

Andrew_Akposeye · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs

Chapter 6_The Virtuous Woman

 Stanley scrolled through his facebook page! unenthusiastically as he waited for dinner to be ready. As he pored over the pages, he stumbled on a video clip of an old who had been married for 71 years. Intrigued, he sat up and called out to Linda, his wife, who was busy in the kitchen. "Honey, you need to see this."

"What is it?" Linda asked, without stepping out of the Kitchen.

"You won't believe it. This couple has been married for good 71 long years, wow! How on earth did they do that?" Stanley asked rhetorically, emphasizing the years they've been married. When there was no further response from the kitchen, Stanley called out to his wife again. "Honey, did you hear what said?"

"Sure did. I'm guessing they achieve that because the man was always considerate enough to understand when his wife needs help in the kitchen." Stanley chuckled at Linda's reply. He understood where she was going with that comment.

"Honey, am considerate and love you very much but I'm not getting into that kitchen today. I'm simply fagged out." With that, he stretched himself on the sofa and continued watching the video. He also increased the volume so his wife could hear since she was too busy to join him. The elderly couple was on a TV show answering some questions from the host. When asked about how her experience as a wife has been, the wife gave an incisive remark.

"Since God brought us together as husband and wife, we have never regretted marrying each other. For 1 me, it has been a lifetime opportunity to discover true love. I will never forget when we newly got married, my husband would sing and cradle me to sleep like I was a baby and he would wake me up with kisses. He would carry me at every opportunity within our apartment and even feed me while having our meals together." There was a brief laughter in the studio before she continued. "He'll hold my hand gently as we walk every time, he still does today. His love for me is noticeable everywhere we go, in the church, in the neighbourhood, among his colleagues. He protects and defends me before friends, in-laws and even my own family. It felt like I was living out a fairy tale.

"He never keeps late nights; anytime the traffic condition on the road was beyond his control, he would call to inform me about it. Talking about calls, my husband called me daily from work and he would give me the warmest hug when he comes back home. He never fails to do that till date. My husband makes me feel so loved, wanted and cherished.

"After I eventually got a job two years into our marriage, he made sure we left home together. He would drop me off at my office and come to pick me at closing because my office was along the way to his. When we got home, my prince charming will insist that I take a moment to freshen up and rest awhile before going to the kitchen and he was always around to assist me. He would even do the house chores without my asking."

"I hope somebody heard that." Linda interrupted from the Kitchen. Stanley ignored her comment and continued watching attentively.

"He honours, treats me with respect and shows me great understanding. He understands my moods and feelings and knows ways of bringing me out of any unpleasant mood which I rarely had because of his overwhelming love. My darling and I pray together It was usually a moment of refreshment and renewal. When I started having children after seven years of delay, my darling husband was always there.

He was my first doctor and nurse; he reminded and served me my routine drugs every day. He would massage my aching legs and back every night. During that period, he did most of the house chores alone: he did the laundering, cooking and vacuuming without complaint. Still, he never failed to remind me how beautiful I looked during my gestation period.

When the children arrived, he was totally involved. He was always the first to wake up when the babies cried. Sometimes, he would stay awoke throughout the night rocking our babies while I slept. The way he loved the children gave me great joy. On many: days, he would take us out for shopping and special dates whether it was our wedding anniversary or not, something he still happily does today. He showers me with gifts, different gifts. The children and I never lacked anything; he made sure of this and..." Sighing contentedly, she concluded, "I could go on and on. Myi husband is one of a kind and love him so much," she

said, wiping a tear from her eye. As the video continued, Stanley couldn't help but I think: "These things the woman mentioned that her I husband does for her are not really a big deal. They are little things every husband can easily do for his spouse if he genuinely loves her. No doubt, I am nothing compared I to this great husband of hers. I wonder what kind of I testimony my wife would give concerning me." With that I thought, he walked into the kitchen to help his wife. I

Love in action is a beautiful thing. It is the bedrock of peace, honour, submission, care, good health, progress, openness, fruitfulness, etc. in any home. A home where it is abounding, appreciated and reciprocated usually enjoys a heaven-on-earth.