

"Darius Hermès" Known in the name of "CHELD" [yes, it's "cheld" not child dumbass.] So just like I say Darius (is obviously) the mc in this messed up story. Darius just like any reincarnated shameless mc, died from his previous life and reincarnated. If in romance manhuas where the girl died in city world and born in historical world. Well it's quite opposite of this because the mc died in historical and born in much more advance world and his new life is quite tragic and not so-so In his new life he coincidental reborn in his descendant's body who grow up in a cannibal tribe and live all alone after the war He kept his looks on his young age even though his not young no more (does 305 billion years old count as young? Idiots would say it does) It's quite confusing ain't it? Cause im more confused than you do So let's just say before he died he created a ghost like pendant who's gonna find a perfect body for him to get reborn to and that pendant makes you a immortal yea like that And to be more clear his previous life is in another world, yes a whole different dimension. He's like a powerful lord ass on his previous life but got bored and etc So let's just say he's now a billion years old child like face who lives all alone in a abandoned island with (dead) criminals everywhere and a freaking pyschopath found him after escaping in mental hospital— I might tell you the whole story because of this so if you want to continue reading read the chapters not the synopsis (idiotic dumbass.)

kittysilly · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs




"What are you gonna do now?"

"What do you mean? Zeus."

"You've been here for so long doing nothing but watching the Anthropos all day."

"How many times do I say to you to mind you're own business, You've got so many bitches out there have fun with them and don't disturb me."

"I think you're mistaken. Im just here to remind you that you're a -Theos-"

"Blah blah blah done talking? Good, now leave."

"No! im not!!—"



'Tsk. how ignorant.' -Zeus muttered.

I sigh and go back watching them. You may also question why I do this but it's because of them. Those kids.

"Poor innocent little hamsters."

{He prefers calling kids little hamsters because they look like one}

"I wonder when will they start to pay attention to you, like look at you you're like little angels who have not enough knowledge to survive alone in a miserable place. I wonder how would buddha react if I tell him this."

On this time the humans learn how to fight each other and started war on they're own greed's of course the one who'll get fully impacted by this are non other than weak humans who can't protect themselves.

"I want to help them but im gonna be so late. I can't just spawn there and lead the right path."

Darius thinks if he's gonna sacrifice his power over humanity.

"450 billion years after this Gaia would shattered and leave no traces behind."

But im in whole another dimension. And I have no authority to go and help them. Unless im a Anthropos like them..




"Yes. That's it!!"

"Even though it will still take me too much time to become a Anthropos I think a few years would be enough to conquer this little Gaia and change what's written in that mere book!"

{And that's how he created a goddamn ghost like pendant.}