
3 || Moonlit

As she closed the wooden door behind her, she heard Hayabusa leave. Kagura sighed and leaned on the door, he never said it. He never told her about his enrollment. She was anxiously asking why he never told her. She thought they were great friends that can trust each other already.

She walked to her own room and sat on her bed, She sighed for the second time. She looked at her own invitation at her bedside table. Yes, she herself was also invited to be in the special class. She was planning to tell Hayabusa about the news, expecting for him to be happy for her, though it never came.

She was slightly conflicted, it meant leaving Hayabusa. He was a dear friend of hers, and the only one that was so complicated. Sure, she had many friends in the village, that cheerful yet innocent attitude of hers was always her strong points.

When she was assigned to be Hayabusa's playmate she never expected a serious kid. Not like normal kids he was serious and would never smile. This was a drastic change for her, but she saw it as a challenge.

To make Hayabusa smile sincerely.

That was her goal and she suceeded. . . kinda?

He still wasn't talkative but that's just his personality, Kagura already accepted that.

She was surprised when her father told her that Hayabusa also got invited. Her conflicting feelings now gone (although she had to worry about her family), she waited for Hayabusa to tell her the whole day. But it never happened, he wanted her to be kept in the dark. She was expecting him to say:

``Hey Kagura I got into a special summer class.``

``Oh me too!`` She'd squeal.

Though that would be so out of character.

She stopped thinking and only smiled, she needed to be positive.

If it means not surprising him today, she'll surprise him even more tomorrow.


He swore he heard himself gulp. The girl that he played with years back, the girl that befriended him, and the girl he ran away from is right here. His very own friend, Kagura. As she stepped inside he ignored the spiritualist and looked at the opposite direction, Hanabi however was curious.

``So who are you exactly?`` She'd ask rather bluntly as Kagura only smiled, she always wanted to make new friends.`` I'm Kagura it's nice to meet you I hope we can be friends!`` She'd squeal as Hanabi only looked confused.

``I'm Hanabi, and likewise. Though I'm quite curious, what's your relation to that. . . man?`` Hanabi asked with disgust and Kagura only looked over.

``Me and him are friends.~`` She'd have a small smile as Hayabusa looked over to the two. ``You actually have friends Haya?`` Hanabi scoffed as he only rolled his eyes. Kagura however was rather conflicted but shrugged it off as they were traveling.

``Now buckle up you cucks, we still have one more.`` The owl said as he started the teleportation. Kagura felt out of balance but managed to stay standing, Hanabi was flinching, and Hayabusa didn't move at all.

They then teleported to somewhere else entirely, it was a rather beautiful place and Kagura couldn't help but be mesmerized. The owl checked the list as it opens the entrance, eagerly expecting something.

``Hayabusa?`` She'd ask him as he twitched, he was still in a tight spot. Hanabi only snickered, this was a new side of him she never knew. ``. . . ?`` He'd turn to her crossing his arms as he silently looked at her. Kagura only pouted and pinched both his cheeks quite aggressively, Hayabusa was surprised to her sudden action.

``You should've told me you were also invited. . . ! I already had a scenario in mind!`` She'd squirm while she kept pinching his cheeks harder. Normally Hayabusa would kill anyone who does this, but this was Kagura we're talking about, she's too innocent for her own good.

``I'm sorry.`` He apologized as she lets go, a laughing Hanabi in the corner. Kagura on the other hand looked at the girl in front of them. She was the supposed moon child the owl muttered about. The girl resembled a child with long brown hair tied up into small twintails, she had a green dress with long green sleeves that weren't connected to the dress. The most unique thing about her is that she was sitting on a floating moon with a bunny on her hand.

``You must be Chang'e the moon palace Immortal.`` The owl introduced as she happily nodded. The shadow sect and Scarlet sect ninjas on the other hand were quite shocked when they heard her title, except Kagura who was just shocked at how adorable she was.

``Good morning!`` The moon child happily greeted as she floated inside, Kagura did not rest as she instantly patted the moon palace immortal.`` You are so adorable~`` She'd squeal as Hayabusa and Hanabi were terrified, this very adorable child was of high status.

``Awe thank you!~ You're adorable too!`` Chang'e squealed as Kagura smiled, she might already have two friends. Hayabusa sighed a relief, he didn't want a friend to die as a sacrifice. Though after all the fun and games the owl decided to speak up.

``Come on now let's go-`` He was caught off with a man rushing in with an angry expression.``Wait just a minute!`` He'd exclaim as he pointed to the moon child.

``She is not going anywhere!`` Everyone was surprised as the owl had an irritating twitch.``And why not?`` He countered back.

``I don't approve of it!`` He glared as Chang'e only looked worried.

``And who even are you?``

``I'm Zilong, the son of the great dragon!`` Hanabi was generally surprised. She have heard of the great dragon that have ever lived, although she only reads that up. This man was very famous and even has great status, she was careful and only stayed silent.

``Haya. . . He has big hair. . . !`` Kagura whispered in awe, as Hayabusa only nodded. Chang'e couldn't help but giggle at that statement, although gaining her composure. ``Big brother. . . ! I have already decided this. . . !`` She whined as the dragon warrior only glared even more.

``I'm your master and I don't approve of it! How do we even know if it's real?`` That was a good question actually, Hayabusa even asked it himself but he could tell just by looking at it.

The letter itself only opens to the one it's addressed to, this is a high level enchantment so it has to belong to someone of a high level. The signature that is signed on the bottom right is the official signature of the higher ups that resided far from home, and this very owl is also a glaring sign that this is official.

``I have no time for these shenanigans.`` The owl only scoffed as he used a spell to push out the dragon warrior. Chang'e could not help but smile at her big brother. ``I'll make you proud!~`` She'd have a wide grin as the entrance closed down, the dragon warrior still worried on the other side. And there resided a pregnant silence.

``That delayed so much time. . .`` The owl muttered to itself as Hayabusa only looked at it with pity, meanwhile the girls (mostly Kagura and Chang'e) were too busy complimenting each other with innocent faces plastered on there faces. Although Hanabi was glaring at him yet again.

``. . . ?`` He looked back as she grits her teeth.

``I'm still superior, even if you were invited. It must've been only a cahoot.`` She remarked as he only rolled his eyes, even if he talked back she would remain stubborn as always. It would only be an inconvenience.


``And we have arrived.`` The owl declared as it opened it's eggpod. The four looked at the outside, it was quite huge actually. The four walked out as the owl flew out being the tour guide of the scholars.

``Welcome to the special summer class, Etherea.``

And their school life started.

Totally not a serious diggie cameo~

Deluxiniumcreators' thoughts