
Chickens Old

Dark creatures do as Demorgon bids, and his royal guard keeps order with an iron fist. All gods and temples are suppressed except for his own Dark Tabernacle. But with the re-emergence of the sword, Demorgon’s power may be waning. Evil monsters invade the city, and sections of Targas Adur have fallen to their influence. It’s up to you to slay them.

HUGUEL_0568 · Lịch sử
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10 Chs


The tunnel is silent now, the spiders and their unnerving sounds lost in the darkness. You stare at the guard's body a few moments, wrapped in your own thoughts.

The quiet is broken by the sword. "What did you think you were doing?"

"Fighting a spider—skull—thing…What was that?"

"A type of revenant, a malevolent spirit that can possess the living."

"The mist-stuff inside that skull?"

The sword ignores the question. "That display was disappointing. Again."

"What do you expect from me?"


"I'm not a soldier!"

What you are is an orphan who's lived on the streets of Targas Adur for as long as you can remember. Far from being a soldier, you make your meager living by…