
Chasing The Vengeful Villainous Heiress

(MATURE CONTENT) A Villainess, they called her. A killer. A psychopath. A demon. Mentally unstable, and a crazy bitch. Well, they were right about the crazy part but it wasn't exactly the kind of crazy they were thinking of. Though so many crimes were pinned on her back, she was innocent of all but she proudly wore the label of being a villainess. But in front of the one whom she loved, she was defenseless and could only shudder with the sheer thought of him inflicting pleasure through his supposed 'suffering'. "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. Do you know why I keep chasing you?" Valerie looked at this man in front of her with no vivid emotion on her face and she sighed. "What do you want, Max?" "It's not a 'what', Valerie. It's a 'who'." He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. "I want you and I will chase you down and make you suffer more than you made me suffer." "And when do you plan to make me 'suffer'?" Valerie asked, showing no hint of fear as she folded her arms. Max's lips curled up in a smirk and he said, "It's up to you, princess." Valerie, the heiress of the Ross group, the second-largest corporation in the country, had a bad reputation for being a villainess. Called a villainess by choice and was thus a villainess as clean as a slate. Attempts on her life were made. Crimes were pinned on her back. It was already getting out of hand and what she was fighting for was being threatened, so she decided to lay low. She decided to take a vacation. But even then she could not enjoy her 'vacation' in peace. 'He' was following her! They had a past, back in highschool. Now, he was the representative of the Stewart group, the leading corporation in the country. "You can't escape my clutches, Valerie Ross! I will chase you to the ends of the Earth if need be. Even to the depths of hell!" Unable to ignore him or the feelings hidden in her heart, she decided to confront him. Bind him to herself and use him as a pawn in her game of revenge chess. But that was until, he decided to make her 'suffer'. Yeah, she would gladly enjoy the feeling of suffering in his hands. Because... he was the only one she loved and would ever love. ******** Before you read, know that both MC's have a bit of loose screws in there heads. I'm being literal. Read and you'll find out what I'm talking about. They need help. But in the quest for revenge, no one can be completely sane, I guess. Anyway, just read on. I hope you enjoy it. ********** please check out my completedwork, I Am An Illegitimate Child With A Legitimate Reason For Revenge

Author_fredah · Thành thị
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163 Chs

Read you like a book

In the coming days, Valerie stayed quiet. This got them restless as no one knew what was going on in her head. What sort of scheme was she plotting? What sort of trap was the setting for the innocent ones?

But this villainess was neither plotting schemes nor setting traps, rather, she was relaxing and reading romance novels and enjoying what they call, the peace before the storm.

She would either sit by the pool, under the parasol in the yard, or on her balcony. That had been her routine as of late while putting her enemies off guard.

But they refused to let their guard down, especially after the stunt she pulled, faking her death and all.

Valerie couldn't be bothered though. While her haters and enemies were being troubled at mind day and night, she was enjoying her peace of mind with a little bit of caution.

Of course, Max did not fail to call her at least twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening, just to make sure she had not died at the hands of her uncle's family.

"You honestly worry too much. Do I seem like an easy target?" Valerie asked with a calm tone.

"If you weren't, you wouldn't desperately take my hand, would you?" He responded, probably feeling proud of his answer and she rolled her eyes.

Thankfully, they were on call so he wouldn't see. But strangely, he asked,

"Did you just roll your eyes?"

Valerie paused. How did he know? She looked left, right, and then behind her to see if anyone was watching and he said,

"If you're looking around to see if anyone is watching you then I can say you're more predictable than I imagined. I can probably read you like a book." He boasted and this time, she did not react at all, wondering if he would make a wrong guess.

And if he did, she could mock his so-called 'read her like a book'.

"You're calm now, aren't you?" He asked and Valerie clenched her fists. There was no way she would believe he wasn't spying on her. No way was she so easy to read.

"Valerie, you're plain. Your true self is plain so it's really obvious how you will act in certain situations." Maximus explained but it only made her feel bitter. "Anyway, your first course of action is next week, during her birthday. Have you picked out a dress to wear?"

"Does it matter? I can wear whatever." She said, leaning back in her chair but he shook his head.

"That won't do." He said. "You're going to be accused of seducing me, so you have to look the part, don't you agree? Who's going to believe that you were able to seduce Maximus Stewart if you don't even look appealing that day?"

"I always look appealing." Valerie proudly and confidently said.

"All the more reason to put extra effort into your outfit." He said and she darted her eyes to her wardrobe. She had a lot of dresses. She just had to pick one, so there was no need to buy a new one.

"I'm going to give you your dress myself." He said. "Let's meet up tomorrow."

Valerie frowned. Why did it seem like he had this planned out before he called her?

They ended the call and she sighed. What a piece of work!

Meanwhile, in Max's office, his secretary stood before him with furrowed eyebrows and asked,

"You're going out again? Haven't you had enough fun for one month? You need to be serious with work as well."

"What? You're the one who told me to try and rest from time to time." Max defended dropping his phone on the table. "I'm resting now, so what's the issue, Tom?"

Tom clicked his tongue.

He had been Max's secretary from the moment he rose to the position of representative, heading towards the position of chairman. Since Max had the biggest chance of becoming chairman, especially since he was deeply favored by his grandfather, the current Chairman, he was eager to follow him all the way.

Yet, these days, this capable representative was acting a bit strangely and neglecting work. Something he had never done before.

They had a lot on their hands yet Max suddenly decided he wanted to take a vacation and ran off to Miami with his assistant, Jeremy (the same guy whom Frankie had stolen the bracelet from) leaving Tom to work his ass off while he chased after his love-hate feelings.

"Well, look on the bright side," Max said, resting his back on his chair. "I found myself a wife."

"A wife? What do you mean?" Tom asked, confused. "Weren't you planning to marry Ross's Heiress?"

"Yes, and that's what I did. I got married to Ross's Heiress."

Tom was honestly confused. He had not heard of any marriage registration between the two families.

Then, he placed the dots together. His going to Miami, the news of Valerie's death, and then her sudden appearance, matching the same day he returned.

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, my ever-capable secretary." Max nodded and grinned. "You got it all right."

"Boss, you can't be serious," Tom exclaimed. "That girl is vicious and cruel. Haven't you heard the rumors of her? She doesn't have a good reputation. How can you get married to the likes of her?"

Max suddenly glared at him, putting pressure on him. Tom forgot to breathe for a moment, as it felt like his lungs were being squeezed like a sponge by the heavy gaze on him. Why was his boss like this all of a sudden?

"The likes of her?" Max repeated in a growl, his gaze growing colder and colder.

Tom was shaken and he gulped. He had almost forgotten what sort of scary person his boss was just because he had been laid back as of late and was regularly having simple conversations with him.

"Dare to say one more word about my Valerie and I'll show you what cruelty really means." He said and looked away, releasing Tom from the pressure. "She is my wife now, so mind how you address her in front of me. No one is allowed to make a fool of her other than me."

He crossed the line this time, so he bowed his head.

"Yes, sir."

Tom kept his head down but secretly glanced at Max, wondering what his boss was thinking all of a sudden. Why would he leave Lucy who was kind and lovable and go ahead to marry someone with such a bad reputation and evil personality?

Though she is the true heiress, everyone says she is not fit.

With this, he might even risk his chances of taking over the position of chairman since his enemies would use this to fight him.

He honestly couldn't understand what he was trying to achieve by doing that.

Yes, his secretary and his assistant are both bearing Tom and Jerry, haha. but instead of using Jerry for his assistant, I decided to give him Jeremy


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