
chapter 2 amnesia



a boy fell into a river shook his head as it is aching at the moment.

".. who… am i..?"

upon realization, he doesn't seem to know who he is.

"Where… am i..?"

he said to himself as he started looking at his surroundings.



"Im… wet…"

upon realization, he concluded to himself that he fell into the river and is currently wet.

"How…" the boy muttered as he started looking up into the sky.



"eh? Why..?"

Upon realization, tears started flowing out into his cheeks.

He tried stopping the tears from flowing but seems unable to.

He just let it be and once again stared at the vast blue sky.

He stayed in his place for 5 minutes whole.

Until there was a girl, looking at him

She has a hair of green, no... it was emerald like hair.

She has bags under her red eyes, she seemed like she just cried moment ago.

She dirty and panting, as if someone or something is chasing her.

Uroar!The boy heard the loud roar.

He noticed, the girl was in shock and Is trembling in fear.

Tears started to flow in her cheeks


He felt is heart is being pierced by the sight of the girl, he doesn't understand the reason why, he doesn't even know who the girl was, much less himself.

The orc was already besides her, as he stopped thinking at the moment and rushed his way out to the side of the girl in tears.

He form his fist and punched the orc in its guts.


The orc scattered in many pieces and blood in the trees.

"why are you crying..?"

Asked the boy. As he doesn't know what to say to her at the moment.

The latter started to look behind her as if trying to comprehend what just.

He thought to himself.

The girl returned her gaze back at him and finally opened her mouth.

"who… are you..?" asked the girl.


After a moment of silent

The boy opened his mouth

"i… I don't know"

The girl let out a "eh?" as she didn't expect that kind of response at all.

"I don't know who am i… my name… my age…" he continuedThe girl was still in shocked state.

"I don't know anything about mysel-"


Suddenly he heard a ring of bell inside his mind.

[congratulation, you were given a lovely system that was personally made by origin itself]

Shocked as he doesn't know who's talking to him, he started surveying his surrounding but found no one other than the girl infront of him.

[ah, host. Im talking directly into you mind, as I don't have any physical form at all]

"who are you!?" he shouted.

"eh!?" the girl was shock by his sudden shout.

[HAHAHAHA, host, you don't have to shout you know? Look, you even scared the lil fella infront of you. Just try talking to me on your mind]

'who are you?'

[hm, me? Im a unnamed system assigned to you by the system]

'what is a system and what does it do?' he asked.

[ you could say that, a system, is like that of a life support. We support your everyday needs and help you grow]


[don't know, I was just forcefully assigned to you without my own consent, you know?]

Must be hard for him too huh… the boy said to himself

[nah, not really, you seem really interesting so I don't regret bein stuck with you at all, there is this mystery looming around you.]

[alrighty, as fer starter, start saying status] it continued.



Name: Silver ---

Age: 10

Race: ######(sealed)

Shop: ]sealed]


Actives: deathly strike, fatal punch 3, heavy punch 5, feather movement 6 ...(sealed)

Passives: ##### body

system remarks: even a veteran knight will pee his pants before this monster.

Seeing the remark made by the system, he seems confused as he doesn't even know what a knight is.

[oh, my bad, I forgot you're kind of dum-]


"sorry for being rude but… y-you seemed dazed"

Interrupting the system, the girl in sight started to talk to him.

"who are you?" he asked the girl

"m-my name is silvia! Eldest child! N-nice to metsh shu!" she stuttered

Her face started turning red as she seemed embarrassed by the introduction she just made.

"hm… I see, Sylvia was it, great name" he smiled to her in response

[damn, you just had a amnesia, and now you already have a tomato faced girl infront of you, im proud of you]

System said to him, as if it was a parent who's child is about to get a girlfriend.

I could see him as if he was wiping his fake tears… whatever. Said to himself.

"silvia… about the question earlier… I seem to finaly remember who I am… my name is silver"

"silver…" her face turned red as is she just asked her crush name, she looked at the ground with a smile.

After few seconds of silent, she finally turned her gaze towards him again.

"so… um, si-silver… do you have any place to go in mind?"

She asked.

"I don't have any, as I don't even know where I am…"

With a hope in mind

"um… then, is it possible for me to stay with you? Ill act as your guide! Or do the chores!"

Silvia gathered all her hope in that request

With that request, silver eye widened, he didn't know anything about this unknown place.

"sure… if youre fine being with me…"

[ara, ara, seems like my boy is about to venture the world with his wifey. Time sure run fast.]

He could imagine it again wiping its fake tears.]

With that,a bit of blush and a huge smile was formed in her face, and tears began to flow.

"Thank you!"


meanwhie in a different place at a different timeline.

in a vast space, a throne of gold and curtain of red could be seen besides a gigantic colorful tree.

in that same place,

one could see a colorful tree.

golden lamps with a colorful fire, a long majestic red carpet, and a throne made out of pure gold that shines throughout the vast place.

a girl was sitting in that throne, she has a emerald like hair, wearing a red dress, she has a crown with different gem stones floating up her head.

"big brother..." she muttered. she seemed sad as she caved her face in her arms.

she's been in that same lonely place... for millions of years... all alone...