
Child Labor Is Fine If It's For A Good Cause: Chapter 1

The taste of some kind of waste found its way into her dry mouth. She attempted to stand up because she knew she wouldn't last the night if she stayed here, but only succeeded in falling back down face first. She coughed out a little bit of blood, as the thought finally crossed her mind, 'I'm going to die here aren't I...?'

'Huh. Now that I think about it, this isn't the worst way to go. At least I have something to drink (questionable origins or not),' She thought as she heaved what might be her last shuddering breath.

'Only a miracle could save me now...'


'Hey author, insert miracle here.'



[Aw, sh*t I think I stepped on it]


"Um, ow," She flinched in pain.




"Actually I could use something like this, HEY KID YOU ALIVE?!"

'Nope I'm just chillin' in this toxic waste,' She thought cheekily, her eyes still closed in exhaustion.

"Well do you have anywhere to be? Cause if not I'm adopting you," said Creepy Lady in a flat voice, like she was discussing the price of a meal and not the girl's life.

"Naw man, I'm just waiting to die on this damp, dark road. Alone. By myself. Did I mention I've got no where to go?" She managed to say, her voice rasping painfully.

"Yeah I got that, well come on Edge Lord, my place is at least better than that goblin crap pile you're laying in." She said as the girl opened one eye to see the Creepy Lady fanning her and holding her nose a short distance away.

'Wait, hold up. Creepy lady is lookin' fine~ and also- I'M LAYING IN WHAT??'

Sadly, these were the last thoughts of the girl as her vision slowly started to fade from the exertion of speaking, but with her final breath of polluted air she said, "Sorry I couldn't help ma'am."

Lol quick chapter to kill off the MC, sorry for whatever unfortunate soul actually reads this...

CaffeineGodcreators' thoughts