added, lifting his head to see the sky above as he moved his arms in the air, reminiscing about the times he was one. "I saw lots of events flashing before my eyes."

"But once I left the group, I forgot every prophecy that I know." Then, he lowered his head, his eyebrows raised. "Right now, all I wanted was to live my best until I die."

The whole room was in silence, as all of us lowered our heads, couldn't help but to be sad too. I don't know when he started joining the Prophets but I'm sure that it is long enough for him to the desire for just normal life. No prophecies, no future to be worried about.

"If you're trying to look for answers, go to Ritensore, the home of the Prophets. Some of them might be alive until now." He said after a long time of silence, resting his hands on his chest, crossed. "They will explain the things you need to know."

"But if someone was chasing you, I don't want you to stay here." He added, his brows knitted, and the tension inside the room became heavier. "I don't want to risk these people's lives for your own safety. You must get away from here."

My eyes enlarged, but at the same time, I understand his intention. He just doesn't want the town of Zentra to befallen to the hands of my chasers. And he's right. This town doesn't have to do with me or any of my plans. If they got involved, I won't be able to forgive myself.

"I… I understand…" I answered with a hint of sadness.

After that, he stood up from his chair and started walking at a slow pace, trying to get away with the conversation.

"I'll let you stay for 3 nights, but after that, you'll be gone." Those were his last words and he finally went out of the house, leaving me and the whole crew to be in silence.


In the darkness, there will always be light. The town of Zentra illuminated in the middle of the dark woods, with their lanterns and lamps that scattered everywhere. The normal trees are now glowing with their leaves, guiding everyone in the roads. The gigantic tree in the middle was hit by the moonlight above, making it glow more than ever.

Not to mention that they're having a party for Dalary, but it almost looks like a festival of an important icon. As I see all that's been happening at the top of the highest house among all the town, I couldn't help but smile at the sight. They're all having fun, with nothing to worry about the threats outside. I started to feel sorry that I can stay here while I'm being hunted down.

"Found you." As I thought I'm the only one staying in the rooftop, I suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind. I turned around, curious who spoke, and saw Cainne holding two wooden containers, both were filled with wine. He lent me the other container, in which I accepted and stared at it. Come to think of it, I haven't drink any ale for a very long time since last year. I didn't get addicted to drinking, but it's always a satisfaction.

"I can't believe that I'll be able to go to a party like this," I said, staring at the whole glowing town, continuing to smile. I sensed the warmth and joy every time I see the lights, it's like how I felt with the medal's light during I'm in the prison of the Deravon kingdom.

"You've never been on a gathering before?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow, kinda surprised.

"The time I considered a party was when my father secretly hunted a deer, and kept it from others," I answered, wearing a troubled smile. I couldn't help but remember that time. It was fun to reminisce about it, but at the same time, one of the most worrying moments of my life. "Hunting on land that doesn't belong to us is forbidden, so it must be kept a secret."

"I see…"

The whole place was in silence, no one attempted to talk. I took a sip of my wine. Come to think of it, I haven't asked Cainne about his life in the Lamician kingdom. Ever since I was a kid, I always admire the encantors because of their majestic presence and elegance. And also, I wanted to know more about my friend.

"So…" I started, in which he turned his head to listen. "…since you're an encantor, I'm expecting you went to parties like this."

"You're saying that encantors are all the same?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, started to make me feel guilty about my statement. My eyes widened and my sweat dripped from my head, didn't expect that I just said something bad.

"N-No, that's– Wait."

My eyes turned into slits as I recognized the pattern of the conversation. I remembered I just did the same thing to him while we're in Atonis, and now, it seems like he was taking revenge. He started to laugh with his voice, and I couldn't help but pout about what he was doing. I can't believe I fell with his trick.

"Yeah. But it's really boring. They're just talking about moral principles and ethics. They're not talking about anything that's fun." He said like it was a problem, as his eyebrows furrowed. "Even though we have everything, that doesn't mean our life is amazing. That's what I realized."

Silence came again as soon as he finished his sentence until I just remembered something that I've been longing to request from him since we started travelling in the woods. I actually trusted him because of this reason also. I wonder if he will accept it.

"Cainne, can I ask a favour?" I started immediately.


"Can you…" I turned around to see him as I tried to show him how serious I am for this request. "…train me to use magic?"