
Chickens Old

Dark creatures do as Demorgon bids, and his royal guard keeps order with an iron fist. All gods and temples are suppressed except for his own Dark Tabernacle. But with the re-emergence of the sword, Demorgon’s power may be waning. Evil monsters invade the city, and sections of Targas Adur have fallen to their influence. It’s up to you to slay them.

HUGUEL_0568 · Lịch sử
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10 Chs


You whip around at the sound, putting the sword between you and whatever it is. The blue glow from the sword cuts through the darkness behind you, revealing the source.

A spider, two hands-breadth's wide, scuttles across the bone-paved floor, toward you. It freezes the moment the sword's light illuminates it, staring at you with what seem like a dozen eyes glittering with blue reflections of the sword.