
Chapter 2 : Explanation and Reincarnation

I sat down on the chair closest to me and began drinking my tea, it was the best that I have ever tasted in my life even its fragrance will make anyone want to drink even a little bit of it.

As I was drinking my tea the old man or Grandpa since he told to call him like that was starting to explain things to me

" first you know that you're dead right ? " he asked

" well yeah... I was shot by a cop" I answered

" so now I'm going to explain things clearly to you now, listen carefully"he said

" So before anything you have to know there is five type of souls with different colors, the first one is black, the second red, the third orange, the fourth yellow and the last which only appears once every million year the white soul... you're soul color is white so that's why you're here with me"

" what defines the different souls ?"I asked

" to explain it in the simplest term the black souls are those that were the scums of their world, when alive they did so many so many hideous things that their good karma is not even noticable "

" for the red ones they are the one who will pass a test to see their true nature as to bring to the black or orange category. These type of people did bad things but also good even if the bad karma is higher than the good one. But the gods decided to give them a chance and we created the test "he said

" what kind of test is it ?" I asked

" I don't know just listen "he answered

" the orange souls are those that will go through the reincarnation cycle since there karma is balanced between the good and bad ones, until there soul color change they continue going through the cycle until their soul's color changes "

" the yellow are considered as the good people and will go straight to heaven, their good karma is superior to the bad one"

" as for the white ones they are candidates to become gods" he finished

" what do you mean by candidate to become gods? " I asked because I was confused as Hell

" When someone with a white soul appears one of the higher level gods would take him and explain things to me, this time I happened to be the one who noticed you first so I brought your soul here "he started

" those souls are not the good souls though, souls even more disgusting as the black ones can appear but still be god candidates. We don't know what does make someone a god candidate though only the emperor knows "he finished

" when you say candidate that means he can be dropped out ? "

" yes... but that only happens when the said person die before ascending to the higher realm and become a god" he said

" How do someone ascend to the higher realm ? " I asked still drinking my tea

" to do that one must defeat the god present in his world so can you choose in which world you want to reincarnate in " he asked

" in the ninja world of Naruto " I answered

" in that case you'll have to defeat that little girl Kaguya to ascend... now tell me what kind of background you want to have plus three wishes " he said

After he finished explaining things to me I got up from the chair and sat down on the floor cross legged, it helps me think better. I don't want mess with this because that's my future, Grandpa said that he is one of the higher gods so that mean he can give most of the things I ask.

I don't want a system, I mean I don't want to be given everything freely. I want to earn them myself with sheer effort from my part. So I'm not gonna have no system, but I want to have the talent. Without you can't do anything in that world, take Lee as example he has no talent for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu so he will never be able to do it but he have excellent talent on Taijutsu that's at the end of the series he was an master on it.

Second I want to have the will to be stronger and protect the people dear to me. I don't want to be overtaken by the greed for power or nothing like that. But did you see my boy Asura, my dude had was no prodigy, he was a normal person but with sheer effort and his will alone he became one of the strongest shinobis in history of that world. I want to have that too.

My third wish is for my background, I want to be reincarnated in a 2 years old version of Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter. My dad must look like him without his personality and the tattoos ( AN/: if they are, I don't really know ) because I don't want my dad to look like a buffoon. He must be at the level of a Kage or even stronger.

As for my mom she must be a beautiful woman I'll leave her look to Grandpa. She too must be at the Kage level, the two of them must love each other. We will live in Konohagakure, and live with my Grandfather who is stronger by leaps than the current Hokage. He will be part of the council and have his own faction in it.

We will not be in no clan, the four of us will live together in an big estate. When I go there I'm gonna develop our family into a clan with us being the main family. As for the Dôjutsu of our family will be yellow eyes with a three black circle tangent with each other.

The Dôjutsu have four forms, in each evolution there will be an additional circle until it reach three and in the fourth and last the form of the pupil will be a straight big black line.

When we awaken it is considered as the first form, when we achieve it we will have the ability to see the capabilities of the person as stats. Like his strength, agility, talent, willpower and things like that.

The second form will permit us to see through anything similar to the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.

The third form will give us the truth seeking eye, we will be able to read the minds of people that are weaker, at the same level or slightly stronger than us.

The last form will give us the power to see into the future, the amount of time we can see depends on the individual training. I think that's it

" is it all you want ?" the God asked

" you were reading my mind... oh! I forgot you're a god... yes that's all I want" i answered

" alright then off you go and fon't forget that you're a god candidate so train hard I'll be waiting for you in the higher realm"he reminded me before I disappeared


I woke up and found myself in a soft bed on my right side was a good looking man and on my left side was a beautiful woman and I was between the two of them.

Yo this the 2nd chapter I wanted to write it sooner but I had something so I hope you like it

kingotakucreators' thoughts